Tools - Firewall Analyzer

Firewall Analyzer comes bundled with a collection of network and security tools.

The list of tools are:


Ping Tools

The following tools are available to ping a host in the network:

Tools Description & Use
Ping Packet Internet Groper (PING). This is a basic ping tool which uses ICMP.
Enter the IP address or host name of the host in the network. Click Ping button.
Ping Response, Ping Statistics, and Round Trip Time are displayed in the result of the ping test.
SNMP Ping This ping tool uses SNMP.
Enter the IP address or host name of the host in the network. Select the SNMP credential, None, Custom, or default Public. Click SNMP Ping button.
SNMP Details are displayed in the result of this ping test.
Proxy Ping This ping tool pings the proxy server/router.
Enter the proxy router name or IP address. Enter the proxy router writer community. Enter the IP address or host name of the proxy router. Click Ping button.
The details are displayed in the result of this ping test.
Trace Route This tool traces the route of the host in the network.
Enter the IP address or the host name of the host in the network. Enter the maximum number of hops. Enter the time in milliseconds. Click Trace button.
Hop, IP Address, DNS Name, Response Time 1, Response Time 2, and Response Time 3 are displayed in the result of the trace.


Address Monitoring

The following tools are available to monitor the address of a host in the network:

Tools Description & Use
MAC Address Resolver Resolve the MAC address from the IP address of the host and vice versa.
Enter the IP address or host name of the host in the network. Optionally, enter the community. Click Resolve button.
The resolved MAC Address details are displayed.
Enter the MAC address of the host in the network. Click Resolve button.
The resolved IP Address details are displayed.
DNS Resolver Resolve the IP address of the host to resolve the host name.
Enter the IP address of the host in the network. Click Resolve button.
The resolved DNS name details of the host are displayed.


Network Monitoring

The following tools are available to monitor the network:

Tools Description & Use
Port Scanner This tool scans the ports of a host in the network.
Chose Start-End IP Address for a range of hosts. Enter the Starting IP Address and Ending IP Address. Enter the range of ports. Click Scan button.
Choose Single IP Address for one host. Enter the IP Address of the host. Enter the range of ports. Click Scan button.
Port, Response Time, Status, and Service Name are displayed in the result of the port scan.
System Explorer This tool queries the host using SNMP. It will display the details of the system.
Enter the IP address of the host in the network. Enter the read community. Click Show button.
SNMP Details are displayed in the result.
TCP Reset This tool queries the connection details of the host.
Enter the IP address or host name. Enter the read community. Enter the write community. Click Get Connection Details button.
The details of the connections are displayed in the result.
System Details Update This tool lists the details of the systems in the table. The details of the systems are: Server IP, DNS Name, Sys Name, Sys Location, Sys Contact, and Status.
You can add a system to the list using Add IP button. Click Add IP button on the top right and Add IP screen opens up. Choose IP Range, if you want to add a range of hosts in the list. Choose IP List, if you want to add one or more than one individual hosts in the list.
In the IP Range, enter the Start IP, End IP and select SNMP v1/v2 community as Public.
In the IP List, enter the IP Address/Host Name. Enter multiple addresses as comma separated values. Select SNMP v1/v2 community as Public.
Click Add button. The selected hosts will be added to the list.
To delete the hosts in the list, select the check box in the start of the row, click Delete button on the top right.
To update the hosts in the list, select the check box in the start of the row, click Update button on the top right.
Click Search button, a search field appears for each column of the table. Enter the search string in the field and press Enter. The search result will appear in the table for the searched field.
You also have the provision to filter the table contents. Select the values in the drop down list and the table contents will be filtered and displayed accordingly. The filter values are: Responded, No Reponse, Update Successfully, Not Updated, and Update Failed.


SNMP Tools

The following tools are available to monitor the SNMP hosts in the network:

Tools Description & Use
SNMP Graph This tool plots the queried SNMP node values of the host, in a graph.
Enter the IP address or host name of the host in the network. Enter the read community credentials. Enter the MIB Node or Object ID. Click Plot button.
The values are queried for the specific SNMP MIB Node or Object ID and displayed in a graph.
Enter the MAC address of the host in the network. Click Resolve button.
The resolved IP Address details are displayed.
Community Checker You can check the SNMP community of individual hosts ans range of hosts.
Choose Single IP address, if you want to query one or more than one individual hosts. Choose IP Range, if you want to query a range of hosts.
In the Single IP address, enter the IP Address/Host Name. Enter multiple addresses as comma separated values. Optionally, select Credential All or Public. Enter SNMP Time Out in seconds, number of SNMP Reties.
In the IP Range, enter the Start IP, End IP. Optionally, select Credential All or Public. Enter SNMP Time Out in seconds, number of SNMP Reties.
Click Get Community button. The chosen hosts will be queried and community will be fetched.
The query results are displayed in a table. The details available in the table are: IP Address, DNS Name, Read Community, Write Community.


Add Credential


Credential Type Description
SNMP v1/v2c Configure SNMP port, read/write community details.
SNMP v3 Configure SNMP, credentials & encryption details for SNMP v3 devices.
Telnet/SSH Configure prompt details, username & password for monitoring Linux/Unix devices.
VMware Provide vCenter/ESX credentials to monitor VMware environments.
Citrix Configure credentials to monitor a Citrix Xen server environment.
UCS Provide UCS Manager's credentials, port & connection details.
Backup To take Router/Switch backup and configuration change management.
Storage Configure SMI/NetApp/ SNMP/CLI credentials for monitoring storage devices.


Cisco Tools

The following tools are available to monitor the address of a host in the network:

Tools Description & Use
Device Scan

You can scan the subnet or network IP range for Cisco devices.
Select Scan Subnet to scan the subnet and select IP Range to scan the specific IP range of a network.
If you select Scan Subnet, enter the Subnet/Network Address, Subnet Mask (Class C), Subnet Address, and Community.
If you select IP Range, enter the Starting IP Address, Ending IP Address, and Community.
Click Get Cisco Details button.

Device Explorer In the Device Name/IP, enter the Cisco device name or IP Address. Enter the Read Community value.
Click Show button.
The Cisco device is quried and the details are displyed in table format.


Forward Syslog

You can forward firewall syslogs received by Firewall Analyzer to any host. To enable syslog forward, use Add Destination and Start Forwarder button.

  1. Click Add Destination button.
  2. Add Destination screen opens up.
  3. Enter host name in Destination Host.
  4. Enter syslog port in Destination Port.
  5. Click OK, to add syslog receiving host.

On addition, the host will be listed in a table, with Destination Host, Destination Port, and Action columns. You can delete the added host from the list using the Delete icon.

Along with Forward Syslog title, the forwarding status will be displayed. When the syslogs are not forwarded, the status button displays Stopped.

On clicking Start Forwader, the syslog is forwarded to all the syslog receiving hosts you have added. The status button display changes to Running Now and the Start Forwarder button text changes to Stop Forwarder. Click Stop Forwarder to stop forwarding syslogs to the listed hosts.




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