Patch Repository

Components for Office 2010 (x64) Patch Details
Patch Name lpsrv2010-kb2553408-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
Patch Description Security Update for 2010 Microsoft Business Productivity Servers (KB2553408)
Bulletin Id MS13-067
Bulletin Title Vulnerabilities in Microsoft SharePoint Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2834052)
Severity Critical
Location Path lpsrv2010-kb2553408-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
Bulletin Summary This security update resolves one publicly disclosed vulnerability and nine privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Server software. The most severe vulnerability could allow remote code execution in the context of the W3WP service account if an attacker sends specially crafted content to the affected server.
Superceding Bulletin Id None
Patch Release Date Sept 10, 2013

Affected Product Information

Product Name Service Pack Name
Components for Office 2010 (x64)Components for Office 2010 (x64)
Components for Office 2010 (x64)Components for Office 2010 (x64)
Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (x64)Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (x64) SP2

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