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Changes arise as a result of problems. But, a lot of changes can come from pro-actively seeking business benefits such as reducing costs or improving services.


id (long)
Unique identifier of the change.

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Denotes the Title / Subject of the Change Request.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

stage (change_stage)
Denotes the Change Stage (Submission, Planning, Implementation etc.,).

stage (change_stage)

status (change_status)
Denotes the Change Status (Requested for Information, Approval Pending, Planning In Progress etc.,).

status (change_status)

description (html)
Denotes the Change Description.

description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

retrospective (boolean)
Denotes if the change request is a retrospective one.

retrospective (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

More Attributes Expand all

completed_time (datetime)

The completed time of the change.

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled Start Time.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled End Time.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

The status change comment.

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

template (change_template)

Denotes the Change Template Name.

template (change_template)

workflow (workflow)

Denotes the Change Workflow Name.

workflow (workflow)

risk (risk)

Denotes the Risk involved.

risk (risk)

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

Denotes the Reason for Change.

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

change_type (change_type)

The type of the change request.

change_type (change_type)

services (service_category)

Denotes the Services affected due to the Change.

services (service_category)

assets (ci)

Denotes the Assets involved.

assets (ci)

category (category)

Denotes the Catogory of the Change.

category (category)

subcategory (subcategory)

Denotes the Subcategory of the Change.

subcategory (subcategory)

item (item)

Denotes the Item to which the Change belongs.

item (item)

site (site)

Denotes the SiteName to which the Change belongs.

site (site)

group (support_group)

Denotes the group of the Change.

group (support_group)

change_owner (technician)

The change owner.

change_owner (technician)

change_requester (user)

The change requester.

change_requester (user)

change_manager (technician)

The change manager.

change_manager (technician)

impact (impact)

Denotes the Impact of the Change.

impact (impact)

attachments (attachment)

Denotes the attachments involved.

attachments (attachment)

priority (priority)

Denotes the Priority of the Change.

priority (priority)

urgency (urgency)

Denotes the Urgency of the Change.

urgency (urgency)

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Denotes the udf_fields involved.

udf_fields (udf_fields)

downtimes (downtime)

Denotes the downtimes involved.

downtimes (downtime)

closure_code (change_closure_code)

The closure code of the change request.

closure_code (change_closure_code)

roles (change_to_change_role)

Denotes the roles involved.

roles (change_to_change_role)

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the back_out_plan involved.

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the roll_out_plan involved.

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the impact_details involved.

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the checklist involved.

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the review_details involved.

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the close_details involved.

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

emergency (boolean)read only

Denotes whether it’s an emergency change request or not.

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

sla (change_sla)read only

Denotes the sla of the Change.

sla (change_sla)

sla_violation (boolean)read only

Denotes whether the SLA is violated or not.

sla_violation (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

approval_status (approval_status)read only

The approval status of the change request.

approval_status (approval_status)

Close A Change

This operation allows you to close a change.



$ curl /api/v3/changes/{change_id}/close_change
      -X PUT 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      -d input_data= '{
    "comment": "This is canceled",
    "status": "canceled"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/close_change";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {
    "comment": "This is canceled",
    "status": "canceled"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: PUT
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/close_change"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "comment": "This is canceled",
    "status": "canceled"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/close_change"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "comment": "This is canceled",
    "status": "canceled"
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "change": {
        "template": {
            "name": "General Template",
            "id": "1"
        "short_description": "description",
        "attachments": [],
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 06:18 PM",
                "value": "1582894101462"
            "internal_name": "roll_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "15"
            "name": "roll_out_plan",
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "description": "test",
            "id": "302"
        "closure_code": null,
        "sla_violation": null,
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "internal_name": "Implementer",
                    "name": "Implementer",
                    "id": "8"
                "change": {
                    "short_description": "description",
                    "id": "15",
                    "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure"
                "id": "907",
                "user": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "Shawn Adams",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "5",
                    "department": null
                "label_id": null
                "role": {
                    "internal_name": "Implementer",
                    "name": "Implementer",
                    "id": "8"
                "change": {
                    "short_description": "description",
                    "id": "15",
                    "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure"
                "id": "908",
                "user": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "John Roberts",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "7",
                    "department": null
                "label_id": null
        "downtimes": [
                "start_time": {
                    "display_value": "Jul 21, 2019 01:37 AM",
                    "value": "1563653240000"
                "change": {
                    "short_description": "description",
                    "id": "15",
                    "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure"
                "end_time": {
                    "display_value": "Aug 1, 2019 03:24 PM",
                    "value": "1564653240000"
                "description": "downtime",
                "id": "904"
        "description": "description",
        "emergency": false,
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "change_type": {
            "color": "#ff6666",
            "name": "Major",
            "id": "2"
        "review_details": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 06:18 PM",
                "value": "1582894101499"
            "internal_name": "review",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Review",
                "name": "Review",
                "id": "5"
            "change": {
                "id": "15"
            "name": "review_details",
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "description": "test",
            "id": "305"
        "change_owner": {
            "email_id": null,
            "name": "administrator",
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "4",
            "department": null
        "next_review_on": {
            "display_value": "Dec 19, 2022 01:03 AM",
            "value": "1671392007925"
        "assets": [],
        "urgency": {
            "name": "Normal",
            "id": "3"
        "close_details": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 06:18 PM",
                "value": "1582894101511"
            "internal_name": "close_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Close",
                "name": "Close",
                "id": "6"
            "change": {
                "id": "15"
            "name": "close_details",
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "description": "test",
            "id": "306"
        "id": "15",
        "change_requester": {
            "email_id": null,
            "name": "administrator",
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "4",
            "department": null
        "group": null,
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 03:46 PM",
            "value": "1582884960909"
        "item": {
            "name": "Install",
            "id": "8"
        "workflow": {
            "name": "SDGeneral",
            "id": "1",
            "is_emergency": false
        "approval_status": {
            "name": "Pending Approval",
            "id": "1"
        "change_manager": {
            "email_id": null,
            "name": "administrator",
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "4",
            "department": null
        "impact": {
            "name": "Low",
            "id": "3"
        "retrospective": false,
        "checklist": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 06:18 PM",
                "value": "1582894101487"
            "internal_name": "checklist",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "15"
            "name": "checklist",
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "description": "test",
            "id": "304"
        "services": [
                "name": "Application Login",
                "id": "1"
        "priority": {
            "color": "#ff0000",
            "name": "High",
            "id": "4"
        "scheduled_end_time": {
            "display_value": "Feb 23, 2017 11:59 PM",
            "value": "1487874599999"
        "back_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 06:18 PM",
                "value": "1582894101448"
            "internal_name": "back_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "15"
            "name": "back_out_plan",
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "description": "test",
            "id": "301"
        "stage": {
            "internal_name": "Close",
            "name": "Close",
            "id": "6"
        "reason_for_change": {
            "name": "Security compliance",
            "id": "2"
        "completed_time": {
            "display_value": "Feb 29, 2020 11:25 AM",
            "value": "1582955730341"
        "risk": {
            "name": "High",
            "id": "3"
        "impact_details": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 06:18 PM",
                "value": "1582894101474"
            "internal_name": "impact_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "15"
            "name": "impact_details",
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "description": "test",
            "id": "303"
        "category": {
            "name": "Software",
            "id": "3"
        "subcategory": {
            "name": "Adobe Reader",
            "id": "8"
        "notes_present": false,
        "status": {
            "prominent": true,
            "stage": {
                "id": "6"
            "action_name": "Cancel",
            "name": "Canceled",
            "id": "13"
        "scheduled_start_time": {
            "display_value": "Feb 16, 2017 12:00 AM",
            "value": "1487183400000"

