SQL Health Monitor — Features

ManageEngine SQL Health Monitoring helps monitor MS SQL servers for CPU Utilization, Memory, Disk, Bandwidth and Database performance metrics.

  • Monitor MS SQL server performance in real-time
  • Monitor SQL server database details
  • Get alerts when resources like CPU, Memory, Disk and SQL cache exceeds the threshold value

This tool monitors the following parameters

  • General Windows Server details — Monitor Windows server for CPU, memory and disk utilization
  • SQL Server General Statistics —View details of active database connections, login/logouts per second, batch requests per second and SQL compilations/recompilations per second
  • SQL Server Buffer Details — Monitor SQL server buffer details such as Buffer cache hit ratio, Checkpoint pages per second, Lazy writes per second, Page reads/writes per second, Total pages in buffer and Free pages
  • SQL Server Memory Details —Monitor memory details such as Granted/Maximum workspace memory, Optimizer memory, SQL cache memory and Target/Total server memory
  • Locks and Latches details — View Deadlocks per second, Lock waits per second and Latch wait time details
  • SQL Server Database Details — View database details such as Active transactions, Database size, Log files used, Log cache hit ratio and Transactions per second

General Windows Server details

CPU Utilization

Monitor CPU usage at regular interval. You can also set critical and warning threshold limits and get alerts when threshold limits are exceeded.

Memory Utilization

Check memory utilized at periodic intervals and get alerts when the memory usage is high.

Disk Utilization

View available disk space and get notified when the disk space falls below the margin. Disk with partition views and read/write details is also available.

SQL Server Session Statistics

Logins/Logouts per second

Total number of logins/logout per second. If it is greater than 2, it indicates that the application is not currently using the connection pooling.

Batch Requests per second

This shows the number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second.

SQL Compilations per second

This indicates the number of times the compile code path is entered. It should be less than 10% of Batch Requests per second.

SQL Recompilations per second

Number of statement recompiled per second. This value should be less than 10% of SQL compilations per second.

SQL Server Buffer Details

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read from disk. It is preferred to be above 90%.

Checkpoint pages per second

Number of pages updated to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operation that require all the dirty pages to be flushed.

Lazy writes per second

Number of buffers written per second by the buffer manager's Lazy writer. Lazy writer is a system process that flushes out batches of dirty, aged buffers and makes them available to user process.

Page reads/writes per second

Number of physical database page reads issued. 80 to 90 per second is normal.

Page writes per second

Number of physical database page reads/writes issued per second. 80 to 90 per second is normal.

Free pages

Shows total number of pages on all free lists. Below 640 indicates that the SQL Server is running low on physical memory.

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