Patch Repository


March 13, 2025 | 11:30 EDT & 6:30 a.m. GMT

Patch Tuesday Updates from ManageEngine

Last updated on Mar 20, 2025
S.No Product Name
. 1Password
. 3D-XML-Player-(x64)
. 3Dconnexion-3DxWare
. 4K-Video-Downloader
. 4K-Video-Downloader-(x64)
. 7-zip-(.msi-package)
. 7-zip-(x64)-(.msi-package)
. 7zip-(.exe-package)
. 7zip-(x64)-(.exe-package)
. 8GadgetPack
. 8x8-Work
. 8x8-Work-(x64)
. 8x8Click2Pop
. AbaClient-(MSI)
. AbleWord
. Accessibility-Insights-For-Windows-(MSI)
. ActiveState-ActivePython-2
. Adobe-Acrobat-10-Professional
. Adobe-Acrobat-2017-MUI-(Classic-Track)
. Adobe-Acrobat-2020-(Classic-Track)
. Adobe-Acrobat-8-Professional
. Adobe-Acrobat-8-Standard
. Adobe-Acrobat-9-Professional
. Adobe-Acrobat-9-Professional-Extended
. Adobe-Acrobat-9-Standard
. Adobe-Acrobat-DC-(64-bit)
. Adobe-Acrobat-DC-(Classic-Track)
. Adobe-Acrobat-DC-(Continuous-Track)
. Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-2017-MUI-(Classic-Track)
. Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-2020-MUI-(Classic-Track)
. Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-DC
. Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-DC-(x64)
. Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-DC-MUI
. Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-DC-MUI-(Classic-Track)
. Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-DC-MUI-(x64)
. Adobe-Acrobat-X-Professional
. Adobe-Acrobat-X-Standard
. Adobe-Acrobat-XI-Professional
. Adobe-Acrobat-XI-Standard
. Adobe-AIR
. Adobe-Connect
. Adobe-Flash-Player-NPAPI
. Adobe-Flash-Player-PPAPI
. Adobe-Reader-10
. Adobe-Reader-10-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-10.0.1
. Adobe-Reader-10.1
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.1
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.10
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.11
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.12
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.13
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.14
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.15
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.16
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.2
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.3
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.4
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.5
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.6
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.7
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.8
. Adobe-Reader-10.1.9
. Adobe-Reader-11
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.01
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.02
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.03
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.04
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.05
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.06
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.07
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.08
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.09
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.10
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.11
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.12
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.13
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.14
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.15
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.16
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.17
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.18
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.19
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.20
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.21
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.22
. Adobe-Reader-11.0.23
. Adobe-Reader-8.0
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.0
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.1
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.2
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.3
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.4
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.5
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.6
. Adobe-Reader-8.1.7
. Adobe-Reader-8.2.0
. Adobe-Reader-8.2.1
. Adobe-Reader-8.2.2
. Adobe-Reader-8.2.3
. Adobe-Reader-8.2.4
. Adobe-Reader-8.2.5
. Adobe-Reader-8.2.6
. Adobe-Reader-8.3
. Adobe-Reader-8.3.1
. Adobe-Reader-9.0.0
. Adobe-Reader-9.1.0
. Adobe-Reader-9.1.1
. Adobe-Reader-9.1.2
. Adobe-Reader-9.1.3
. Adobe-Reader-9.2
. Adobe-Reader-9.3
. Adobe-Reader-9.3.1
. Adobe-Reader-9.3.2
. Adobe-Reader-9.3.3
. Adobe-Reader-9.3.4
. Adobe-Reader-9.4
. Adobe-Reader-9.4.1
. Adobe-Reader-9.4.2
. Adobe-Reader-9.4.3
. Adobe-Reader-9.4.4
. Adobe-Reader-9.4.5
. Adobe-Reader-9.4.6
. Adobe-Reader-9.4.7
. Adobe-Reader-9.5
. Adobe-Reader-9.5.1
. Adobe-Reader-9.5.2
. Adobe-Reader-9.5.3
. Adobe-Reader-9.5.4
. Adobe-Reader-9.5.5
. Adobe-Reader-X