Assign Change

This Operation allows you to assign a change owner for a change.



$ curl /api/v3/changes/assign?ids={change_ids}
      -X PUT 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      -d input_data= '{
    "change": {
        "change_owner": {
            "id": "4"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/assign?ids={change_ids}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {
    "change": {
        "change_owner": {
            "id": "4"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: PUT
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/assign?ids={change_ids}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "change": {
        "change_owner": {
            "id": "4"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/assign?ids={change_ids}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "change": {
        "change_owner": {
            "id": "4"
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": [
            "status_code": 2000,
            "id": "3",
            "status": "success"
    "changes": {
        "template": {
            "name": "General Template",
            "id": "1"
        "short_description": null,
        "attachments": [],
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "roll_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "roll_out_plan",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "13"
        "closure_code": null,
        "sla_violation": null,
        "roles": [],
        "description": null,
        "emergency": false,
        "change_type": null,
        "title": "xsc x",
        "review_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "review_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Review",
                "stage_index": "5",
                "name": "Review",
                "id": "5"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "review_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "17"
        "change_owner": {
            "email_id": null,
            "phone": "1234455",
            "name": "administrator",
            "mobile": "1234567890",
            "profile_pic": {
                "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "5",
            "department": null
        "next_review_on": null,
        "assets": [],
        "urgency": null,
        "close_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "close_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Close",
                "stage_index": "6",
                "name": "Close",
                "id": "6"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "close_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "18"
        "id": "3",
        "change_requester": null,
        "group": null,
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Dec 28, 2022 03:44 PM",
            "value": "1672222459029"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "validated": true,
            "name": "SDGeneral",
            "id": "1",
            "type": "General"
        "approval_status": {
            "name": "Pending Approval",
            "id": "1"
        "change_manager": null,
        "impact": null,
        "retrospective": false,
        "sla": null,
        "checklist": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "checklist",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "checklist",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "15"
        "services": [],
        "priority": null,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "back_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "back_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "back_out_plan",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "16"
        "stage": {
            "internal_name": "Submission",
            "stage_index": "1",
            "name": "Submission",
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "risk": null,
        "impact_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "impact_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "impact_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "14"
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "deleted_time": null,
        "notes_present": false,
        "status": {
            "internal_name": "Requested",
            "prominent": false,
            "stage": {
                "id": "1"
            "action_name": null,
            "name": "Requested",
            "id": "3"
        "scheduled_start_time": null

Pickup Change

This operation allows you to pickup change(s) on your name as a change owner.



$ curl /api/v3/changes/pickup?ids={change_ids}
      -X PUT 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      -d input_data= '{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/pickup?ids={change_ids}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: PUT
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/pickup?ids={change_ids}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/pickup?ids={change_ids}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": [
            "status_code": 2000,
            "id": "3",
            "status": "success"
    "changes": {
        "template": {
            "name": "General Template",
            "id": "1"
        "short_description": null,
        "attachments": [],
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "roll_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "roll_out_plan",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "13"
        "closure_code": null,
        "sla_violation": null,
        "roles": [],
        "description": null,
        "emergency": false,
        "change_type": null,
        "title": "xsc x",
        "review_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "review_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Review",
                "stage_index": "5",
                "name": "Review",
                "id": "5"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "review_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "17"
        "change_owner": {
            "email_id": null,
            "phone": "1234455",
            "name": "administrator",
            "mobile": "1234567890",
            "profile_pic": {
                "content-url": "/images/default-profile-pic2.svg"
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "5",
            "department": null
        "next_review_on": null,
        "assets": [],
        "urgency": null,
        "close_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "close_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Close",
                "stage_index": "6",
                "name": "Close",
                "id": "6"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "close_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "18"
        "id": "3",
        "change_requester": null,
        "group": null,
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Dec 28, 2022 03:44 PM",
            "value": "1672222459029"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "validated": true,
            "name": "SDGeneral",
            "id": "1",
            "type": "General"
        "approval_status": {
            "name": "Pending Approval",
            "id": "1"
        "change_manager": null,
        "impact": null,
        "retrospective": false,
        "sla": null,
        "checklist": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "checklist",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "checklist",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "15"
        "services": [],
        "priority": null,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "back_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "back_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "back_out_plan",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "16"
        "stage": {
            "internal_name": "Submission",
            "stage_index": "1",
            "name": "Submission",
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "risk": null,
        "impact_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "impact_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "impact_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "14"
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "deleted_time": null,
        "notes_present": false,
        "status": {
            "internal_name": "Requested",
            "prominent": false,
            "stage": {
                "id": "1"
            "action_name": null,
            "name": "Requested",
            "id": "3"
        "scheduled_start_time": null

Get Summary

This Operation allows you to get a summary of the change(s).



$ curl -G /api/v3/changes/summary?ids={change_ids}
      -X GET 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      --data-urlencode input_data = '{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/summary?ids={change_ids}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data":input_data};           
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/summary?ids={change_ids}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}    
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/summary?ids={change_ids}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''       
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "summary": [
            "id": 3,
            "task_completed_count": 0,
            "task_total_count": 0,
            "my_task_total_count": 0,
            "my_task_completed_count": 0
    "response_status": [
            "status_code": 2000,
            "id": "3",
            "status": "success"

Restore A Change

This operation lets you restore a change from trash.



