Patch Repository


| 11:30 EDT & 6:30 a.m. GMT

Patch Tuesday Updates from ManageEngine

MS12-049 Bulletin Details
Bulletin ID MS12-049
Title Vulnerability in TLS Could Allow Information Disclosure (2655992)
Summary This security update resolves a publicly disclosed vulnerability in TLS. The vulnerability could allow information disclosure if an attacker intercepts encrypted web traffic served from an affected system. All cipher suites that do not use CBC mode are not affected.
Knowledgebase 2655992

List of Patches

S.No Patch Description Severity
.Security Update for Windows 7 (KB2655992)Important
.Security Update for Windows XP x64 Edition (KB2655992)Important
.Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2655992)Important
.Security Update for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB2655992)Important

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