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Group Management
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory group management tool

A strategically designed Active Directory group helps simplify administration and achieves maximum flexibility. However, configuring groups and assigning various group attributes is a complex procedure that involves numerous steps when performed using native Active Directory tools and PowerShell.

An effective AD Group Policy management tool like ManageEngine ADManager Plus makes group management simple. This tool helps manage groups and streamlines the management of all other AD, Microsoft 365, and Exchange accounts and objects from a central web-console.

ADManager Plus has an exclusive feature dedicated for Active Directory group management that simplifies creating and managing of AD security and distribution groups. Add or remove multiple group members, and configure Exchange attributes and all other attributes in bulk by simply importing a CSV file.

With the Active Directory Group Policy management feature of ADManager Plus, you can:

Create groups and add multiple members at once

Creating AD security and distribution groups is simple with ADManager Plus. You can just create a group and import all its members from a CSV file or select them from a list. The Exchange properties of groups can also be defined in the same window. You can even employ customizable group creation templates to refine the process of creating groups as per the policies and needs of your organization.

Templates for group creation

Group creation templates streamline and standardize the process of creating and modifying AD groups. These templates enable administrators to control how they create or modify Active Directory groups at a very granular level. The Custom Attribute section also offers an option to execute custom scripts run on successful group creation. Administrators can enter the script or cmdlet in the space provided; it will be executed once the group object is created.

Bulk group membership modification

ADManager Plus enables you to modify Active Directory groups by just selecting the group and importing the members or selecting from the list of users. This eliminates the necessity for selecting individual Active Directory users and modifying their association with the respective AD groups. The scope of the groups will be immutable for security concerns.

Modifying group attributes of the users

Unlike native Active Directory where you can modify attributes of only a single member at a time, ADManager Plus allows bulk modification of users' group attributes. Group operations like adding or removing members from groups and setting primary groups can be performed on multiple group objects in Active Directory at once. Members don't need to be added one at a time and can instead be imported from CSV file or selected from a list.

Configuring Exchange attributes of groups

You can configure the Exchange properties for groups during their creation or modification. This will allow you to set email address, email aliases, delivery restrictions, and more for groups in Active Directory. Download a free trial of this software to explore all the group management features in detail.

Group Management

Active Directory Groups Management
Active Directory Groups Management

Modify Groups Attributes

Active Directory Modify Groups
Active Directory Modify Groups

Create and modify AD groups automatically

ADManager Plus' automation module enables you to automatically create and modify group operations at specified times such as delete, move, add, and remove groups. You can also introduce a review-approval-based workflow to ensure that you keep an eye on the group management tasks that are being automated.

Delegate AD group management

With this AD group management tool's delegation feature, you can securely delegate specific group modification operations to non-administrators. The delegated technicians will have limited access to the product and will be able to perform only the group modification operation in this case.

Simplify Active Directory group management

  • Create and manage AD groups in single and in bulk
  • Manage group membership in a few clicks
  • Configure Exchange attributes of groups easily
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Other features
  • Bulk User Management

    Fire a shotgun-shell of AD User Management Tasks in a Single Shot. Also use csv files to manage users. Effect bulk changes in the Active Directory, including configuring Exchange attributes.

  • Active Directory Logon Reports

    Monitor logon activities of Active Directory users on your AD environment. Filter out Inactive Users. Reporting on hourly level. Generate reports for true last logon time & recently logged on users.

  • Active Directory Computer Reports

    Granular reporting on your AD Computer objects to the minutest detail. Monitor...and modify computer attributes right within the report. Reports on Inactive Computers and operating systems.

  • Active Directory Workflow

    A mini Active Directory ticket-management and compliance toolkit right within ADManager Plus! Define a rigid yet flexible constitution for every task in your AD. Tighten the reins of your AD Security.

  • Active Directory Cleanup

    Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

  • Active Directory Automation

    A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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