$ curl /api/v3/changes/{changeid}/restore_from_trash
      -X PUT 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      -d input_data= '{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/{changeid}/restore_from_trash";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: PUT
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/{changeid}/restore_from_trash"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/{changeid}/restore_from_trash"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "change": {
        "template": {
            "name": "General Template",
            "id": "1"
        "short_description": null,
        "attachments": [],
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "roll_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "roll_out_plan",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "13"
        "closure_code": null,
        "sla_violation": null,
        "roles": [],
        "description": null,
        "emergency": false,
        "change_type": null,
        "title": "xsc x",
        "review_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "review_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Review",
                "stage_index": "5",
                "name": "Review",
                "id": "5"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "review_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "17"
        "change_owner": null,
        "next_review_on": null,
        "assets": [],
        "urgency": null,
        "close_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "close_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Close",
                "stage_index": "6",
                "name": "Close",
                "id": "6"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "close_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "18"
        "id": "3",
        "change_requester": null,
        "group": null,
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Dec 28, 2022 03:44 PM",
            "value": "1672222459029"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "validated": true,
            "name": "SDGeneral",
            "id": "1",
            "type": "General"
        "approval_status": {
            "name": "Pending Approval",
            "id": "1"
        "change_manager": null,
        "impact": null,
        "retrospective": false,
        "sla": null,
        "checklist": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "checklist",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "checklist",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "15"
        "services": [],
        "priority": null,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "back_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "back_out_plan",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "back_out_plan",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "16"
        "stage": {
            "internal_name": "Submission",
            "stage_index": "1",
            "name": "Submission",
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "risk": null,
        "impact_details": {
            "updated_on": null,
            "internal_name": "impact_details",
            "attachments": [],
            "stage": {
                "internal_name": "Planning",
                "stage_index": "2",
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "change": {
                "id": "3"
            "name": "impact_details",
            "updated_by": null,
            "description": null,
            "id": "14"
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "deleted_time": null,
        "notes_present": false,
        "status": {
            "internal_name": "Requested",
            "prominent": false,
            "stage": {
                "id": "1"
            "action_name": null,
            "name": "Requested",
            "id": "3"
        "scheduled_start_time": null

Trash A Change

This operation lets you trash the change.



$ curl /api/v3/changes/{change_id}/move_to_trash
      -X DELETE 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/move_to_trash";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: DELETE
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/move_to_trash"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method delete -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/move_to_trash"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,method="DELETE")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
  "response_status": {
    "status_code": 2000,
    "status": "success"

Get List Change

This operation lets you to view the details of all the changes.




id (long)
Unique identifier of the change.

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Denotes the Title / Subject of the Change Request.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

stage (change_stage)
Denotes the Change Stage (Submission, Planning, Implementation etc.,).

stage (change_stage)

status (change_status)
Denotes the Change Status (Requested for Information, Approval Pending, Planning In Progress etc.,).

status (change_status)

retrospective (boolean)
Denotes if the change request is a retrospective one.

retrospective (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

completed_time (datetime)
The completed time of the change.

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

More Attributes Expand all

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled Start Time.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled End Time.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

The status change comment.

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

template (change_template)

Denotes the Change Template Name.

template (change_template)

workflow (workflow)

Denotes the Change Workflow Name.

workflow (workflow)

risk (risk)

Denotes the Risk involved.

risk (risk)

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

Denotes the Reason for Change.

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

change_type (change_type)

The type of the change request.

change_type (change_type)

category (category)

Denotes the Catogory of the Change.

category (category)

subcategory (subcategory)

Denotes the Subcategory of the Change.

subcategory (subcategory)

item (item)

Denotes the Item to which the Change belongs.

item (item)

site (site)

Denotes the SiteName to which the Change belongs.

site (site)

group (support_group)

Denotes the group of the Change.

group (support_group)

change_owner (technician)

The change owner.

change_owner (technician)

change_requester (user)

The change requester.

change_requester (user)

change_manager (technician)

The change manager.

change_manager (technician)

impact (impact)

Denotes the Impact of the Change.

impact (impact)

attachments (attachment)

Denotes the attachments involved.

attachments (attachment)

priority (priority)

Denotes the Priority of the Change.

priority (priority)

urgency (urgency)

Denotes the Urgency of the Change.

urgency (urgency)

downtimes (downtime)

Denotes the downtimes involved.

downtimes (downtime)

roles (change_to_change_role)

Denotes the roles involved.

roles (change_to_change_role)

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the back_out_plan involved.

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the roll_out_plan involved.

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the impact_details involved.

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the checklist involved.

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the review_details involved.

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the close_details involved.

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

emergency (boolean)read only

Denotes whether it’s an emergency change request or not.

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

sla (change_sla)read only

Denotes the sla of the Change.

sla (change_sla)

sla_violation (boolean)read only

Denotes whether the SLA is violated or not.

sla_violation (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

approval_status (approval_status)read only

The approval status of the change request.

approval_status (approval_status)

