Firewall Rule Cleanup Reports - Rule Management Reports

The Firewall Rule Cleanup Report shows the

This firewall rule cleanup reporting tool provides the following reports:

  1. Unused Rules report (Unused ACEs report for Cisco PIX/ASA)
  2. Unused Objects report
  3. Unassigned Interfaces report
  4. Unassigned Objects report

1. Unused Rules report:

The Unused Rules report enumerates the rules that are not being used by the firewall to control traffic. These unused rules make the network vulnerable to attacks. You can analyze these rules for anomalies, learn of the impact they may have on existing rules, and clean the firewall rule base by modifying or deleting the rules. This will weed out unwanted rules in the firewall, resulting in a sleek and efficient rule set.

Unused ACEs report for Cisco PIX/ASA

The Unused ACEs report enumerates the ACEs that are not being used by the firewall to control traffic This report helps to identify what are all the ACEs that are not used within an ACL for the applied time period. These unused ACEs leads to network loopholes. You can analyze these ACEs for anomalies, learn the impact they may have on existing ACEs, and clean the firewall rule base by modifying or deleting the ACEs. This will weed out unwanted ACEs in the firewall, resulting in a sleek and efficient rule set.

2. Unused Objects report:

Firewall Analyzer fetches all the objects from the firewall, correlated with firewall log data, and generates the unused objects report. Unused objects also pose a risk for network security. If an attacker discovers an unused object, they may attempt to exploit the objects for an attack. Objects need to be pruned to fill all the security gaps in your firewall.

3. Unassigned Interfaces report:

These dangling interfaces, which are not assigned in the network, leave room for manipulation by attackers, so these also need to be addressed. From the report, you can find the unassigned interfaces, and remove or modify them. 


4. Unassigned Objects report:

Unassigned objects are not tied to any of the firewall rules. These objects make object sets superfluous and inefficient. You can use the Unassigned Objects report to analyze the objects and assign rules to them, or remove them accordingly.


Refer the below pages for more details about Firewall Rule Management:


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