. Adobe-Reader-X-(10.1.10)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-X-(10.1.12)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-X-(10.1.13)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-X-(10.1.15)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-X-(10.1.16)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-X-(10.1.9)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-X-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI--MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.06)--MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.07)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.09)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.10)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.11)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.12)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.13)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.14)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.16)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.17)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.18)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.19)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.20)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.21)-MUI
. Adobe-Reader-XI-(11.0.23)-MUI
. Adobe-Shockwave-Player
. AdoptOpenJDK-13-JRE
. AdoptOpenJDK-13-JRE-(x64)
. AdoptOpenJDK-JDK-with-Eclipse-OpenJ9-13-(MSI)
. AdoptOpenJDK-JRE-with-Hotspot-14-(MSI)-(x64)
. Advanced-Installer
. Advanced-IP-Scanner
. Advanced-Renamer
. Advanced-Renamer-(x64)
. Agent-Ransack-(MSI)-(x64)
. AGFEO-Dashboard
. Agilent-Lab-Advisor-(MSI)
. AI-Viewer
. Aimp
. Aircall-(MSI)-(x64)
. Airdroid
. AirParrot-2
. AirParrot-2-x64
. AirServer-Universal
. AirServer-Universal-(x64)
. AirSquirrels-Reflector
. AirSquirrels-Reflector-(x64)
. AirSquirrels-Reflector-Teacher
. AirSquirrels-Reflector-Teacher-(x64)
. Airtame
. Airtame(.exe)
. Alacritty-(MSI)-(x64)
. alfaview-msi
. Alibre-Design-x64
. Allway-Sync
. Allway-Sync-(x64)
. Amazon-AppStream-2.0-Client-Machine-Wide-Installer
. Amazon-Chime
. Amazon-Corretto-11-(x64)
. Amazon-Corretto-11-(x86)
. Amazon-Corretto-17
. Amazon-Corretto-JDK-21
. Amazon-Corretto-JDK-8
. Amazon-Corretto-JDK-8-(x64)
. Amazon-Corretto-JRE-8
. Amazon-Corretto-JRE-8-(x64)
. Amazon-EC2Launch-(x64)
. Amazon-Kindle
. Amazon-Redshift-ODBC-Driver
. Amazon-Redshift-ODBC-Driver-(x64)
. Amazon-Redshift-ODBC-Driver-2-(MSI)-(x64)
. Amazon-SSM-Agent
. Amazon-WorkSpaces
. Anaconda-3
. Anaconda-3-(x64)
. AnyBurn
. AnyBurn-(x64)
. AOVPN-Dynamic-Profile-Configurator-(MSI)-(x64)
. Appium
. Appium-Inspector-(x64)
. Apple-iTunes
. Apple-iTunes-(X64)
. Apple-QuickTime-7
. Araxis-Merge
. Archi
. Archi-(x64)
. Ares
. Articulate-360
. Artweaver
. ASAP-Utilities
. AstroGrep
. AstroImageJ-(x64)
. Atlassian-Companion-(Machine---MSI)
. ATnotes-Version
. Attendant-Pro
. Audacious-(x64)
. Audacity
. Audacity-(x64)
. Auslogics-DiskDefrag
. Auslogics-Duplicate-File-Finder
. Auslogics-Registry-Cleaner
. AusweisApp
. Autenticacao-Gov
. Autodesk-Design-Review
. AutoHotkey
. AutoHotkey-2
. AutoIt
. AWS-Command-Line-Interface-v2
. AWS-SAM-Command-Line-Interface-(MSI)-(x64)
. AWS-VPN-Client-(x64)
. AXIS-Camera-Station-(x64)
. AXIS-Media-Control-Embedded-Installer-(MSI)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-11-(MSI)-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-13
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-17
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-17-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-18
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-18-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-21-(MSI)-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-23-(MSI)-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-7
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-7-(MSI)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-7-(MSI)-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-7-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-8-(MSI)
. Azul-Zulu-JDK-8-(MSI)-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JRE-17
. Azul-Zulu-JRE-17-(x64)
. Azul-Zulu-JRE-8-(MSI)
. Azul-Zulu-JRE-8-(MSI)-(x64)
. Azure-Data-Studio
. Backup-and-Sync-from-Google
. Backup-and-Sync-from-Google-(x64)
. Balsamiq-Wireframes
. Balsamiq-Wireframes-(x64)
. Bambu-Studio-(x64)
. Bandicam
. Bandicut
. Bandizip
. Banyan-(x64)
. Barracuda-Network-Access-Client
. BatExplorer
. Beats-Filebeat-(MSI)-(x64)
. Belgium-e-ID-middleware
. Beyond-Compare
. Beyond-Compare-(.msi)
. Beyond-Compare-(.msi)-(x64)
. Beyond-Compare-5
. Beyond-Identity
. BigAntSoft-Messenger
. BIMvision
. Birdtray
. Birdtray-(x64)
. Bitfocus-Companion-(x64)
. bitrix24
. Bitrix24-(MSI)
. Bitvise-SSH-Client
. Bitwarden
. BleachBit
. Blender
. Blender-(x64)
. Blender-4.0-(x64)
. Blender-4.3-(x64)
. Blue-Jeans-Outlook-addins
. Bluebeam-Revu-2019
. Bluebeam-Revu-x64
. BlueJ
. BlueJeans-(x64)-(All-user)
. BlueJeans-Events
. BOINC-(x64)
. BOINC-(x86)
. BorderlessGaming
. BowPad
. Box-(MSI)