$ curl -G /api/v3/changes
      -X GET 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      --data-urlencode input_data = '{
    "list_info": {
        "row_count": 10,
        "start_index": 1,
        "get_total_count": true,
        "sort_fields": [
                "field": "id",
                "order": "asc"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {
    "list_info": {
        "row_count": 10,
        "start_index": 1,
        "get_total_count": true,
        "sort_fields": [
                "field": "id",
                "order": "asc"
params = {"input_data":input_data};           
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "list_info": {
        "row_count": 10,
        "start_index": 1,
        "get_total_count": true,
        "sort_fields": [
                "field": "id",
                "order": "asc"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}    
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "list_info": {
        "row_count": 10,
        "start_index": 1,
        "get_total_count": true,
        "sort_fields": [
                "field": "id",
                "order": "asc"
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": [
            "status_code": 2000,
            "status": "success"
    "changes": [
            "template": {
                "id": "1"
            "sla_violation": null,
            "emergency": false,
            "title": "Operating System migration",
            "change_type": null,
            "change_owner": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "Howard Stern",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "8"
            "urgency": {
                "id": "3"
            "id": "3",
            "change_requester": null,
            "group": null,
            "created_time": {
                "display_value": "Jul 24, 2019 04:33 PM",
                "value": "1563966199596"
            "item": null,
            "workflow": {
                "id": "1",
                "is_emergency": false
            "approval_status": {
                "name": "Pending Approval",
                "id": "1"
            "change_manager": {
                "email_id": null,
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4"
            "impact": {
                "id": "2"
            "priority": {
                "color": "#ff0000",
                "id": "4"
            "retrospective": false,
            "scheduled_end_time": {
                "display_value": "Jul 25, 2019 04:32 PM",
                "value": "1564052520000"
            "site": null,
            "stage": {
                "id": "1"
            "reason_for_change": null,
            "completed_time": null,
            "risk": {
                "id": "3"
            "category": {
                "name": "Operating System",
                "id": "11"
            "subcategory": {
                "name": "Mac OS X",
                "id": "24"
            "status": {
                "stage": {
                    "id": "1"
                "prominent": false,
                "action_name": null,
                "id": "3"
            "scheduled_start_time": {
                "display_value": "Jul 24, 2019 04:32 PM",
                "value": "1563966120000"
            "template": {
                "id": "1"
            "sla_violation": null,
            "emergency": false,
            "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
            "change_type": null,
            "change_owner": null,
            "urgency": null,
            "id": "4",
            "change_requester": null,
            "group": null,
            "created_time": {
                "display_value": "Jul 24, 2019 04:36 PM",
                "value": "1563966369821"
            "item": null,
            "workflow": {
                "id": "1",
                "is_emergency": false
            "approval_status": {
                "name": "Pending Approval",
                "id": "1"
            "change_manager": null,
            "impact": null,
            "priority": null,
            "retrospective": false,
            "scheduled_end_time": null,
            "site": null,
            "stage": {
                "id": "1"
            "reason_for_change": null,
            "completed_time": null,
            "risk": null,
            "category": null,
            "subcategory": null,
            "status": {
                "stage": {
                    "id": "1"
                "prominent": false,
                "action_name": null,
                "id": "3"
            "scheduled_start_time": null
    "list_info": {
        "has_more_rows": false,
        "start_index": 1,
        "row_count": 2

Meta-info For Change Add

This operation allows you to get the metainfo of add change operation.



$ curl -G /api/v3/changes/metainfo
      -X GET 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      --data-urlencode input_data = '{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/metainfo";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data":input_data};           
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/metainfo"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}    
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/metainfo"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''       
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "metainfo": {
        "is_dynamic": false,
        "plural_name": "changes",
        "relationship": false,
        "fields": {
            "roll_out_plan": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/roll_out_plan",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Roll Out Plan",
                "partial_field": false
            "closure_code": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "change_closure_code",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/closure_code",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Closure Code",
                "partial_field": false
            "sla_violation": {
                "read_only": true,
                "editable": false,
                "form_field": false,
                "sortable": false,
                "type": "boolean",
                "display_name": "SLA Violated",
                "partial_field": false
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                "read_only": true,
                "editable": false,
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                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/change_type",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Change Type",
                "partial_field": false
            "review_details": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/review_details",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Review",
                "partial_field": false
            "assets": {
                "display_type": "MultiSelect",
                "multiple": true,
                "lookup_entity": "ci",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/assets",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Assets Involved",
                "partial_field": false
            "status_comments": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_status_comment",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/status_comments",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "initiated_requests": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "request_initiated_by_change",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/initiated_requests",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "id": {
                "identifier": true,
                "read_only": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "type": "long",
                "partial_field": false
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                "lookup_entity": "user",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/change_requester",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "display_name": "ChangeRequester"
            "group": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "depends_on": [
                "lookup_entity": "support_group",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/group",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Group",
                "partial_field": false
            "created_time": {
                "default_value": {
                    "value": 1595314415031
                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Created Time",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "item": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "depends_on": [
                "lookup_entity": "item",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/item",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Item",
                "partial_field": false
            "workflow": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "change_workflow",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/workflow",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Workflow",
                "partial_field": false
            "approval_status": {
                "read_only": true,
                "editable": false,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "approval_status",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/approval_status",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Approval Status",
                "partial_field": false
            "impact": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
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                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/impact",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Impact",
                "partial_field": false
            "initiated_by_requests": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_initiated_by_request",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/initiated_by_requests",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "priority": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "priority",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/priority",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Priority",
                "partial_field": false
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                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Scheduled End",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
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                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "reason_for_change",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/reason_for_change",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Reason For Change",
                "partial_field": false
            "udf_fields": {
                "fields": {},
                "type": "udf"
            "impact_details": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/impact_details",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Impact",
                "partial_field": false
            "subcategory": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "depends_on": [
                "lookup_entity": "subcategory",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/subcategory",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Subcategory",
                "partial_field": false
            "status": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "depends_on": [
                "lookup_entity": "change_status",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/status",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Status",
                "partial_field": false,
                "mandatory": true
            "scheduled_start_time": {
                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Scheduled Start",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "descriptive_fields": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/descriptive_fields",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "problems": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_problem_association",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/problems",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "template": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "change_template",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/template",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Template",
                "partial_field": false
            "short_description": {
                "read_only": true,
                "editable": false,
                "form_field": false,
                "type": "string",
                "partial_field": true
            "attachments": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "attachment",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/attachments",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Attachments",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
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                "multiple": true,
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                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/roles",
                "type": "lookup",
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                "searchable": false
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                "form_field": false,
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                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
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                "type": "lookup",
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                "partial_field": false
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                "type": "string",
                "display_name": "Title",
                "partial_field": true,
                "mandatory": true,
                "constraints": {
                    "max_length": "250"
            "change_owner": {
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                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/change_owner",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "display_name": "ChangeOwner"
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                "href": "/changes/change_manager",
                "type": "lookup",
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                "display_name": "ChangeManager"
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                "editable": false,
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_approval_level",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/approval_levels",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
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                "sortable": false,
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                "display_name": "Retrospective",
                "partial_field": false
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                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/checklist",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Check List",
                "partial_field": false
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                "display_type": "MultiSelect",
                "multiple": true,
                "lookup_entity": "service_category",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/services",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Services Affected",
                "partial_field": false
            "back_out_plan": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/back_out_plan",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Backout Plan",
                "partial_field": false
            "site": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
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                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/site",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Site",
                "partial_field": false
            "stage": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "change_stage",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/stage",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Stage",
                "partial_field": false,
                "mandatory": true
            "completed_time": {
                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Completed Time",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "risk": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "risk",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/risk",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Risk",
                "partial_field": false
            "comment": {
                "display_type": "Multi Line",
                "sortable": false,
                "type": "string",
                "partial_field": false,
                "constraints": {
                    "max_length": "-1"
                "searchable": false
            "category": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "category",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/category",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Category",
                "partial_field": false
            "notes_present": {
                "read_only": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "sortable": false,
                "type": "boolean",
                "partial_field": false
        "entity": "change"

Meta-info For Change Edit

This operation allows you to get the metainfo of edit change operation.



