What is a Device Template?

Device Templates contain the default commands for basic network operations. These commands differ for every vendor which makes things difficult for network admins. Device Templates eliminates the need for admins to remember and manually enter commands to execute network tasks like configuration backup, upload, fetching hardware information and other common operations.

Network Configuration Manager comes with built-in device templates for 200+ devices along with the option of creating custom templates to suit the network requirements. Admins can create custom templates by cloning the closest device templates or creating one from scratch.

Simplified Device Templates

Using Network Configuration Manager's Simplified Device Templates, admins can readily create custom templates. Admins can directly enter the CLI commands to create a new Device Template and choose appropriate protocol combinations. The device prompts are available by default for over all major vendors, making it easier for admins to create custom templates.

Backup operations in Network Configuration Manager is made simpler by enabling the admins to select the Backup Response. Here admins can select a particular command for which a backup needs to be triggered. During command execution, the config file will be retrieved for the command where the Backup Response has been selected.

While device templates can be created easily in the solution, admins can also request for a new device template directly from the GUI.

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