. Box-(MSI)-(x64)
. Box-for-Office
. Box-Sync
. Box-Tools
. Boxcryptor
. Brackets
. Brackets-2.0
. Brave-(x64)
. Bria
. BrightAuthor
. Brother-IPrint-Scan
. Bulk-Rename-Utility
. Burp-Suite-Community-Edition-(x64)
. Calibre
. Calibre-(x64)
. Camtasia-2018
. Camtasia-2019-(.exe)
. Camtasia-2019-(.msi)
. Camtasia-2020-(.exe)
. Camtasia-2020-(.msi)
. Camtasia-2022-(exe)
. Camtasia-2022-(msi)
. Camtasia-2023-(MSI)-(x64)
. Camtasia-2023-(x64)
. Camtasia-2024-(MSI)-(x64)
. Camtasia-2024-(x64)
. CatDV-Pro
. CatDV-Server-(x64)
. CatDV-Worker
. Cato-Client
. CCleaner
. CDBurnerXP
. CDBurnerXP-(X64)
. Celestia
. CellProfiler-(x64)
. Cerberus-FTP-Server
. Cerberus-FTP-Server-x64
. Certify
. Charles-(x64)
. Charles-(x86)
. Chatbox-(x64)
. Check-Point-Endpoint-Security-VPN-(MSI)
. cherrytree
. cineSync
. Cisco-AnyConnect-Secure-Mobility-Client-For-Windows
. Cisco-Jabber
. Cisco-Proximity
. Cisco-Secure-Client---AnyConnect-VPN
. Cisco-Secure-Client---Start-Before-Login-(MSI)
. Cisco-Secure-Client-Diagnostics-and-Reporting-Tool
. Cisco-Secure-Client-ISE-Compliance-Module
. Cisco-Secure-Client-ISE-Posture
. Cisco-Secure-Client-Secure-Firewall-Posture
. Cisco-Secure-Client-Umbrella
. Cisco-Webex-Meetings
. Cisco-Webex-Meetings-Virtual-Desktop-Plug-in
. Cisco-Webex-Productivity-Tools
. Citrix-Receiver
. Citrix-Receiver-LTSR
. Citrix-Secure-Access-(x64)-(MSI)
. Citrix-Workspace
. Citrix-Workspace-LTSR
. Clamav
. Classic-Shell
. ClickShare-Desktop-App-Machine-Wide-Installer
. ClickUp
. Client-Center-for-Configuration-Manager-x64
. Cloud-Drive-Mapper-Legacy
. Cloudflare-WARP-Client
. Cloudflared-(MSI)
. Cloudflared-(MSI)-(x64)
. CloudMounter
. CMake
. CMake-x64
. CollageIt
. Colour-Contrast-Analyser
. Combined-Community-Codec-Pack
. Combined-Community-Codec-Pack-(x64)
. Communicator
. Conan-Package-Manager
. Conan-Package-Manager-x64
. ConEmu
. ConEmu-(x64)
. Connect-Tunnel-(x64)
. Convene-(x64)
. Core-Temp
. CoreFTP-LE
. CoreFTP-LE-(x64)
. CPUID-HWMonitor
. Creality-Print
. Crestron-AirMedia
. Crypt-o
. CrystalDiskInfo
. CrystalDiskMark
. CubeICE
. CubeICE-(x64)
. Cyberduck
. darktable
. DashBoard
. DataWarrior-(x64)-(MSI)
. DATEV-SmartVerify-(x64)
. DAX-Studio
. DB-Browser-for-SQLite
. DB-Browser-for-SQLite-(x64)
. DBeaver
. DBeaver-x64
. DBeaverEE
. DBschema
. DbVisualizer(x64)
. DeepBurner
. Defraggler
. Delinea-Connection-Manager-(MSI)-(x64)
. Dell-Command-Configure
. Dell-Command-Monitor-(x64)
. Dell-Command-Update
. Dell-Command-Update-for-Windows-Universal
. Dell-Digital-Delivery-Services
. Dell-Display-and-Peripheral-Manager
. Dell-Display-Manager-2
. Dell-OS-Recovery-Tool
. Dell-Power-Manager-Service
. Deluge
. DeskCamera
. DeskCamera-(x64)
. Dev-C++
. DFN-VoIP-Centrex-(MSI)-(x64)
. DiKe
. Direct-Download-(Internal)
. DisplayCAL
. DisplayLink-Graphics
. Ditto-Connect-(MSI)
. Ditto-Connect-(MSI)-(x64)
. DnGrep-(MSI)
. DnGrep-(MSI)-(x64)
. Docker-Desktop
. Docusnap-(x64)
. Double-Commander
. Doxygen
. Draftable-Desktop-(MSI)-(x64)
. DRofus-(MSI)-(x64)
. Dropbox
. Druva-inSync
. Druva-inSync-Cloud
. dumeter
. Duo-Authentication-for-Windows-Logon
. Duo-Desktop
. Duo-Security-Authentication-Proxy
. DupeGuru
. DupeGuru-(x64)
. DVDFab
. DYMO-Connect
. EC2ConfigService
. Eclipse-Mosquitto-MQTT-broker
. Eclipse-Mosquitto-MQTT-broker-(x64)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JDK-with-Hotspot-11-(MSI)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JDK-with-Hotspot-11-(MSI)-(x64)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JDK-with-Hotspot-17
. Eclipse-Temurin-JDK-with-Hotspot-17-(x64)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JDK-with-Hotspot-21
. Eclipse-Temurin-JDK-with-Hotspot-8-(MSI)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JDK-with-Hotspot-8-(MSI)-(x64)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JRE-with-Hotspot-11-(MSI)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JRE-with-Hotspot-11-(MSI)-(x64)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JRE-with-Hotspot-21-(MSI)-(x64)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JRE-with-Hotspot-8-(MSI)-(x64)
. Eclipse-Temurin-JRE-with-Hotspot-8-(MSI)-(x86)
. Egnyte-Connect
. Egnyte-Desktop-Sync
. Egnyte-Office-Add-in-(MSI)
. Elevate-UC
. Elevate-UC-(MSI)-(x64)
. Elgato-Camera-Hub-(MSI)-(x64)
. Elgato-Stream-Deck-(x64)
. Elgato-Wave-Link-(MSI)-(x64)
. eM-Client
. Embrava-Connect
. EmEditor
. EmEditor-(64-bit)
. Enpass
. Enscape
. Enterprise-Architect
. Epic-Games-Launcher-(MSI)
. EPOS-Audio-3CX-Plugin
. EPOS-Connect
. EPOS-Connect-(MSI)
. Erlang-OTP
. Erlang-OTP-(x64)
. ESET-Endpoint-Antivirus-(x64)
. ESET-Endpoint-Antivirus-(x86)
. ESET-Endpoint-Security-(x64)
. ESET-Endpoint-Security-(x86)
. ESET-File-Security
. Evernote
. Evernote-10
. Everything
. Everything-(MSI)
. Everything-(MSI)-(x64)
. Everything-(x64)
. ExacqVision-client-(EXE)
. ExacqVision-client-(EXE)-(x64)
. ExacqVision-client-(MSI)
. ExacqVision-client-(MSI)-(x64)
. ExacqVision-Webservice
. ExacqVision-Webservice-(x64)
. ExamDiff
. Expat-XML-Parser
. Expresso-(MSI)
. Ext2Fsd