$ curl -G /api/v3/changes/{change_id}/metainfo
      -X GET 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      --data-urlencode input_data = '{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/metainfo";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data":input_data};           
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/metainfo"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}    
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}/metainfo"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''       
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "metainfo": {
        "is_dynamic": false,
        "plural_name": "changes",
        "relationship": false,
        "fields": {
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                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/roll_out_plan",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Roll Out Plan",
                "partial_field": false
            "closure_code": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "change_closure_code",
                "lookup_field": "name",
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                "type": "lookup",
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                "read_only": true,
                "editable": false,
                "form_field": false,
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                "display_name": "Change Type",
                "partial_field": false
            "review_details": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
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                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Review",
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                "display_type": "MultiSelect",
                "multiple": true,
                "lookup_entity": "ci",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/assets",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Assets Involved",
                "partial_field": false
            "status_comments": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_status_comment",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/status_comments",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "initiated_requests": {
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                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
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                "href": "/changes/1/change_requester",
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                "display_type": "Pick List",
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                    "value": 1595260588478
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                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "depends_on": [
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                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/item",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Item",
                "partial_field": false
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                "display_type": "Pick List",
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                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "approval_status",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/approval_status",
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                "display_name": "Approval Status",
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                "href": "/changes/1/initiated_by_requests",
                "type": "lookup",
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                "searchable": false
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                "display_type": "Pick List",
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                "lookup_field": "name",
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                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Priority",
                "partial_field": false
            "scheduled_end_time": {
                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Scheduled End",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "reason_for_change": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "reason_for_change",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/reason_for_change",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Reason For Change",
                "partial_field": false
            "udf_fields": {
                "fields": {},
                "type": "udf"
            "impact_details": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/impact_details",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Impact",
                "partial_field": false
            "subcategory": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "depends_on": [
                "lookup_entity": "subcategory",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/subcategory",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Subcategory",
                "partial_field": false
            "status": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "depends_on": [
                "lookup_entity": "change_status",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/status",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Status",
                "partial_field": false,
                "mandatory": true
            "scheduled_start_time": {
                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Scheduled Start",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "descriptive_fields": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/descriptive_fields",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "problems": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_problem_association",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/problems",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "template": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "change_template",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/template",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Template",
                "partial_field": false
            "short_description": {
                "read_only": true,
                "editable": false,
                "form_field": false,
                "type": "string",
                "partial_field": true
            "attachments": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "attachment",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/attachments",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Attachments",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "roles": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_to_change_role",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/roles",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Roles",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "downtimes": {
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "downtime",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/downtimes",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Downtime",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "description": {
                "sortable": false,
                "type": "html",
                "display_name": "Description",
                "partial_field": false
            "title": {
                "display_type": "Single Line",
                "type": "string",
                "display_name": "Title",
                "partial_field": true,
                "mandatory": true,
                "constraints": {
                    "max_length": "250"
            "change_owner": {
                "lookup_entity": "technician",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/change_owner",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "display_name": "ChangeOwner"
            "next_review_on": {
                "display_type": "Date/Time",
                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Next Review date",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "urgency": {
                "display_type": "pick_list",
                "lookup_entity": "urgency",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/urgency",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Urgency",
                "partial_field": false
            "close_details": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/close_details",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Close Details",
                "partial_field": false
            "summary": {
                "read_only": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_summary",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/summary",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "change_manager": {
                "lookup_entity": "technician",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/change_manager",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "display_name": "ChangeManager"
            "approval_levels": {
                "editable": false,
                "multiple": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_approval_level",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "sortable": false,
                "href": "/changes/1/approval_levels",
                "type": "lookup",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "retrospective": {
                "sortable": false,
                "type": "boolean",
                "display_name": "Retrospective",
                "partial_field": false
            "checklist": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/checklist",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Check List",
                "partial_field": false
            "services": {
                "display_type": "MultiSelect",
                "multiple": true,
                "lookup_entity": "service_category",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/services",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Services Affected",
                "partial_field": false
            "back_out_plan": {
                "form_field": false,
                "lookup_entity": "change_descriptive_field",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/back_out_plan",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Backout Plan",
                "partial_field": false
            "site": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "site",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/site",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Site",
                "partial_field": false
            "stage": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "change_stage",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/stage",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Stage",
                "partial_field": false,
                "mandatory": true
            "completed_time": {
                "type": "datetime",
                "display_name": "Completed Time",
                "partial_field": false,
                "searchable": false
            "risk": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "risk",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/risk",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Risk",
                "partial_field": false
            "comment": {
                "display_type": "Multi Line",
                "sortable": false,
                "type": "string",
                "partial_field": false,
                "constraints": {
                    "max_length": "-1"
                "searchable": false
            "category": {
                "display_type": "Pick List",
                "lookup_entity": "category",
                "lookup_field": "name",
                "href": "/changes/1/category",
                "type": "lookup",
                "display_name": "Category",
                "partial_field": false
            "notes_present": {
                "read_only": true,
                "form_field": false,
                "sortable": false,
                "type": "boolean",
                "partial_field": false
        "entity": "change"

Get Change

This operation helps you to view the change details by the unique change id.




id (long)
Unique identifier of the change.

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Denotes the Title / Subject of the Change Request.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

stage (change_stage)
Denotes the Change Stage (Submission, Planning, Implementation etc.,).

stage (change_stage)

status (change_status)
Denotes the Change Status (Requested for Information, Approval Pending, Planning In Progress etc.,).

status (change_status)

description (html)
Denotes the Change Description.

description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

retrospective (boolean)
Denotes if the change request is a retrospective one.

retrospective (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

More Attributes Expand all

completed_time (datetime)

The completed time of the change.

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled Start Time.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled End Time.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

The status change comment.

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

template (change_template)

Denotes the Change Template Name.

template (change_template)

workflow (workflow)

Denotes the Change Workflow Name.

workflow (workflow)

risk (risk)

Denotes the Risk involved.

risk (risk)

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

Denotes the Reason for Change.

