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Business Hours

The Business Hours feature in ManageEngine M365 Manager Plus allows IT administrators to customize the working day and hours for your organization. You can predetermine a set of hours and the days in the week that can be applied to various features in the product. Each technician in an organization can also arrange for separate Business Hours settings. And if a technician has not configured any settings, then the Business Hours settings configured by the default administrator will be applied to them.

The Business Hours tool is used in the various security features in M365 Manager Plus.

  1. Auditing: You can track various aspects of your Microsoft 365 services' environments, such as activities that took place only during business hours, and only during non-business hours.
  2. Alerting: Similar to the auditing feature, you can choose to view the various alert messages that happened only during your organization's business hours or non-business hours.
  3. Monitoring: This feature tracks the health of various Microsoft 365 services, and you can view the health statuses filtered by the business hours that you have configured.
  4. Reports: The Business Hours feature is used in reports, including those for OneDrive for Business, Yammer, and Calendar, to note activities that took place in a specified time period.

How to configure the Business Hours settings for your organization:

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