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User Modification
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Modify Active Directory user attributes in bulk

Managing Active Directory (AD) user accounts is an arduous challenge that IT administrators face every day. Manually configuring and modifying user properties with native tools, such as PowerShell scripts, can be tiresome and error-prone. With PowerShell, administrators often find that simple, frequently occurring tasks, like resetting AD passwords and unlocking accounts, consume too much of their time.

ADManager Plus is web-based Active Directory user management software that facilitates bulk modification of user attributes in AD, Exchange, Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and Skype for Business. Using ADManager Plus' reactive user account management feature, it's easy to automatically update attributes of user accounts based on the changes that are being made to those accounts. This AD user modification tool also allows administrators to securely and easily delegate specific AD bulk user operations to help desk technicians.

Bulk user modification

Some key user modification actions that can be performed in AD, Exchange, and Microsoft 365 using ADManager Plus, an AD bulk user modification tool, include:

Reset Users Password in Active Directory
  • Reset AD passwords in bulk.
  • Enable/disable and unlock user accounts.
  • Modify the Terminal Services home folder along with the profile path for users.
  • Create Exchange Server mailboxes for users and enable archive mailboxes for them.
  • Set sending or receiving message sizes and message restrictions for users' Exchange mailboxes.
  • Modify the mail storage limits and deleted item retention policy.
  • Manage AD users' Microsoft 365 licenses.
  1. How to modify AD user attributes in bulk using a CSV file in ADManager Plus

ADManager Plus is a web-based solution for all your AD, Exchange, Skype for Business, Google Workspace, and Microsoft 365 management needs. It simplifies several routine tasks, such as provisioning users, cleaning up dormant accounts, and managing NTFS and share permissions. ADManager Plus also offers more than 200 prepackaged reports, including reports on inactive or locked-out AD user accounts, Microsoft 365 licenses, and users' last logon times. Perform management actions right from these reports. Build a custom workflow structure that will assist you in ticketing and compliance, and automate routine AD tasks such as user provisioning and de-provisioning.

Start a free, 30-day trial of ADManager Plus now.

Benefits of using ADManager Plus as AD bulk user modification software:

  • Modify users in bulk across AD, Exchange, Microsoft 365, and Skype for Business from a single console.
  • Eliminate the dependency on the complex native tools and PowerShell scripts to bulk modify AD users.
  • Automate and standardize user management routines with customizable templates.

Bulk manage AD users effortlessly with ADManager Plus

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Other features
  • Active Directory Management

    Manage AD, Office 365, Exchange, Skype for Business, and Google Workspace accounts of users, single or bulk, using CSV files or smart templates.

  • 180+ Active Directory Reports

    Built-in report library with over 180+ reports on AD, Exchange, Office 365 users. Export them as CSV, PDF, and XLSX files.

  • Active Directory Logon Reports

    Get pre-defined reports on inactive users, real last logon, recently logged on users, and enabled users.

  • Active Directory Compliance Reports

    Get reports on user logon, folder permissions, group memberships, and more to meet PCI-DSS, SOX, HIPAA, GDPR compliance requirements.

  • File Permission Management

    Protect your organization by modifying and revoking NTFS and Share permissions of users and groups.

  • Office 365 User Management

    Create Office 365 accounts, assign, revoke or remove their licenses, reset the password of accounts, and more.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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