. Extended-Asian-Language-font-pack-for-Adobe-Acrobat-Reader-DC
. EZCastPro
. FactSet
. Far-Manager-3
. Far-Manager-3-(x64)
. FastStone-Image-Viewer
. Fiddler-everywhere
. FileCloudSync-(exe)
. FileCloudSync-(msi)
. FileZilla-Client
. FileZilla-Client-(x64)
. FileZilla-Server-(x64)
. FireAlpaca
. FireAlpaca-(x64)
. Firebird-(x64)
. Firebird-(x86)
. Firebird-4
. Firezone-(MSI)-(x64)
. Flameshot-(MSI)-(x64)
. FlashBack-Express-5
. FlashBack-Pro-5
. FlashDevelop
. FLIR-Thermal-Studio
. FontBase-(x64)
. Foobar2000-(x64)
. FortiClient-VPN-7.4-(x64)
. Fotosizer
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-11-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-11-(ML)-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-11-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-11-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-12-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-12-(ML)-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-12-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-12-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-13
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-13-(ML)-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-13-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-13-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2023-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2023-(ML)-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2023-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2023-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2024-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2024-(ML)-(EXE)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2024-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Editor-2024-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Reader
. Foxit-PDF-Reader-(ML)
. Foxit-PDF-Reader-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PDF-Reader-(MSI)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-(MSI)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-10-(EXE)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-10-(ML)-(EXE)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-10-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-10-(MSI)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-8
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-8-(ML)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-9-(EXE)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-9-(ML)-(EXE)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-9-(ML)-(MSI)
. Foxit-PhantomPDF-9-(MSI)
. Free-Download-Manager
. Free-Download-Manager-(x64)
. Free-PDF
. FreeCommander
. Freemake-Video-Converter
. Freeplane
. FreePortScanner
. FrontMotion-Firefox-Community-Edition-ESR-(MSI)
. FrostWire
. FTPGetter-Standard
. Gadwin-PrintScreen
. Gajim-(x64)
. GanttProject
. Garmin-Express
. Geany
. Geeks3D-FurMark-(x64)
. Geneious-Prime-(msi-package)
. Geneious-Prime-(msi-package)-(x64)
. Geneious-Prime-(MSI)-(x64)
. GenoPro
. GeoGebra-5
. Gephi
. Gephi-(x64)
. Get_iPlayer
. gh-api-cli
. gh-api-cli-(x64)
. Ghost-Trap-(x64)
. Git
. Git-(x64)
. Git-Extensions
. Git-Extensions-3
. Git-LFS
. GitAhead
. GitAhead-(x64)
. GitHub-CLI-(MSI)
. GitHub-CLI-(MSI)-(x64)
. GitHub-Desktop-Deployment-Tool-(MSI)
. Glary-Utilities
. GlassWire
. GlobalProtect
. GlobalProtect-(6.3)
. GlobalProtect-(x64)
. GlobalProtect-6.1-(x64)
. GlobalProtect-6.3-(x64)
. Glogg
. GLPI-Agent-(MSI)
. GLPI-Agent-(MSI)-(x64)
. GMetrix-SMSe
. GMetrixSms6
. Go-Programming-Language
. Go-Programming-Language-(x64)
. GoAnywhere-OpenPGP-Studio
. GoCD-Agent
. GoodSync
. Google-Chrome
. Google-Chrome-(x64)
. Google-Chrome-Remote-DesktopHost
. Google-Credential-Provider-for-Windows
. Google-Credential-Provider-for-Windows-(x64)
. Google-Drive
. Google-Earth
. Google-Earth-Pro
. Google-Earth-Pro-(x64)
. GoPro-VR-Player-3.0
. GoTo
. GoTo-(x64)
. GoTo-Opener
. GoToMeeting
. Gpg4win
. GPL-Ghostscript-(X64)
. GPL-Ghostscript-(X86)
. GrafanaEnterprise
. Graph
. Graphviz-(x64)
. Graylog-Sidecar
. Greenfoot-(MSI)-(x64)
. Greenshot
. grepWin-(x64)
. grepWin-(x86)
. Hale-Studio-(MSI)-(x64)
. Hamachi
. HandBrake
. HandBrake-(x64)
. Hangouts-Chat
. Harmony-SASE
. Headlamp-(x64)
. HeidiSQL
. Helix-Versioning-Engine
. Helix-Versioning-Engine-(x64)
. Help-Manual-9
. HipChat
. HomeBank
. Honeycam
. Honeyview
. Hosts-File-Editor
. HP-Client-Management-Script-Library
. HttpMaster-Express-Edition
. HttpMaster-Professional-Edition
. Huddle
. Hugin
. Hugin-(x64)
. HxD-Hex-Editor
. HyperSnap-8
. HyperSnap-8-(x64)
. HyperSnap-9
. HyperSnap-9-(x64)
. IBExpert-Developer-Studio-(Customer-Version)
. IBM-Aspera-Connect-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-11-(JDK)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-11-(JRE)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-17-(JDK)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-17-(JRE)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-21-(JDK)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-21-(JRE)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-23-(JDK)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IBM-Semeru-Runtime-Open-Edition-23-(JRE)-(MSI)-(x64)
