Configuring chat in Notification profiles

In OpManager, there are multiple ways to get an alert when an alarm is generated. You can get notifications via Email, SMS, Chat etc. In this document, we'll go through how to configure OpManager to deliver critical notifications directly to your preferred collaboration platforms: Slack and Microsoft Teams.

Slack and Microsoft Teams have become central hubs for communication and collaboration between departments. By bridging OpManager with these platforms, you'll receive instantaneous notifications regarding any issues, like a network outage, server glitch, or performance bottleneck.


To get notified via Slack or Microsoft Teams, you need to have configured Slack and Microsoft Teams first.

Steps to configure Slack in notification profiles:

Click here to learn how to configure Slack in OpManager

Follow the below steps to get notified by Slack when an alarm is generated.

  • Go to Settings and select Notification Profiles.
  • Slack Integration
  • Click Add and choose Chat.
  • Slack Integration
  • In the Slack Details section, pick Send to and opt for either Channel or Member.
  • Select the specific Channel or Member to receive the alert messages. Only the channels selected while integrating Slack with OpManager will be listed here.
  • Enter the Title and Description, and select Title variables and Variables.
  • Slack Integration
  • Click Next.
  • You can verify the Slack configuration by clicking Test Action.

The selected Channel or the Member will receive notifications regarding the alerts in OpManager.

Steps to configure Microsoft Teams in notification profiles:

Click here to learn how to configure Microsoft teams in OpManager

Follow the below steps to get notified by Microsoft Teams when an alarm is generated.

  • Go to Settings and select Notification Profiles.
  • Slack Integration
  • Click Add and choose Chat.
  • Slack Integration
  • Under Microsoft Teams, select the team to which the alert message must be sent. Only the teams selected while integrating Microsoft Teams with OpManager will be listed here.
  • Enter the Title and Description, and select Title variables and Variables.
  • Slack Integration
  • Click Next.
  • You can verify the MS Teams configuration by clicking Test Action.

The selected team in Microsoft Teams will receive notifications regarding the alerts in OpManager.

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