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  • ManageEngine User Academy

ADManager Plus Awards and Recognitions

ManageEngine ADManager Plus holds its head high on being recognized and rewarded some of the most prized certifications and review ratings. Listed below are a few of them:

Redmond Reader's Choice Awards 2014 : Silver

Annual Redmond Third-Party Reader's Choice Awards ManageEngine ADManager Plus the Silver Winner in Active Directory Provisioning/Administration category for the year 2014. Readers' Choice 2nd Runner Up in the Group Policy Management category for the year 2014.

ADManager Plus adds yet another feather to its hat with a podium finish as the runners up in the Group Policy Management category in Reader's Choice awards.

Windows IT Pro Awards 2013: ADManager Plus wins the Community Choice Silver for the third consecutive year.

Extending the winning run!

Yet again, for the third straight year in a row, ADManager Plus gets the thumbs up from our customers and wins the Community Choice silver award in the Best Active Directory / Group Policy Product category Readers' Choice Runner Up in the AD Management Category for the years 2013 and 2014.

ADManager Plus adds yet another feather to its hat with a podium finish as the runners up in the Active Directory management category in Reader's Choice awards.

Windows IT Pro Awards 2012: ADManager Plus wins Editors' Best & Community Choice Silvers.

Continuing the winning streak!

Once again, ADManager Plus gets the vote of the expert reviewers and also our customers to bag the silver awards for the Editors' Best as well as the Community Choice in the Best Active Directory/Group Policy Product category, for the second year in a row.

Windows IT Pro's Editiors' Best and Community Choice Awards 2011

Winning the hearts of the experts and users alike!!

ManageEngine ADManager Plus wins Silver Medals in 'Editors' Best' and also 'Community Choice' in the 'Best Active Directory / Group Policy Manager' category.

Certificate Of Networthiness:

Defending the Active Directory of the Department of Defense

ADManager Plus has been awarded the prized Certificate of Networthiness (CoN) by the Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) of the United States Army.

Windows IT Pro:

Straight, Unbiased and Honest...

ADManager Plus has been conferred a "Three-Diamond" rating by Windows IT Pro Magazine!

ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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