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PowerShell as an AD reporting tool

Windows Active Directory reports arm administrators with essential information on Active Directory infrastructure and objects. Administrators, help desk technicians, auditors, and other users who access Active Directory information can efficiently create and manage users, objects, contacts, domains, OUs, groups, computers, printers, and any LDAP attributes. PowerShell has the tools you need to generate the necessary reports, but you need to understand that PowerShell scripting isn't a cake walk and takes considerable time to set up. Active Directory and PowerShell together offer a powerful set of cmdlets to generate reports on standard domain-related scenarios.

Below is a list of key reports, with links to PowerShell scripts for generating AD user and group reports. Further below, you'll find a tool that makes reporting on AD users and groups even easier by helping you generate those AD reports in a cinch with an intuitive, unified web-console.

Unlike conventional native tools or PowerShell, ADManager Plus comes with over 150+ out of the box reports on Active Directory infrastructure and objects. ADManager Plus is complete, pain-free Active Directory reporting software, giving you a comprehensive list of organizational reports with little to no scripting. The web-based interface enables users with limited scripting knowledge to generate reports on Active Directory services.

Reporting in ADManager Plus

Access Active Directory information without complex PowerShell scripts.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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