Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to integrate Remote Access Plus with ServiceDesk Plus? Integrating the two solution is a simple process of generating API key and uploading. Follow this link for steps to integrate.
  • How does ServiceDesk Plus identify new assets after the migration? New assets are identified based on the following criteria:
    1. Resource ID
    2. Service Tag
    3. Workstation Name
    Follow this link to know more about this migration.
  • Is the integration available for cloud versions of Remote Access Plus and ServiceDesk Plus? As of now, the integration is available only for on-premises versions. Integration for cloud versions is in progress and will be launched in the upcoming releases.
  • How to move the Remote Access Plus managed assets to ServiceDesk Plus? To move the Remote Access Plus managed assets to ServiceDesk Plus, login to the Remote Access Plus console using admin credentials.
    1. Then, navigate to Agent -> Scope of Management -> Computers
    2. From the list, select the computers that you want to move. Next, click on Remove Computer(s)
    3. Click OK on the pop-up and the selected computers will be removed.