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General FAQs


  1. What can ManageEngine® Applications Manager do?
  2. What is the difference between ManageEngine® OpManager and ManageEngine® Applications Manager? Can they be integrated?
  3. Where is Applications Manager primarily used?
  4. What flavours of Applications Manager is available?
  5. What is a Monitor?
  6. What are the different ways to monitor Custom Applications?
  7. How does Applications Manager monitor machines with multi-CPUs?
  8. Are Features / enhancements provided specific to a customer?
  9. Enterprise Edition: How to identify when to switch over from Professional Edition to Enterprise Edition?
  10. Enterprise Edition:What are the limitations of Enterprise Edition?


1. What can ManageEngine® Applications Manager do?

ManageEngine ManageEngine® Applications Manager helps to monitor the performance and availability of applications such as Web applications, application servers, Web servers, databases, network services, systems, etc. It helps you to identify and analyze faults and performance issues in your applications before it affects end users.

2. What is the difference between ManageEngine® OpManager and ManageEngine® Applications Manager? Can they be integrated?

3. Where is Applications Manager primarily used?

Applications Manager can be used in Data Centers and for managing Enterprise IT. The data centers can be hosted by an enterprise itself or by a service provider.

4. What flavours of Applications Manager is available?

ManageEngine® Applications Manager is available as Windows and Linux downloads. Right now, we dont support Solaris version. But you can monitor the performance of solaris host by running Applications Manager in a windows/linux host.

5. What is a Monitor?

A Monitor is a specific Application, Server, Service or Web URL. The performance of these Applications, Servers and Services are monitored on the basis of metrics like CPU Usage, Response Time etc.

Examples of monitors supported are Windows server monitor, WebLogic monitor, Oracle database monitor, service monitor, URL Sequence monitor, Apache monitor etc.

For eg., If you want to monitor 100 SQL Server installations in your network, the 100 SQL Servers will be considered as 100 monitors.

Consider the Apache web server that is used by This monitor (Apache web server) may have 'N' number of performance metrics exposed. For info on what performance metrics you can see for an Apache Monitor, refer Apache Monitoring.

The total number of monitors, will include the monitors that we add by default. These default monitors will not be taken into account while calculating the number of monitors for Licensing. For licensing, the server or web server is considered as a Monitor. CPU Utilization, Response Time etc., are the Performance Metrics of a Server Monitor.

6. What are the different ways to monitor Custom Applications?

7. How does Applications Manager monitor machines with multiple-CPUs?

ManageEngine® Applications Manager monitors the overall CPU usage of the server (not individual CPUs). Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor class is used to get the required CPU data in WMI mode of monitoring.

8. Are Features / enhancements provided specific to a customer?

We have a cumulative customer patch mechanism that ensures all customer patches get integrated into the immediate Service Pack of the product - which is normally in 1 or 2 months.

Enterprise Edition

9. How to identify when to switch over to Enterprise Edition?

Each installation of Applications Manager can normally support monitoring 250 monitors (servers and applications on a 1 CPU, 1.8 GHz, 512 MB RAM,  RH Linux). This could go higher based on the hardware configuration of the server on which Applications Manager is deployed and based on the load of the monitored server. The "Load Factor" should help you decide when its time to go for a distributed setup.

[The load factor follows the format x.y, where 'x' represents load on Applications Manager Server, while 'y' represents the load on the Database used by Applications Manager. A value of zero represents least loaded, while a value of nine represents most loaded.]

10. What are the limitations of Enterprise Edition?

You can view all reports and real time stats from a single console in the central server. But to configure, you will have to login to the Probe Server Web Console. However it is made easy providing the ability to 'jump' from the Central Console to the Probe Server console.

More Information on Enterprise Edition can be got from Enterprise Edition Product FAQ.

Loved by customers all over the world

"Standout Tool With Extensive Monitoring Capabilities"

It allows us to track crucial metrics such as response times, resource utilization, error rates, and transaction performance. The real-time monitoring alerts promptly notify us of any issues or anomalies, enabling us to take immediate action.

Reviewer Role: Research and Development

"I like Applications Manager because it helps us to detect issues present in our servers and SQL databases."
Carlos Rivero

Tech Support Manager, Lexmark

Trusted by over 6000+ businesses globally
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