. IcedTea-Web
. Icinga-2
. Icinga-2-(x64)
. iCloud
. iDailyDiary
. IdeaMaker-(x64)
. IETester
. ImageGlass
. ImageGlass-(x64)
. iMazing-Converter-(x64)
. ImgBurn
. Inkscape
. Inkscape-(EXE)
. Inkscape-(EXE)-(x64)
. Inkscape-(x64)
. Inno-Setup
. InstEd
. IntelliJ-IDEA-Community-Edition-(x64)
. IrfanView
. IrfanView-(x64)
. Iridium-Browser
. Iridium-Browser-(x64)
. Iriun-Webcam-version
. iSpring-Suite-11-(MSI)
. iSpring-Suite-11-(MSI)-(x64)
. Ivanti-Secure-Access-Client
. IZArc
. Jabra-Direct
. Jamovi-(x64)
. JASP-(MSI)-(x64)
. Java-AppDetection
. Java-for-Business-7
. Java-for-Business-7-(x64)
. Java-Runtime-Environment-1.6
. Java-Runtime-Environment-1.6-(x64)
. Java-Runtime-Environment-1.7
. Java-Runtime-Environment-1.7-(x64)
. Java-Runtime-Environment-1.8
. Java-Runtime-Environment-1.8-(x64)
. Java-Runtime-Environment-9-(x64)
. Java-SE-Development-Kit
. Java-SE-Development-Kit-(x64)
. Java-SE-Development-Kit-11-(64-bit)
. Java-SE-Development-Kit-13-(64-bit)
. Java-SE-Development-Kit-14-(64-bit)
. Java-SE-Development-Kit-17
. Java-SE-Development-Kit-20-(x64)
. Java(TM)-SE-Development-Kit-19-(MSI)-(x64)
. Java(TM)-SE-Development-Kit-21-(x64)
. Java(TM)-SE-Development-Kit-22-(x64)
. Java(TM)-SE-Development-Kit-23-(MSI)-(x64)
. Java-Editor
. Java-Editor-(x64)
. JEdit
. JetBrains-ETW-Host-Service-(MSI)
. JetBrains-ETW-Host-Service-(MSI)-(x64)
. Jing
. Jitsi
. Jitsi-(x64)
. JProfiler
. JProfiler-14-(x64)
. JT2Go
. JTAlert
. K-Lite-Codec-Pack-Basic
. K-Lite-Codec-Pack-full
. K-Lite-Codec-Pack-Mega
. K-Lite-Codec-Pack-Standard
. KakaoTalk
. Kareo
. KaVo-IO-Sensor-Drivers
. Keepass-1-(.msi)
. Keepass-2-(.msi)
. KeePass-Password-Safe-1
. KeePass-Password-Safe-2
. KeePassXC
. KeePassXC-(x64)
. Keeper-Password-Manager
. Keybase
. KeyStore-Explorer
. KiCad-(x64)
. KiCad-8-(x64)
. Kofax-Power-PDF-Advanced-5.0-(MSI)-(x64)
. Krita
. Krita-(x64)
. Ksnip-(MSI)-(x64)
. LAN-Messenger
. Lark-Deployment-Tool-(MSI)
. Launchy
. LAVFilters
. LEGO-Education-SPIKE-(MSI)-(x64)
. Lenovo-Dock-Manager-(x64)
. Lenovo-System-Update
. Lens
. Liberica-JRE-8
. LibreCAD
. LibreOffice
. LibreOffice-(x64)
. LibreOffice-Help-Pack
. LibreOffice-Help-Pack-(x64)
. LiClipse
. Lifesize-Installer
. LifeView
. Lightshot
. Lime-CRM
. Linkus-Desktop-Client
. Linkus-Lite
. LINQPad-8
. LiquidFiles-OutlookPlugin-(MSI)
. Listary
. Little-Green-Button
. LLVM-(x64)
. LockHunter
. Locklizard-Safeguard---PDF-Viewer
. LogFusion
. Logi-Tune
. Logitech-Options-(x64)
. Logitech-Presentation-(x64)
. Logitech-SetPoint
. Logitech-SetPoint-(x64)
. Logitech-Sync
. Logitech-Unifying-Software
. LogMeIn
. LogMeIn-Client
. Logtalk
. LsAgent
. Lucid-(x64)
. Lucid-(x86)
. Luxafor
. LyX
. Macabacus
. MailStore-Client
. MailStore-Outlook-Add-in
. MariaDB-ODBC-Driver-(MSI)
. MariaDB-ODBC-Driver-64-bit-(MSI)-(x64)
. Markdown-edit
. Mattermost-Desktop-(MSI)
. Mattermost-Desktop-(MSI)-(x64)
. Maxthon
. MaxTo
. MaxTo-(Machine-Wide-Installer)
. MediaMonkey
. Meld
. Mendeley-Reference-Manager
. Mersive-Solstice
. Meyer-Sound-MAPP-3D-(MSI)-(x64)
. MiCollab
. MicroDicom-DICOM-viewer
. MicroDicom-DICOM-viewer-(x64)
. Microsoft-ASP.NET-MVC-5
. Microsoft-Azure-CLI-(MSI)
. Microsoft-Azure-CLI-(MSI)-(x64)
. Microsoft-Edge-for-business
. Microsoft-OneDrive
. Microsoft-OneDrive-(x86)
. Microsoft-PowerBI-Desktop-RS
. Microsoft-PowerBI-Desktop-RS-(x64)
. Microsoft-Visual-Studio-Code
. Microsoft-Visual-Studio-Code-(x64)
. MiKTeX
. Mimecast-for-Outlook
. Mimecast-for-Outlook-(x64)
. Mirillis-MonfloServer
. Mirth-Connect
. Mirth-Connect-(x64)
. Mixxx-(x64)
. Monday-(MSI)-(x64)
. Monday-(x64)
. MongoDB-6
. MongoDB-7
. MongoDB-Compass
. MOOSLight
. Morae-Recorder
. Morningstar-Add-In-(MSI)
. Mozilla-Firefox
. Mozilla-Firefox-(x64)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(102)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(102)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(115)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(115)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(128)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(128)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(68)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(68)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(78)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(78)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(91)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(91)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Firefox-ESR-(x64)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-(68)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-(68)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-(78)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-(78)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-(91)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-(91)-(x64)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-(x64)
