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ADManager Plus offers Bulk Group Management based on CSV File Imports. The following operations are possible via a CSV import.
Usually, administrators get frustrated when they have to create bulk groups as it is a time-consuming and tedious process. With ADManager Plus, bulk groups can be created within a wink of an eye by importing a CSV file which contains the necessary attributes of the groups.
Procedure :
Bulk group creation is a simple process where you have to import the CSV file which contains the list of groups that need to be created along with the relevant attributes. Then select the OU in which the groups have to be created.
Click Management → Group Management → Create Bulk Groups
Select the domain in which you want to create the Groups
You can either click on Add Group and enter the necessary group details like Group Name, Scope, Type, members,etc or Import the CSV file which contains the necessary Group attributes and click Next.
Now, select the container in which you want to create the Groups and click Next
The best way to modify bulk groups quickly is by importing a CSV file which contains the attributes of the groups that need to be modified. This saves a lot of time as it becomes tedious for administrators if they have to modify every group individually.
Procedure :
First, create CSV file which contains the new values of the attributes of groups that need to replace the existing values. Then, import this CSV file and click on Apply. This will replace the existing values of the attributes of groups.
Click Management → Group Management → Modify Groups using CSV
From the drop down menu, select the domain in which the Group (to be modified) is located
Import the CSV file which contains the necessary attributes to be modified and click Next
Now, choose the attributes that need to be modified. Then, select the attributes based on which you want to query the attribute using the show link.
Click "Update in AD" button. Now, in the dialog box, select the attributes of the groups that need to be modified. Then, click the show button and select the LDAP attributes based on which the desired groups in AD must be located.
Click the Advanced Options link and specify whether you wish to append or overwrite the values for multi-valued attributes, and clear current values or leave them untouched if the CSV file does not contain any value for an attribute.
Click OK to update the information in Active directory.
Sample CSV:
sAMAccountName ,mailNickname, msExchAdminGroup samplegroup1 sample1 CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=xchange,DC=com samplegroup2 sample2 CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=xchange,DC=com