Patch Repository

Outlook 2010 (x64) Patch Details
Patch Name mtextra2010-kb4092436-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
Patch Description Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB4092436) 64-Bit Edition
Bulletin Id MSWU-3014
Bulletin Title Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB4092436)
Severity Unrated
Location Path mtextra2010-kb4092436-fullfile-x64-glb.exe
Bulletin Summary Math equations that are created by Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0 are no longer supported. Such equations will not be displayed when the "MT Extra" font is missing from the local system. This update installs the "MT Extra" font to enable display of math equations that are created by Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0.
Superceding Bulletin Id None
Patch Release Date Sept 5, 2018

Affected Product Information

Product Name Service Pack Name
Office 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
Word 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
Excel 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
Outlook 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
Power Point 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
Access 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
Publisher 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
OneNote 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
InfoPath 2010 (x64)Office 2010 (x64) SP2
Visio 2010 (x64)Visio 2010 (x64) SP2
Components for Office 2010 (x64)Components for Office 2010 (x64)
Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (x64)Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (x64) SP2
Microsoft Office Project Standard 2010 (x64)Microsoft Office Project 2010 (x64) SP2
Microsoft Office Project Professional 2010 (x64)Microsoft Office Project 2010 (x64) SP2

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