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-102
. Mozilla-Thunderbird-102-(x64)
. Mp3tag
. mRemoteNG
. Multi-Commander
. Multi-Commander-(x64)
. Mumble
. MuseScore-2
. MuseScore-3
. MuseScore-4
. MusicBee
. MyPhoneExplorer
. MYSQL-Connector-C++
. MYSQL-Connector-C++-(x64)
. MYSQL-Connector-NET
. MySQL-Connector-ODBC-(MSI)-(x64)
. MySQL-Connector-ODBC-5
. MySQL-Connector-ODBC-5-(x64)
. MySQL-Connector-ODBC-8
. MySQL-Server-(MSI)-(x64)
. MySQL-Workbench-CE-(x64)
. MZmine-(MSI)-(x64)
. NAPS2-(MSI)-(x64)
. Nessus-Agent
. Nessus-Agent-(x64)
. NetBird-(MSI)-(x64)
. Netbird-(x64)
. Netpas-Distance
. Netpas-Estimator
. Netpas-MMA
. Network-Recording-Player
. Nextcloud
. Nextiva-(MSI)-(x64)
. Nextiva-(x64)
. Nexusfont
. NFOPad
. Nitro-PDF-Pro-14-(MSI)
. Nitro-PDF-Pro-14-(MSI)-(x64)
. Nitro-PDF-Pro-Enterprise-14-(MSI)-(x64)
. Nitro-Pro
. Nitro-Pro-13
. Nitro-Pro-13(x64)
. Nitro-Pro-Enterprise-13
. Nitro-Pro-Enterprise-13-(x64)
. Nitro-Pro-vlp
. Nitro-Pro-vlp-(x64)
. Nitro-Pro-x64
. Node-js-13
. Node-js-13-(x64)
. Node.js
. Node.js-(20)
. Node.js-(20)-(x64)
. Node.js-(x64)
. Node.js-11
. Node.js-11(x64)
. Node.js-12
. Node.js-12(x64)
. Node.js-14
. Node.js-14-(x64)
. Node.js-16
. Node.js-16-(x64)
. Node.js-17
. Node.js-17-(x64)
. Node.js-18
. Node.js-18-(x64)
. Node.js-21-(MSI)-(x64)
. Node.js-22-(MSI)-(x64)
. Node.js-23-(MSI)-(x64)
. Nodist
. NoMachine
. NoMachine-(x64)
. Nomacs---Image-Lounge
. NordLayer
. Notepad++
. Notepad++-(x64)
. Notepad3
. Notepad3-(x64)
. Notes
. NoteTab-Light
. NSClient++-(x64)
. NSClient++-(x86)
. Nullsoft-Install-System
. NVIDIA-app-(x64)
. NVM-for-Windows
. NXLog-EE-(MSI)-(x64)
. NXLog-CE
. OBS-Studio
. OBS-Studio-(x64)
. Obsidian
. Oceans-Gourmet-CMS-(x64)
. Ocenaudio
. Ocenaudio-x64
. ODAFileConverter-(x64)
. OfficeConnect
. Omnissa-Horizon-Client-8
. One-Talk
. OnePlaceDocs
. OnePlaceMail
. ONLYOFFICE-Desktop-Editors
. ONLYOFFICE-Desktop-Editors-(MSI)
. ONLYOFFICE-Desktop-Editors-(MSI)-(x64)
. ONLYOFFICE-Desktop-Editors-(x64)
. Open-Codecs
. Open-Office
. Open-Shell
. OpenJDK-1.8
. OpenJDK-1.8.0-redhat-(x64)
. OpenJDK-1.8.0-redhat-(x86)
. OpenJDK-11
. OpenJDK-JRE-11-redhat
. OpenShot
. Openshot-(x64)
. OpenSSL
. OpenSSL-(x64)
. OpenSSL-Light
. OpenSSL-Light-(x64)
. OpenVPN
. OpenVPN-(MSI)
. OpenVPN-(x64)-(MSI)
. OpenVPN-Connect
. OpenVPN-Connect-2
. OpenVPN-Connect(x64)
. OpenWebStart
. OpenWebStart-(x86)
. Opera-Stable
. Opera-Stable-(x64)
. Oracle-VM-VirtualBox-6
. Oracle-VM-VirtualBox-7
. OrcaSlicer-(x64)
. osquery
. OWASP-Zed-Attack-Proxy
. OWASP-Zed-Attack-Proxy-(x86)
. ownCloud
. Oxygen-XML-Developer
. Oxygen-XML-Developer-(x64)
. Oxygen-XML-Editor
. Oxygen-XML-Editor-(x64)
. Pale-Moon
. Pale-Moon-(x64)
. Pandoc
. Paralells-Client-(x64)
. Paralells-Client(x86)
. Particular-Software-ServiceInsight
. Particular-Software-ServicePulse
. Password-Safe-for-Windows
. Password-Safe-for-Windows-x64
. PathCopy
. pCloud-Drive
. pCloud-Drive-(x64)
. PDF-Candy-Desktop
. PDF-Candy-Desktop-3
. pdf-tools(x64)
. pdf-tools(x86)
. PDF-XChange-Editor
. PDF-XChange-Editor-(x64)
. PDF-XChange-PRO
. PDF-XChange-PRO-(x64)
. PDF-XChange-Viewer
. PDF-XChange-Viewer-(x64)
. PDF24-Creator
. PDFgear-(x64)
. PDFsam-Basic
. PDFsam-Visual
. PDFsam-Visual-(x86)
. PDXplorer-(x64)
. PeaZip
. PeaZip-(x64)
. pgAdmin-4
. PGP-Tool-(MSI)
. PhonerLite
. PhonerLite-(x64)
. Pidgin
. PingID
. Pinta-(x64)
. Pixera-Hub-(x64)
. PL-SQL-Developer-16-(MSI)
. PL-SQL-Developer-16-(MSI)-(x64)
. Planning-for-Excel
. Plantronics-Hub
. Plex-Media-Player
. Plex-Media-Server
. PLSQL-Developer
. PLSQL-Developer-(x64)
. PNotes.NET
. Podman
. Poedit
. Poedit-(x64)
. Poll-Everywhere
. Poly-Lens
. Polycom-RealPresence-Desktop
. Postbox
. PostgreSQL-14-(Standalone)
. PostgreSQL-15-(Standalone)
. PostgreSQL-16-(Standalone)
. PostgreSQL-17-(Standalone)
. Postman-(x64)-(User-Based)
. Power-BI-ALM-Toolkit
. Power-BI-Helper
. PowerShell-6-and-7-x64
. PowerShell-6-and-7-x86
. PreForm
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-mariaDB
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-mariaDB-(x64)
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-MySQL
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-MySQL-(x64)
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-Oracle
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-Oracle-(x64)
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-PostgreSQL
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-PostgreSQL-X64
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-SQL-Server
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-SQL-Server-(x64)
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-SQLite
. PremiumSoft-Navicat-Essentials-for-SQLite-(x64)
. Pritunl
. Profid-Launcher-(MSI)-(x64)
. Programmers-Notepad
. Project-Viewer-365
. ProjectLibre
. Promodag
. ProPresenter-(x64)
. ProtonVPN
. PRTG-Desktop
. PRTG-Desktop-(x64)
. PSPad-Editor
. PSPad-Editor-(x64)
. Puppet-Agent
. Puppet-Agent-(x64)
. Puppet-Agent-7-(MSI)
. Puppet-Agent-7-(MSI)-(x64)
. Puppet-Bolt
. Puppet-Development-Kit
