Frequently Asked Questions

  • My domain does not get discovered automatically. What should I do? You can always add domains from Agent tab -> Under Scope of Management -> Domains -> Add Domain option.
  • Some computers in the added domain/workgroup is not getting discovered even after adding the domain/workgroup. What should I do? You can always add domains from Agent tab -> Under Scope of Management -> Domains -> Add Domain option.
  • My MacOS/Linux agent installation fails despite of having the domain added under Remote Access Plus. What do I do? To install MacOS / Linux agent, you need to add admin/root credentials under Admin tab -> Agent -> Agent Settings -> Mac Agent/Linux Agent Settings. You can also create a new domain/workgroup for Mac/Linux computers.
  • My client computer is out of corporate network. Can Remote Access Plus agents be installed? Remote Access Plus agents can be installed only if the agent and server are in the same network.