
Analytics Plus 6.0 beta

Powerful analytical capabilities that fuel game-changing IT strategies

Growing list of IT app integrations

Gain powerful and ready-made insights through an extensive range of exciting integrations.

Growing list of IT app integrations Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations
  • Growing list of IT app integrations

Advanced IT analytics

  • Anomaly detection and alerting

    The platform automatically highlights anomalous activities, such as logins during non-business hours. Smart anomaly-based alerting capabilities allow for effortless monitoring and notifications on deviations from established norms.

  • Cluster analysis

    Leverage powerful algorithms to automatically segregate data based on specific values, such as grouping assets based on their probability of failure.

  • Ask Zia, anywhere

    Interact with Zia from within intranet portals for real-time insights. Embed Zia within any third-party application to make powerful insights accessible anywhere.

Anomaly detection and alerting
Cluster analysis
Ask Zia on the fly

Powerful visual analytics

  • Insightful narrations and visual suggestions

    Get visual insights into a report's underlying data points, in addition to the existing Zia Insights functionality. Apply AI-generated visual suggestions to better analyze and visualize underlying data.

  • Workflow charts

    Visualize IT processes to understand progress across multiple stages. Catch bottlenecks in ticket transitions, understand delays in project execution, and monitor deviations from any intended behavior effortlessly.

  • Sunburst charts

    Simplify multi-level, hierarchical relationships to decipher variations immediately.

  • Treemap charts

    Understand large-scale data distribution through this new visualization type. A step up from pie charts, treemaps can process a larger number of dimensions and catch even the smallest of deviations.

  • Conversion bar charts

    Track data flow across sequential stages in a process to understand variations in value with each passing stage.

  • Racing charts

    Sequentially monitor data progression over extended time periods with this animated visualization, and hone in on the development of deviations.

  • Sparklines in pivot

    In addition to data, pivot charts can include line or bar charts that provide a visual representation of the corresponding data trend and fluctuations.

  • Map layering

    Create multi-layered map charts that visualize different metrics spread across the same geographical area.

Insightful narrations and visual suggestions
Workflow charts
Sunburst charts
Sunburst charts
Conversion bar charts
Racing charts
Sparklines in pivot
Map layering

Data management and governance

  • IT metrics library

    Access a central repository of every KPI created within a workspace. Create custom KPIs, edit existing ones, and enhance the accuracy and efficiency of custom analyses.

  • Incremental fetch

    Enjoy faster processing of large volumes of data. Synchronize only the modified data each time, and experience accurate, real-time insights.

  • Workspace-level IP restriction

    Secure sensitive IT data by restricting workspace access to specific secure networks.

  • Audit and sync history

    Maintain nuanced records of every action that was carried out within an Analytics Plus workspace. Access a visual layout of every sync and its corresponding status for easy reference.

  • Import rollback

    Undo the latest data import across any data source, or revert to a specific import to enhance data accuracy.

IT metrics library
Incremental fetch
Workspace-level IP restriction
Audit and sync history
Import rollback

Deeper insights with ML algorithms

Perform sentiment analysis, run tailored predictions, and carry out other complex analyses with ease. Head to the Python code studio to create your own models, or wield AutoML capabilities for a no-code experience.

Deeper insights with ML algorithms

And so much more!

Icons of related features, with the new dashboard editor image at the center.

Note: This beta release is applicable only to accounts in the Enterprise edition of Analytics Plus cloud.

Get a taste of what's in store with Analytics Plus 6.0

See what our customers have to say

Analytics Plus has helped increase our service desk productivity and overall responsiveness. We are now able to respond to incidents and service requests faster, resolve more requests, and continuously improvise our processes."

David Whitfield, IT customer services manager, F4 IT Services

Trusted by more then 180,000 businesses worldwide