. PureCloud
. Pushbullet
. PuTTY-(x64)
. PuTTY-CAC-(x64)
. PyScripter
. PyScripter-(x64)
. Python-2.7
. Python-2.7-(x64)
. Qalculate
. Qalculate-(x64)
. qBittorrent
. Qemu
. Qemu-(x64)
. QlikView
. QliqCHAT-(MSI)
. QNAP-Qfinder-Pro
. QSYNC-(msi)
. Query-Tool-(Using-ODBC)-(MSI)-(x64)
. QueueExplorer
. quicklook
. QuiteRSS
. R-for-Windows
. RadiAnt-DICOM-Viewer
. Rainmeter
. RazorSQL
. RazorSQL-(x64)
. Real-Player
. RealPopup
. RealVNC-Viewer
. Recuva
. Red-Notebook
. RedGate-SQL-Toolbelt
. Remote-Desktop-(MSI)
. Remote-Desktop-(MSI)-(x64)
. Remote-Desktop-Manager
. Remote-Desktop-Manager-Agent
. Remote-Desktop-Manager(Enterprise-Edition)
. Revo-Uninstaller
. Revo-Uninstaller-Pro
. Rhino-5-Evaluation-(x64)
. Rhino-5-Evaluation-(x86)
. Rhino-7-Evaluation-(x64)
. Rhino-8-Evaluation-(x64)
. RingCentral
. RingCentral-for-Outlook
. RingCentral-for-Teams
. RingCentral-Meetings
. RingCentral-Phone
. Ringover
. RJ-TextEd
. RJ-TextEd-(x64)
. RoboForm
. Rocket-Chat
. Rocket-Remote-Desktop
. Rocket-Remote-Desktop-2024-(X64)
. Rocket-Remote-Desktop-2024-(X86)
. Royal-TS
. RStudio
. Ruby
. Ruby-(x64)
. Ruby-3.4
. Ruby-3.4-(x64)
. RustDesk-(x64)
. RVTools-(MSI)
. S3-Browser
. Salt-Minion
. Salt-Minion-(x64)
. SAP-GUI-for-Windows-7.70
. SAP-GUI-for-Windows-8.00
. SAP-GUI-for-Windows-8.00-(x64)
. ScaleFT
. sciDAVis
. Scratch
. Screaming-Frog-SEO-Spider
. ScreenBeam-Conference
. ScreenCloud-Player
. ScreenCloud-Player-(x64)
. ScreenConnect
. Screenpresso
. ScreenToGif
. SeaDrive-(MSI)-(x64)
. Seafile
. SeaMonkey
. SeaMonkey-(x64)
. Sejda-PDF-Desktop
. Sejda-PDF-Desktop-(x64)
. Send-Anywhere
. Send-Anywhere-(x64)
. Seq-(x64)-(MSI)
. Serviio
. ShareFile
. ShareFile-for-Outlook
. ShareX
. Shotcut
. Shure-Wireless-Workbench-(x64)
. Shutter-Encoder-(x64)
. Sicherheitspaket-compact
. Silverjuke
. Simple-Sticky-Notes
. Simplenote
. Simply-Fortran
. Sirius-(MSI)-(x64)
. Skype
. Slack-(machine-wide-installation)
. Slack-(machine-wide-installation)-(x64)
. Slack-Deployment-Tool-(MSI)-(x64)
. Slik-Subversion-(x64)
. Slik-Subversion-(x86)
. SmartPSSLite-(x64)
. SmarTTY
. Snagit-2019
. Snagit-2019-(x64)
. Snagit-2022-(EXE)
. Snagit-2023-(EXE)
. Snagit-2023-(MSI)-(x64)
. Snagit-2024-(MSI)-(x64)
. Snagit-2024-(x64)
. SnapGene
. Snow-Inventory-Agent-for-Windows
. Snow-Inventory-Agent-For-Windows-7-(MSI)-(x64)
. SonicWall-NetExtender-(MSI)-(x64)
. SonicWall-NetExtender-(x64)
. Sophos-Connect-(MSI)
. SoulSeek
. SourceTree
. SourceTree-Enterprise
. Spark
. Sparkol-VideoScribe-(MSI)-(x64)
. Speccy
. Specops-Authentication-Client
. SpiderOak-CrossClave
. Splash
. Splashtop-Business
. Splashtop-Streamer
. Splunk-Enterprise-7
. Splunk-Enterprise-7--(x64)
. Splunk-Enterprise-8
. Splunk-Enterprise-8-(x64)
. Splunk-Enterprise-9-(MSI)-(x64)
. Splunk-Universal-Forwarder-7
. Splunk-Universal-Forwarder-7-(x64)
. Splunk-Universal-Forwarder-8
. Splunk-Universal-Forwarder-8-(x64)
. Splunk-Universal-Forwarder-9
. Splunk-Universal-Forwarder-9-(x64)
. Spyder
. SQLBackupAndFTP
. SQLyog-Community
. SQLyog-Community-(x64)
. SRWare-Iron
. SRWare-Iron-(x64)
. StartAllBack-(x64)
. StExBar
. StExBar-(x64)
. Sticky-Password
. Stormshield-SSL-VPN-Client-(x64)
. STP-Viewer
. StreamLink-Twitch-GUI
. stunnel
. Sublime-Text-(x64)
. Sublime-Text-(x86)
. Sublime-Text-4
. SugarSync
. SumatraPDF
. SumatraPDF-(x64)
. SUPERAntiSpyware
. SuperPuTTY-(MSI)
. SwifDoo-PDF
. Swift
. SyncBackFree
. Syncovery
. Syncovery-(x64)
. Syncovery-10
. Syncovery-10-(x64)
. Syncovery-11
. Syncovery-11-(x64)
. Syncplicity
. SyncTrayzor
. SyncTrayzor-(x64)
. Synology-Active-Backup-for-Business-Agent
. Synology-Active-Backup-for-Business-Agent-(x64)
. Synology-Assistant
. Synology-Chat
. Synology-Drive-Client
. Synology-Surveillance-Station-Client
. Szafir-Host-(MSI)
. Tabby-(x64)
. Tableau-Desktop-2019.2
. Tableau-Desktop-2019.3
. Tableau-Desktop-2019.4
. Tableau-Desktop-2020.1
. Tableau-Desktop-2020.2
. Tableau-Desktop-2020.3
. Tableau-Desktop-2020.4
. Tableau-Desktop-2021.1
. Tableau-Desktop-2021.2-(x64)
. Tableau-Desktop-2021.3
. Tableau-Desktop-2021.4
. Tableau-Desktop-2022.1
. Tableau-Desktop-2022.2
. Tableau-Desktop-2022.3-(x64)
. Tableau-Desktop-2022.4
. Tableau-Desktop-2023.1
. Tableau-Desktop-2023.2-(x64)
. Tableau-Desktop-2023.3-(x64)
. Tableau-Desktop-2024.1-(x64)
. Tableau-Desktop-2024.2-(x64)
. Tableau-Desktop-2024.3-(x64)
. Tableau-Prep-Builder-2024.3-(x64)
. Tableau-Public
. Tableau-Reader-(2023.2)-(x64)
. Tableau-Reader-2021.3
. Tableau-Reader-2021.4
. Tableau-Reader-2022.1
. Tableau-Reader-2022.2
. Tableau-Reader-2022.3
. Tableau-Reader-2024.1-(x64)
. Tableau-Reader-2024.2-(x64)
. Tabular-Editor
. Tabular-Editor-3
. Tabular-Editor-3-(x64)
. TeamDrive
. TeamSpeak-3-Client-(x64)
. TeamSpeak-3-Client-(x86)
. TeamViewer
. TeamViewer-12
. TeamViewer-13
. TeamViewer-14
. TeamViewer-14-(MSI)
. Teamviewer-15
. TeamViewer-15-(MSI)
. TeamViewer-15-(MSI)-(x64)
. Teamviewer-15-(x64)
. TeamViewer-8
. TeamViewer-Host
. TeamViewer-Host-12
. TeamViewer-Host-13
. TeamViewer-Host-14
. TeamViewer-Host-15
. TeamViewer-Host-15-(MSI)
