Role Based Access Control Tools

Role based access control (RBAC) is the process of restricting user access to network configurations and resources and provides RBAC security. In role based access control, RBAC solutions are provided to users who are assigned roles depending on the resources they need access to. All other parts of the network are rendered inaccessible to them, ensuring no unauthorized accesses or changes are made to network resources.

Example of How Role Based Access Control Works

Network Configuration Manager, also known as RBAC software or RBAC tool, comes with two predefined role based access controls that restrict users from accessing certain devices or device groups under role based access control feature.

Access level (role) Definition
Administrator These users have privileges to access, edit, and push configurations to any device. Only administrators can add devices to the inventory, add users, assign roles, and assign devices. In addition, administrators can approve or reject requests pertaining to configuration uploads (pushing configurations) by operators.
Operator These users have privileges to access and edit configurations of specified devices. They can also send requests for configuration uploads (pushing configurations) to administrators.

RBAC Configuration - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

Why RBAC and configuration approval in Network Configuration Manager are so important

Since Network Configuration Manager runs on a multi-user network environment, it's vital to restrict user access to network devices using a RBAC system. A faulty change to the network can lead to network issues, which can cause either a network disaster or a full-blown network outage. Reversing such outages can be time-consuming, which is why all changes should be checked and approved by network admins and role based access control is necessary..

Role based access control (RBAC) example

Role-based access control helps you define the scope of access for users so you can control what changes they can make to the network. Let's say a user is assigned to the Cisco device group as an operator in Network Configuration Manager. The operator can view the status of all devices in the device group, schedule backups, and request changes.

RBAC Tools - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

When the operator requests a configuration upload, the admin receives a notification. The admin can compare configuration drafts with the baseline configuration of the devices. The admin can choose to accept or reject configuration uploads with appropriate comments. Once the changes have been processed, operators receive notifications with the admin's comments.The entire process of RBAC configuration of change approval mechanism under role-based access control helps maintain control over what goes on in your network devices.

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Software - ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager offers advanced configuration change management functionalities like Diff View, real-time change detection and notifications. Get started with securing your network from configuration change mishaps and outages with your free trial of Network Configuration Manager.

Customer reviews

Network Configuration Manager
Your peers approve Network Configuration Manager
- Neil C. Perry, IT Manager, Stoops Freightliner-Quality Trailer, Inc
"Network Configuration Manager has helped us save a great deal of time in rolling out configuration changes to numerous network devices within minutes rather than hours, or even days. The automated approach on backups allows us to sleep at night knowing that we always have the most up to date configurations of our devices. The web interface quickly gives you a user friendly snapshot of the status of your devices providing you the knowledge of what devices are backed up, not backed up, have start/run conflicts, etc. NCM is by far the biggest bang for your buck on the market. It's an absolute must for network admins of enterprises of all sizes."
Network Configuration Manager
Your peers approve Network Configuration Manager
- Rob Calhoun, W.C. Bradley Company
"Network Configuration Manager has worked very well for us. Their technical support has been outstanding and they have gone above and beyond what I would have expected. I would highly recommend this product for anyone who would like to successfully manage their configuration files for all of their devices. "
Network Configuration Manager
Your peers approve Network Configuration Manager
- Larry Ware, Federal Signal Global Network Boffin
"Manageengine Network Configuration Manager has proven a very useful tool to help Federal Signal, Inc. manage multiple vendors equipment across multiple geographic locations. It has allowed us to effectively manage remote device configurations and implement effective change control for network infrastructure. "
Network Configuration Manager
Your peers approve Network Configuration Manager
- Kevin Spies, Manager of Network Operations, Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC
"Network Configuration Manager is a very powerful configuration management tool. Network Configuration Manager has saved us a great deal of time if a problem does arise because we know we can immediately pull the history of changes made and roll back the running configuration to a last known good configuration if needed. If you are someone that is currently wondering how to get a handle on your configurations changes then Network Configuration Manager is for you."
Network Configuration Manager
Your peers approve Network Configuration Manager
- Neil C. Perry, IT Manager, Stoops Freightliner-Quality Trailer, Inc
"Network Configuration Manager has helped us save a great deal of time in rolling out configuration changes to numerous network devices within minutes rather than hours, or even days. The automated approach on backups allows us to sleep at night knowing that we always have the most up to date configurations of our devices. The web interface quickly gives you a user friendly snapshot of the status of your devices providing you the knowledge of what devices are backed up, not backed up, have start/run conflicts, etc. NCM is by far the biggest bang for your buck on the market. It's an absolute must for network admins of enterprises of all sizes."
Network Configuration Manager
Your peers approve Network Configuration Manager
- Rob Calhoun, W.C. Bradley Company
"Network Configuration Manager has worked very well for us. Their technical support has been outstanding and they have gone above and beyond what I would have expected. I would highly recommend this product for anyone who would like to successfully manage their configuration files for all of their devices. "

Case Studies - Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager helps leading IT service provider for retailers centrally manage network device configurations

Industry: Business

Bovertis B.V, a leading IT solution/support provider for retail industry in The Netherlands uses Network Configuration Manager to automate the entire life-cycle of device configuration management; saves time, resources and improves productivity.

Learn more

Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager - Case Study - Business Continuity for Telecom Service Provider

Industry: Business

Telcommunication services like telephony and internet access are bare essentials in this age for both businesses and residential customers to connect with one another. To enjoy satisfied clientele, Providers offering these services must deliver uniterrupted access, wide coverage, high quality of service, and in the process, maximize efficiency & profits for their customers.

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Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager helps Princeton University's network infrastructure stay in top shape

Industry: Business

Princeton University, one of America's top research universities uses ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager to automate Network Configuration Management and upkeep its network infrastructure.

Learn more

Network Configuration Manager

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager helps leading IT service provider for retailers centrally manage network device configurations

Industry: Business

Bovertis B.V, a leading IT solution/support provider for retail industry in The Netherlands uses Network Configuration Manager to automate the entire life-cycle of device configuration management; saves time, resources and improves productivity.

Learn more

Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager - Case Study - Business Continuity for Telecom Service Provider

Industry: Business

Telcommunication services like telephony and internet access are bare essentials in this age for both businesses and residential customers to connect with one another. To enjoy satisfied clientele, Providers offering these services must deliver uniterrupted access, wide coverage, high quality of service, and in the process, maximize efficiency & profits for their customers.

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FAQs about Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Tools

1. What is role based access control (RBAC)?


2. Why is role based access control important?


3. How to use role based access control?


4. How does role-based access control (RBAC) work?


5. How RBAC improve cyber-security ?



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