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

change_type (change_type)

The type of the change request.

change_type (change_type)

services (service_category)

Denotes the Services affected due to the Change.

services (service_category)

assets (ci)

Denotes the Assets involved.

assets (ci)

category (category)

Denotes the Catogory of the Change.

category (category)

subcategory (subcategory)

Denotes the Subcategory of the Change.

subcategory (subcategory)

item (item)

Denotes the Item to which the Change belongs.

item (item)

site (site)

Denotes the SiteName to which the Change belongs.

site (site)

group (support_group)

Denotes the group of the Change.

group (support_group)

change_owner (technician)

The change owner.

change_owner (technician)

change_requester (user)

The change requester.

change_requester (user)

change_manager (technician)

The change manager.

change_manager (technician)

impact (impact)

Denotes the Impact of the Change.

impact (impact)

priority (priority)

Denotes the Priority of the Change.

priority (priority)

urgency (urgency)

Denotes the Urgency of the Change.

urgency (urgency)

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Denotes the udf_fields involved.

udf_fields (udf_fields)

downtimes (downtime)

Denotes the downtimes involved.

downtimes (downtime)

closure_code (change_closure_code)

The closure code of the change request.

closure_code (change_closure_code)

roles (change_to_change_role)

Denotes the roles involved.

roles (change_to_change_role)

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the back_out_plan involved.

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the roll_out_plan involved.

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the impact_details involved.

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the checklist involved.

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the review_details involved.

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the close_details involved.

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

emergency (boolean)read only

Denotes whether it’s an emergency change request or not.

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

sla (change_sla)read only

Denotes the sla of the Change.

sla (change_sla)

sla_violation (boolean)read only

Denotes whether the SLA is violated or not.

sla_violation (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

approval_status (approval_status)read only

The approval status of the change request.

approval_status (approval_status)

$ curl -G /api/v3/changes/{change_id}
      -X GET 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      --data-urlencode input_data = '{}'
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {};
params = {"input_data":input_data};           
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: GET
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}    
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method get -Body $data -Headers $headers 
#Python version - 3.8
#This script requires requests module installed in python.
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{}'''       
url += "?" + urlencode({"input_data":input_data})
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers)
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "change": {
        "template": {
            "id": "1"
        "short_description": "Operating System migration",
        "sla_violation": null,
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "id": "1",
                "user": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "Shawn Adams",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "5"
                "label_id": null
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "id": "2",
                "user": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "John Roberts",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "7"
                "label_id": null
        "description": "Operating System migration",
        "emergency": false,
        "downtimes": [],
        "title": "Operating System migration",
        "change_type": null,
        "change_owner": {
            "email_id": null,
            "name": "Howard Stern",
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "8"
        "assets": [],
        "urgency": {
            "id": "3"
        "id": "1",
        "change_requester": null,
        "group": null,
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Jul 24, 2019 04:33 PM",
            "value": "1563966199596"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "id": "1",
            "is_emergency": false
        "approval_status": {
            "name": "Pending Approval",
            "id": "1"
        "change_manager": {
            "email_id": null,
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "4"
        "impact": {
            "id": "2"
        "services": [],
        "priority": {
            "color": "#ff0000",
            "id": "4"
        "retrospective": false,
        "scheduled_end_time": {
            "display_value": "Jul 25, 2019 04:32 PM",
            "value": "1564052520000"
        "site": null,
        "stage": {
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "risk": {
            "id": "3"
        "category": {
            "name": "Operating System",
            "id": "11"
        "subcategory": {
            "name": "Mac OS X",
            "id": "24"
        "status": {
            "stage": {
                "id": "1"
            "prominent": false,
            "action_name": null,
            "id": "3"
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                "value": "1582892483833"
            "stage": {
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "attachments": [],
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "review_details": {
                "name": "review_details",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483865"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Review",
                    "id": "5"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "305"
            "close_details": {
                "name": "close_details",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483883"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Close",
                    "id": "6"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "306"
            "checklist": {
                "name": "checklist",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483853"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Planning",
                    "id": "2"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "304"
            "back_out_plan": {
                "name": "back_out_plan",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483822"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Planning",
                    "id": "2"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "301"
            "impact_details": {
                "name": "impact_details",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483843"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Planning",
                    "id": "2"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "303"
            "description": "test",
            "id": "302"
        "scheduled_start_time": {
            "display_value": "Jul 24, 2019 04:32 PM",
            "value": "1563966120000"

Delete Change

This operation lets you delete change.



$ curl /api/v3/changes/{change_id}
      -X DELETE 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: DELETE
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method delete -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,method="DELETE")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
  "response_status": {
    "status_code": 2000,
    "status": "success"

Edit Change

This operation helps you to update the change by using the unique change_id.




id (long)
Unique identifier of the change.

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Denotes the Title / Subject of the Change Request.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

stage (change_stage)
Denotes the Change Stage (Submission, Planning, Implementation etc.,).

stage (change_stage)

status (change_status)
Denotes the Change Status (Requested for Information, Approval Pending, Planning In Progress etc.,).

status (change_status)

description (html)
Denotes the Change Description.

description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

retrospective (boolean)
Denotes if the change request is a retrospective one.

retrospective (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

More Attributes Expand all

completed_time (datetime)

The completed time of the change.

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled Start Time.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled End Time.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

The status change comment.

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

template (change_template)

Denotes the Change Template Name.

template (change_template)

workflow (workflow)

Denotes the Change Workflow Name.

workflow (workflow)

risk (risk)

Denotes the Risk involved.

risk (risk)

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

Denotes the Reason for Change.

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

change_type (change_type)

The type of the change request.

change_type (change_type)

services (service_category)

Denotes the Services affected due to the Change.

services (service_category)

assets (ci)

Denotes the Assets involved.

assets (ci)

category (category)

Denotes the Catogory of the Change.

category (category)

subcategory (subcategory)

Denotes the Subcategory of the Change.

subcategory (subcategory)

item (item)

Denotes the Item to which the Change belongs.

item (item)

site (site)

Denotes the SiteName to which the Change belongs.

site (site)

group (support_group)

Denotes the group of the Change.

group (support_group)

change_owner (technician)

The change owner.

change_owner (technician)

change_requester (user)

The change requester.

change_requester (user)

change_manager (technician)

The change manager.

change_manager (technician)

impact (impact)

Denotes the Impact of the Change.

impact (impact)

attachments (attachment)

Denotes the attachments involved.

attachments (attachment)

priority (priority)

Denotes the Priority of the Change.

priority (priority)

urgency (urgency)

Denotes the Urgency of the Change.

urgency (urgency)

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Denotes the udf_fields involved.

udf_fields (udf_fields)

downtimes (downtime)

Denotes the downtimes involved.

downtimes (downtime)

closure_code (change_closure_code)

The closure code of the change request.

closure_code (change_closure_code)

roles (change_to_change_role)

Denotes the roles involved.

roles (change_to_change_role)

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the back_out_plan involved.