. TeamViewer-Host-15-(MSI)-(x64)
. TeamViewer-Host-15-(x64)
. Tebra
. TechClient-(x64)
. TED-Notepad
. Tera-Term
. Tera-Term-5
. TeraCopy
. Teradici-PCoIP-Client
. Terminals
. TestNav
. TeXnicCenter
. TeXnicCenter-(x64)
. TeXstudio
. TextExpander
. TextPad
. TextPad-(x64)
. TeXworks
. Think-cell
. Think-cell-12
. Think-cell-13-(MSI)
. Thycotic-Agent-(MSI)
. Thycotic-Agent-(MSI)-(x64)
. Thycotic-Application-Control-Agent-(MSI)
. Thycotic-Application-Control-Agent-(MSI)-(x64)
. Thycotic-Local-Security-Agent-(MSI)
. Thycotic-Local-Security-Agent-(MSI)-(x64)
. TightVNC
. TightVNC-(X64)
. TightVNC-Server
. TightVNC-Server-(x64)
. TightVNC-Viewer
. TightVNC-Viewer-(x64)
. TortoiseGit-(x64)
. TortoiseGit-(x86)
. TortoiseHG-x64
. TortoiseSVN
. TortoiseSVN-(X64)
. Total-Commander
. Total-Commander-(x64)
. Tower-Deployment-Tool
. Tray-status
. TreeSize-Free
. Trillian-Machine-Wide-Installer
. Trimble-Connect
. TSPrint-Client
. TSPrint-Server
. Tugzip
. Tungsten-Printix-Client
. TurboVNC
. TurboVNC-(x64)
. Twingate-(x64)
. TXSecureBrowser-(MSI)-(x64)
. Ulaa
. UltiMaker-Cura
. UltraCompare-(x64)
. UltraEdit
. UltraEdit-(EXE)
. UltraEdit-(EXE)-(x64)
. UltraSearch(x64)
. UltraViewer
. UltraVNC-(x64)
. UltraVNC-(x86)
. Uninstaller-for-Adobe-Flash-Player-ActiveX
. Uninstaller-for-Adobe-Flash-Player-NPAPI-Plugin
. Uninstaller-for-Adobe-Flash-Player-PPAPI
. UPDF-(x64)
. UrBackup
. Vagrant
. Vagrant-(x64)
. VanDyke-Software-SecureCRT
. VanDyke-Software-SecureCRT-(x64)
. VanDyke-Software-SecureCRT-and-SecureFX
. VanDyke-Software-SecureCRT-and-SecureFX-(x64)
. Varicad-Viewer
. Veeam-Agent-For-Windows
. Veyon
. Veyon-(x64)
. VidCutter
. VidCutter-(x64)
. Vim
. Vim-(x64)
. VirtualCloneDrive
. VirtualDJ-(MSI)-(x64)
. Viscosity-for-Windows
. VitalSource-Bookshelf
. Vivaldi
. Vivaldi-(x64)
. Vivi
. VLC-Media-Player-(EXE)
. VLC-Media-Player-(EXE)-(X64)
. VLC-media-player-(MSI)
. VLC-Media-Player-(MSI)-(x64)
. VMware-Horizon-Client
. VMware-Horizon-Client-(x64)
. VMware-OVF-Tool-(MSI)-(x64)
. VMware-Player
. VMware-Player-12
. VMware-Player-14
. VMware-Player-15
. VMware-Player-16-(x64)
. VMware-Player-17
. VMware-Remote-Console
. vmware-tools
. vmware-tools-(x64)
. VMware-Workstation-12
. VMware-Workstation-14
. VMware-Workstation-15
. VMware-Workstation-16
. VMware-Workstation-17
. VNC-Server
. Vodafone-UC-with-RingCentral-(MSI)-(x64)
. Vonage-Business
. VooV-meeting
. VSCodium
. VSCodium-(x64)
. VSDC-Free-Video-Editor-version
. VSDC-Free-Video-Editor-version-x64
. WatchGuard-Mobile-VPN-with-SSL-client
. Waterfox-(x64)
. Wave
. Wave-(MSI)
. Wave-(MSI)-(x64)
. Wave-(x64)
. WebEx
. WebEx-Recorder-and-Player
. Webex-VDI-Plugin
. Webex-VDI-Plugin-(x64)
. WeChat
. WeCom
. WeMeet
. West-Wind-WebSurge
. WickrMe
. WickrPro
. WinDjView
. Windows-Repair
. Wing-Personal-IDE
. WinMerge
. WinMerge-(x86)
. WinRAR
. WinRAR-(X64)
. WinSCP
. WinSCP-(MSI)
. WinSnap
. WinUtilities-Free-Edition
. Winzip
. Winzip-(x64)
. WireGuard
. WireGuard-(x64)
. Wireshark
. Wireshark-(X64)
. Wireshark-MSI
. Wireshark-MSI-(x64)
. Wise-Data-Recovery
. Wise-Disk-Cleaner
. Wise-Folder-Hider
. Wise-Force-Deleter
. Wise-Hotkey
. Wise-JetSearch
. Wise-Memory-Optimizer
. Wise-Program-Uninstaller
. Wise-System-Monitor
. WiX-Toolset
. Workrave
. Worksheet-Crafter
. Wrike-for-Windows
. X-Mouse-Button-Control
. x2go-Client
. Xibo-Client-Open-Source
. XMind-8
. XnConvert
. XnConvert-(x64)
. XnView
. XnView-MP-(x64)
. XnViewMP
. XnViewMP-1.5-(x64)
. Yarn
. Yealink-Plug-in-Software-(MSI)-(x64)
. Yealink-USB-Connect
. Yubico-Authenticator
. Yubico-Authenticator-(x64)
. YubiKey-Manager
. Zeal
. Zeal-(x64)
. ZeroTier-One-(MSI)
. Zim-Desktop-Wiki
. Zimbra-Connector-for-Microsoft-Outlook
. Zimbra-Connector-for-Microsoft-Outlook-(x64)
. Zoho-Mail---Desktop-(x64)
. Zoho-Mail---Desktop-(x86)
. Zoho-Notebook
. Zoho-Notebook-(x64)
. Zoho-Voice---Desktop-(x64)
. Zoho-Voice---Desktop-(x86)
. Zoho-WorkDrive
. Zoho-Writer-(x64)
. Zoiper
. Zoom-Notes-Plugin
. Zoom-Outlook-Plugin
. Zoom-Plugin-for-Citrix-Receiver-(MSI)
. Zoom-Plugin-for-Vmware-Horizon-Client
. Zoom-Plugin-for-Windows-Virtual-Desktop-Client
. Zoom-Rooms
. Zoom-Rooms-(x86)
. Zoom-Skype-for-Business-Plugin
. Zoom-VDI-Universal-Plugin
. Zoom-VDI-Universal-Plugin-(MSI)-(x64)
. Zoom-VDI-Workplace-(MSI)
. Zoom-VDI-Workplace-(MSI)-(x64)
. Zoom-Workplace-(EXE)-(User-Based)
. Zoom-Workplace-(EXE)-(x64)-(User-Based)
. Zoom-Workplace-(Formerly-Zoom)
. Zoom-Workplace-(x64)-(Formerly-Zoom)
. Zotero-Standalone-(x64)
. Zotero-Standalone-(x86-en-US)
. Zulip-(MSI)
. Zulip-(MSI)-(x64)
. Zulu-6-(MSI)-(x64)
. Zynewave-Podium-Free
. Zynewave-Podium-Free-x64

Disclaimer: This webpage is intended to provide you information about patch announcement for certain specific software products. The information is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind. The links provided point to pages on the vendors websites. You can get more information by clicking the links to visit the relevant pages on the vendors website.

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