Mobile Device Manager Plus +Analytics Plus

Integrate Analytics Plus with Mobile Device Manager Plus to gain out-of-the-box insights into all your endpoints.

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    Create functional dashboards.

    Gain insight into the deployment, usage, health, and compliance status of endpoints using custom dashboards.


    Ask questions, get answers.

    Say goodbye to time-consuming report creation. Watch Zia, Analytics Plus' AI-assistant, answer your questions with insightful reports.

    Collaborate in real time.

    Don't wait for review meetings. Tag other users and discuss key findings instantly using report commenting.

    Derive unified insights.

    Blend your mobile device management data with information from other endpoint management apps such as Endpoint Central for a unified view of corporate devices.


    Proactively secure vulnerabilities.

    Get a comprehensive view of jailbroken and rooted devices, as well as the usage of prohibited or blocklisted apps, and take measures to secure those endpoints in time.

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