Menu Tab Customization

By default, OpManager MSP comes with features arranged into menus and submenus based on their functionality. You can now fully customize the default menu layout using the Menu Tab customization option in a matter of minutes. Click on the three dots at the top right corner to access the Menu Tab Customization options and start customizing your menu as per your preferences.

Drag and drop menu / submenu tabs

1. Drag and drop menu / submenu tabs

The menu and submenu buttons can be rearranged. To do this, click the Edit button on the right corner and dragging the menu / submenu that you want to rearrange to its desired location. Click Yes to save the changes.

Add a menu / submenu tabs (with URL  / Embed URL in it)

2. Add a menu / submenu tabs (with URL / Embed URL in it)

To create an additional menu / submenu, click the Edit option and select the Plus icon. You can now create a new menu/sub menu from one of the two types.

    • URL - Enter an URL of your choice. Choosing this option will open the entered URL in a new browser tab.
    • Embed - Add an URL of your preference. Choosing this option will open the specified URL in an embedded view within the product.
Note: The page will not be displayed if the embedded page has an X-Frame-Options header that is set to restrict embedding in the frame.

Hide default menu / submenu tabs

3. Hide default menu / submenu tabs

The default menu / submenu that is present and cannot be deleted. However, they can be hidden.

To hide the default menu/sub menu, choose Edit and select the Visibility icon (eye shaped) that is present in the top left corner of all the default menu/sub menu tabs. when you click on it, the tab becomes faded out. (which means this tab is hidden) Click Yes to confirm the changes.

Click the eye icon on the faded out tab to make it visible again.

Note: Only default tabs can be hidden.

4. Delete custom menu / submenu tabs

To delete a menu / submenu that was created by you, click the edit option and click on the red cross on the top right corner of the tab. This will delete the respective tab. Press Yes to save progress.

The default menu / submenu cannot be deleted. However, they can be hidden by clicking on the eye icon present at the top left corner of the tabs.

5. Rename the menu / submenu tabs

To rename the menu / submenu tabs, click on Edit and select the Pencil icon on the tab whose name has to be changed. Enter the new name and click the save button.

6. Reset Default menu / submenu tabs

Choose Reset Default to restore default settings of all the menu / submenu. This will erase all the custom tabs created by that particular user.

Press Yes to confirm reverting to default settings.

7. Customize user-specific menu / submenu with that user login

The changes made in the menu/submenu are mapped to the particular user who has made them. The next time this particular user logs in, all their saved preferences will be loaded.

Note: Admin user cannot set a defined menu / submenu for any user.