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the roll_out_plan involved.

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the impact_details involved.

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the checklist involved.

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the review_details involved.

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the close_details involved.

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

emergency (boolean)read only

Denotes whether it’s an emergency change request or not.

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

sla (change_sla)read only

Denotes the sla of the Change.

sla (change_sla)

sla_violation (boolean)read only

Denotes whether the SLA is violated or not.

sla_violation (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

approval_status (approval_status)read only

The approval status of the change request.

approval_status (approval_status)

$ curl /api/v3/changes/{change_id}
      -X PUT 
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      -d input_data= '{
    "change": {
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "5"
                "id": "3304"
                "id": "3305",
                "role": {
                    "id": "7"
                "group": {
                    "id": "1"
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "4"
        "change_requester": {
            "id": "4"
        "change_manager": {
            "id": "4"
        "back_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "301"
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "302"
        "impact_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "303"
        "checklist": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "304"
        "review_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "305"
        "close_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "306"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {
    "change": {
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "5"
                "id": "3304"
                "id": "3305",
                "role": {
                    "id": "7"
                "group": {
                    "id": "1"
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "4"
        "change_requester": {
            "id": "4"
        "change_manager": {
            "id": "4"
        "back_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "301"
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "302"
        "impact_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "303"
        "checklist": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "304"
        "review_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "305"
        "close_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "306"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: PUT
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}"
$headers = @{"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "change": {
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "5"
                "id": "3304"
                "id": "3305",
                "role": {
                    "id": "7"
                "group": {
                    "id": "1"
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "4"
        "change_requester": {
            "id": "4"
        "change_manager": {
            "id": "4"
        "back_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "301"
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "302"
        "impact_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "303"
        "checklist": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "304"
        "review_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "305"
        "close_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "306"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method put -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes/{change_id}"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
    "change": {
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "5"
                "id": "3304"
                "id": "3305",
                "role": {
                    "id": "7"
                "group": {
                    "id": "1"
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "4"
        "change_requester": {
            "id": "4"
        "change_manager": {
            "id": "4"
        "back_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "301"
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "302"
        "impact_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "303"
        "checklist": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "304"
        "review_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "305"
        "close_details": {
            "description": "test",
            "id": "306"
data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="PUT")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
        "status_code": 2000,
        "status": "success"
    "change": {
        "template": {
            "id": "1"
        "short_description": null,
        "attachments": [],
        "sla_violation": null,
        "description": null,
        "emergency": false,
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "change_type": null,
        "change_owner": null,
        "next_review_on": null,
        "assets": [],
        "urgency": null,
        "id": "23",
        "change_requester": {
            "email_id": null,
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "4",
            "department": null
        "group": null,
        "created_time": {
            "display_value": "Oct 17, 2019 08:09 PM",
            "value": "1571323157629"
        "item": null,
        "workflow": {
            "id": "1",
            "is_emergency": false
        "approval_status": {
            "name": "Pending Approval",
            "id": "1"
        "change_manager": {
            "email_id": null,
            "is_vipuser": false,
            "id": "4",
            "department": null
        "impact": null,
        "services": [],
        "priority": null,
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "id": "3304",
                "user": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "Shawn Adams",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "5",
                    "department": null
                "label_id": null
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "id": "3305",
                "user": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "John Roberts",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "7",
                    "department": null
                "label_id": null
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "id": "3307",
                "user": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "label_id": null
        "retrospective": false,
        "scheduled_end_time": null,
        "site": null,
        "stage": {
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": null,
        "completed_time": null,
        "udf_fields": {
            "udf_sline_301": null,
            "udf_sline_302": null
        "risk": null,
        "impact_details": null,
        "category": null,
        "subcategory": null,
        "status": {
            "stage": {
                "id": "1"
            "prominent": false,
            "action_name": null,
            "id": "3"
        "roll_out_plan": {
            "updated_on": {
                "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                "value": "1582892483833"
            "stage": {
                "name": "Planning",
                "id": "2"
            "attachments": [],
            "updated_by": {
                "email_id": null,
                "name": "administrator",
                "is_vipuser": false,
                "id": "4",
                "department": null
            "review_details": {
                "name": "review_details",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483865"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Review",
                    "id": "5"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "305"
            "close_details": {
                "name": "close_details",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483883"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Close",
                    "id": "6"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "306"
            "checklist": {
                "name": "checklist",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483853"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Planning",
                    "id": "2"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "304"
            "back_out_plan": {
                "name": "back_out_plan",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483822"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Planning",
                    "id": "2"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "301"
            "impact_details": {
                "name": "impact_details",
                "updated_on": {
                    "display_value": "Feb 28, 2020 05:51 PM",
                    "value": "1582892483843"
                "stage": {
                    "name": "Planning",
                    "id": "2"
                "attachments": [],
                "updated_by": {
                    "email_id": null,
                    "name": "administrator",
                    "is_vipuser": false,
                    "id": "4",
                    "department": null
                "description": "test",
                "id": "303"
            "description": "test",
            "id": "302"
        "scheduled_start_time": null

Add Change

This operation helps you to add new change.

Mandatory Fields :- title, stage, status




id (long)
Unique identifier of the change.

id (long)
Numerical digits which are considered to have larger values.



title (string)
Denotes the Title / Subject of the Change Request.

title (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

stage (change_stage)
Denotes the Change Stage (Submission, Planning, Implementation etc.,).

stage (change_stage)

status (change_status)
Denotes the Change Status (Requested for Information, Approval Pending, Planning In Progress etc.,).

status (change_status)

description (html)
Denotes the Change Description.

description (html)
HTML is a text area where html elements can be used.


<b>The content to be displayed</b>

retrospective (boolean)
Denotes if the change request is a retrospective one.

retrospective (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

More Attributes Expand all

completed_time (datetime)

The completed time of the change.

completed_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled Start Time.

scheduled_start_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)

Denotes the Scheduled End Time.

scheduled_end_time (datetime)
Represents a date/time as a JSON Object. Would contain the value and the display_value attributes.

value : The time in long format (No. of milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 ).

display_value : The time in a readable form in a format as personalized by the user. If not personalized, default format would be used.

comment (string)

The status change comment.

comment (string)
A text in a plain format. No rich text or new line characters allowed.


