Product Roadmap (Version 1.2)

Note: This is only a tentative schedule.  The implementation of feature(s)
may vary based on internal priorities and time.
( Last Updated : 12 Feb 2010 )

Q1 2010

Search Enhancements

  • Enhanced natural language search capabilities using Lucene engine (Completed)
  • Ability to search one or more modules at one go (Completed)
  • "Save Search" option (Deferred)
  • Tagging requests with keywords to quickly locate related request using the search (Completed)


  • Archiving separates the Active records from the older requests (Re-scheduled)
  • Ability to define criteria for system to mark requests as Archive (Re-scheduled)
  • Ability to view & search Archived requests (Re-scheduled)

Accounts & Contact Enhancements

  • Auto-group contacts to Accounts based on domain name (Completed)

Q2 2010

Quality Release

  • Release aimed at fixing important issues that customers have reported. (Completed)

Request Enhancements

  • Allow display position of additional fields to be controlled in the "Add New Request" form (Completed)
  • Ability to define Additional fields specific to request template (Completed)
  • Last Action Performed
    • Ability to store the last action performed on the request as a separate field (Deferred)
  • Auto CC members 
    • When a contact creates a request using the portal, ability to CC a list of contacts for keeping them informed. (Completed)
    • Configuring notification options for the CC list members (Completed)
  • Contract selection when creating requests
    • Ability to select Contract name when creating requests  (Deferred)
    • Option to inform/alert the number of hours/incidents left on the contract when creating request (Deferred)
  • Ability to edit Account & Contract information on the Request (Deferred)

OS/Browser Support

  •   Support for Chrome, IE 8 & Windows 2008 (Completed)

Contracts, SLAs & Time Entry Enhancements

  • Ability to customize the email template for contract notifications (Completed)
  • Different rates during operational hours & non-operational hours, weekends, holidays etc (Re-scheduled)
  • Ability to mark entries as billable or non-billable & report based on them (Re-scheduled)
  • Changing rate/hr when entering the time entry (Re-scheduled)

Customer Portal Enhancements

  • "Forgot Password" option for contacts on the portal (Completed)
  • Ability for administrator to customize the fields on the "Submit Request" form on the customer portal for non-logged-in customers. (Re-scheduled)

Business Unit Enhancements

  • Ability to view the information of multiple business units on the dashboard. (Completed)
  • Global Roles for Support Reps (Deferred)
  • Moving request(s) from one Business Unit to another (Re-scheduled)

Chat Integration

  • A chat interface embedded into the customer portal (Deferred)
  • Ability for customers to chat with Support Reps online (Deferred)
  • Ability to convert the chat conversation into a new request or attach it to an existing request as a conversation (Deferred)

Q3 2010

Enhanced Business Rule Engine (or) Workflow Configuration

  • Ability to select the trigger event (when a request is created, assigned, updated, replied, closed etc). (Re-scheduled)
  • Enhanced criteria module like the reporting section (Re-scheduled)
  • Ability to define actions including options to send email or SMS notifications as part of the action to the Business Rules (Re-scheduled)
  • Ability to apply single (or) multiple Business Rules at the same time. (Re-scheduled)
  • Round-robin Algorithm OR Assign-to-Technican-with-least-open-tickets algorithm to be followed when auto-assigning tickets (Re-scheduled)
  • Enabling/disabling Business Rules (Re-scheduled)

Activities Module

  • Calendar option in SupportCenter (Re-scheduled)
  • Integration with Outlook Calendar (Re-scheduled)
  • Ability to look-up Support Rep availability in the Calendar before assignment (Re-scheduled)
  • Tasks & Events to be enhanced (Completed)

Request Enhancements

  • Print Enhancements
    • Option to configure/rearrange the request fields for Printing purpose (Re-scheduled)
  • Option to have the sub-account in the "Add New Request" form (Deferred)

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

  • Support for Avaya
    • Screen Pop - Displaying the caller information to the Support Rep when a call comes in. (Completed)
    • Soft Phone Functionality - Pick calls, Click to Dial from the interface (Completed)

Integration with Zoho Discussions

  • Automatically convert a new discussion posted on Z-Discussions as a new Request in SupportCenter (Deferred)
  • Convert the replies from SupportCenter threaded to the same post in Z-Discussions and vice-versa (Deferred)


  • Ability to add or read information to/from SupportCenter database using APIs. (Completed)
  • Integration with popular third-party applications (Completed)
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