Manage Technicians

Log360 MSSP supports technician management of user roles for all its clients' components which include ADAudit Plus, EventLog Analyzer, Cloud Security Plus, Exchange Reporter Plus, DataSecurity Plus and Log360 UEBA.

Log360 MSSP allows adding users in two user groups: admin and operator.


An admin has full control over the entire application and all clients by default.


An operator can access only the clients which have been allocated to them.

Note: M365 Manager Plus and ADManager Plus do not support MSSP Technician Management

How to add a new Log360 MSSP technician?

To add a technician and associate a role with them,

  1. Under the Settings tab, navigate to Administration → Manage Technicians.

    Manage Technicians

  2. Then click on the + Add New Technicians button on the top-right corner. This opens the Add Technician form.

    Manage Technicians

  3. Enter a name for the technician in the User Name field. You can additionally add a description by clicking on the Description button.
  4. Enter a new password and confirm it in the respective fields.
  5. Enter the email address of the technician in the Email ID field.
  6. Now you need to assign a role to the technician, which will define his access privileges to various modules in the application. In the Roles drop-down box, choose the role you want to assign to the technician.
  7. In the Delegated clients dropdown, select the clients to whom you want to give access for that technician. Selecting All option gives all clients access to that technician. Complete the add user operation by clicking on the Add button.
  8. At any point, if you decide not to add the new technician, then click Cancel to get back to the technician list.
  • All technicians created in Client Log360 and it's child components will have "Administrator" role by default. (ERP component will have “Log360User” role by default)
  • For any new client integrated after creating a technician with "All" clients access, "Sync Now" need to be triggered to create the technician in all components.

How to modify an existing technician?

To edit the information of an existing technician, follow the steps given below.

How to delete an existing technician?

To delete an existing technician, follow the steps given below.

How to enable or disable an existing technician?

To enable or disable an existing technician, follow the steps given below.

How to sync the technicians?

"Sync Now" can be used for the following cases:

When a technician has been deleted, technician role has been modified or technician is disabled, those status's will be shown in Status details layout of the technician table.

To trigger "Sync Now", follow the steps given below:

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