Sample Content

template (change_template)

Denotes the Change Template Name.

template (change_template)

workflow (workflow)

Denotes the Change Workflow Name.

workflow (workflow)

risk (risk)

Denotes the Risk involved.

risk (risk)

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

Denotes the Reason for Change.

reason_for_change (reason_for_change)

change_type (change_type)

The type of the change request.

change_type (change_type)

services (service_category)

Denotes the Services affected due to the Change.

services (service_category)

assets (ci)

Denotes the Assets involved.

assets (ci)

category (category)

Denotes the Catogory of the Change.

category (category)

subcategory (subcategory)

Denotes the Subcategory of the Change.

subcategory (subcategory)

item (item)

Denotes the Item to which the Change belongs.

item (item)

site (site)

Denotes the SiteName to which the Change belongs.

site (site)

group (support_group)

Denotes the group of the Change.

group (support_group)

change_owner (technician)

The change owner.

change_owner (technician)

change_requester (user)

The change requester.

change_requester (user)

change_manager (technician)

The change manager.

change_manager (technician)

impact (impact)

Denotes the Impact of the Change.

impact (impact)

attachments (attachment)

Denotes the attachments involved.

attachments (attachment)

priority (priority)

Denotes the Priority of the Change.

priority (priority)

urgency (urgency)

Denotes the Urgency of the Change.

urgency (urgency)

udf_fields (udf_fields)

Denotes the udf_fields involved.

udf_fields (udf_fields)

downtimes (downtime)

Denotes the downtimes involved.

downtimes (downtime)

closure_code (change_closure_code)

The closure code of the change request.

closure_code (change_closure_code)

roles (change_to_change_role)

Denotes the roles involved.

roles (change_to_change_role)

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the back_out_plan involved.

back_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the roll_out_plan involved.

roll_out_plan (change_descriptive_field)

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the impact_details involved.

impact_details (change_descriptive_field)

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the checklist involved.

checklist (change_descriptive_field)

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the review_details involved.

review_details (change_descriptive_field)

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

Denotes the close_details involved.

close_details (change_descriptive_field)

emergency (boolean)read only

Denotes whether it’s an emergency change request or not.

emergency (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

sla (change_sla)read only

Denotes the sla of the Change.

sla (change_sla)

sla_violation (boolean)read only

Denotes whether the SLA is violated or not.

sla_violation (boolean)
Boolean value which can have two possible values. The values are true and false.

approval_status (approval_status)read only

The approval status of the change request.

approval_status (approval_status)

$ curl /api/v3/changes
      -X POST
      -H "Accept: application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
      -H "Authorization: authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      -d input_data= '{
    "change": {
        "template": {
            "id": "1"
        "next_review_on": {
            "value": "1671392007925"
        "category": {
            "id": "3"
        "services": [
                "id": "1"
        "subcategory": {
            "id": "8"
        "item": {
            "id": "8"
        "description": "description",
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "change_type": {
            "id": "2"
        "change_manager": {
            "id": "4"
        "change_owner": {
            "id": "4"
        "priority": {
            "id": "4"
        "scheduled_end_time": {
            "value": "1487874599999"
        "impact": {
            "id": "3"
        "urgency": {
            "id": "3"
        "risk": {
            "id": "3"
        "scheduled_start_time": {
            "value": "1487183400000"
        "assets": [],
        "change_requester": {
            "id": "3"
        "workflow": {
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": {
            "id": "2"
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "5"
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "7"
        "stage": {
            "id": "1"
        "status": {
            "id": "3"
// Deluge Sample script
url = "/api/v3/changes";
headers = {"Accept":"application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json",
           "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
           "Authorization": "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"};
input_data = {
    "change": {
        "template": {
            "id": "1"
        "next_review_on": {
            "value": "1671392007925"
        "category": {
            "id": "3"
        "services": [
                "id": "1"
        "subcategory": {
            "id": "8"
        "item": {
            "id": "8"
        "description": "description",
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "change_type": {
            "id": "2"
        "change_manager": {
            "id": "4"
        "change_owner": {
            "id": "4"
        "priority": {
            "id": "4"
        "scheduled_end_time": {
            "value": "1487874599999"
        "impact": {
            "id": "3"
        "urgency": {
            "id": "3"
        "risk": {
            "id": "3"
        "scheduled_start_time": {
            "value": "1487183400000"
        "assets": [],
        "change_requester": {
            "id": "3"
        "workflow": {
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": {
            "id": "2"
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "5"
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "7"
        "stage": {
            "id": "1"
        "status": {
            "id": "3"
params = {"input_data": input_data};
response = invokeurl
    url: url
    type: POST
    parameters: params
    headers: headers
info response;
#Powershell version - 5.1
$url = "/api/v3/changes"
$headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json"
    "Authorization" = "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX"
    "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
$input_data = @'
    "change": {
        "template": {
            "id": "1"
        "next_review_on": {
            "value": "1671392007925"
        "category": {
            "id": "3"
        "services": [
                "id": "1"
        "subcategory": {
            "id": "8"
        "item": {
            "id": "8"
        "description": "description",
        "title": "WAN - Port - Reconfigure",
        "change_type": {
            "id": "2"
        "change_manager": {
            "id": "4"
        "change_owner": {
            "id": "4"
        "priority": {
            "id": "4"
        "scheduled_end_time": {
            "value": "1487874599999"
        "impact": {
            "id": "3"
        "urgency": {
            "id": "3"
        "risk": {
            "id": "3"
        "scheduled_start_time": {
            "value": "1487183400000"
        "assets": [],
        "change_requester": {
            "id": "3"
        "workflow": {
            "id": "1"
        "reason_for_change": {
            "id": "2"
        "roles": [
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "5"
                "role": {
                    "id": "8"
                "user": {
                    "id": "7"
        "stage": {
            "id": "1"
        "status": {
            "id": "3"
$data = @{ 'input_data' = $input_data}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method post -Body $data -Headers $headers
#Python version - 3.10
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request

url = "/api/v3/changes"
headers ={"Accept": "application/vnd.manageengine.sdp.v3+json", 
          "Authorization" : "authtoken: 6FXXXXX2-0XXX-XXXX-XXXX-5XXXXXAXXXXX", 
          "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
input_data = '''{
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                "user": {
                    "id": "7"
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data = urlencode({"input_data":input_data}).encode()
httprequest = Request(url, headers=headers,data=data, method="POST")
    with urlopen(httprequest) as response:
except HTTPError as e:
    "response_status": {
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