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Admin management

ServiceDesk Plus>Support>FAQ> Admin management

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Admin management


  • I have purchased a 10 technician license. What is the maximum number of technicians that can be added ?

    Under a 10-technician license, the upper limit is only 10 technicians.

  • Can I have Non-Login technicians in the application?

    Using the provisioning tool, you can import users into the application.

  • Users get the Account is disabled? message when they try to login to the application. How can I resolve this?

    Follow these steps to resolve this issue:
    Log in n as administrator.
    Goo to https://mail.zoho.com/cpanel/index.do
    Click User Details.
    If the status field next to the username appears grey, click the field and enable login by using the Admin password.
    If it's green, check whether the user is listed under Setup ->> Users& Permissions > Requesters.
    If the user is not listed, click te Import Users>> Import Users from Zoho Business.
    If the usetr is is already listedn, check whether the Login Field value is blank and enable login for the user.

  • I would like to delete the super administrator account as it takes up a license ? How do I go about it ?

    Goto Setup>>Users & Permissions>>Users>>Technicians. Locate the user and select the Change as Requester check box.

  • Is it possible for a requester to view all requests of his/her department without changing him/her as technicians ?

    Yes, certainly. We call that a requester Department Head. Go to Setup>>Users & Permissions>>Users>>Requesters. Select the requester and select Show all their departments requests under the Requester allowed to view section.

  • I would like to delete a technician. But what will happen to the Requests, Problems and Changes associated to him ?

    When you delete a technician, all closed Requests, Problems, and Changes will remain assigned to the technician . Requests, Problems, and Changes in any other status (resolved or open) will move to the unassigned status.

  • I have a technician who is no more with the organization. I do not want to delete him as there are some important data associated to him. Since ServiceDesk Plus is taking up a license, is there any way to disable or de-activate his account? That way we can maintain our permitted number of technicians?

    Yes, it is possible to deactivate the technician's account. Go to Setup>>Users & Permissions>>Users>>Technicians. Edit the technician to remove the login and save.

  • How do I define Access Permissions for my Technicians?

    To know how to define access permissions in ServiceDesk Plus, refer Configuring Roles.

  • How do I import Requester Additional Field details from the Active Directory?

    If you haven?t created additional fields for requesters, go to Setup>>CustomizationAdditional Fields and choose the Requester. Please click here for more details. Once created, you can run the provisioning tool and under the Attributes tab will be listed the additional fields you created.

    Specify the AD attribute that must be imported. When the provisioning tool runs, the corresponding values will be imported into the application.

  • I want to send notifications via SMS to my technicians. How do I configure it in ServiceDesk Plus?

    In ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand we have two options to send out SMS notifications from the application.

    1. SMS mail ID
    2. SMS Gateway

    To notify users with SMS gateway, obtain SMS mail ID from the service provider. Then, go to Go to Setup>>Users & Permissions>>Users>>Technician. Edit the technician and add the SMS mail ID.

    Currently, the SMS will be sent only by e-mail; the SMS ID will be configured as the technician's mobile number (say 9840842143@serviceprovider.com). The notifications will be sent to the mail ID, which will in turn be converted to an SMS and sent to the technician's mobile number.

    Note: For SMS to work, the service provider should have the facility to send SMS from email.

    To know about SMS gateways, click here.

  • How do I change a Requester into a Technician?

    When you import users from Active Directory, users, technicians, and requesters will be imported under Setup>>Users & Permissions>>Users>>Requesters. To change the requesters to techniciansclick the Change as Technician icon next to the requester's name

  • How do I change a Technician to a Requester?

    Go to Setup>>Users & Permissions>>Users>>Technicians. Select the technician, click Actions>>Change as Requester. From the list view, choose the technicians to change as Requester. Click Actions tab and select .

  • How to reset the Password for users?

    In the ESM directory, click Users, select the user and click Change Password.

  • What Happens when the Requester or Technician is deleted from the application and the effect of the same in the modules?
    1. Created Requests: When a requester is deleted, all requests the user created will remain on their name.
    2. Assigned Requests: When a technician is deleted, all requests that user created will remainon their name. All their assigned requests, except the closed ones, are changed to Unassigned Status.
    3. Assigned Requests: When a technician is changed to a requester, all the assigned requests, except the closed ones, are moved to unassigned status .
    4. User Reimport: When a user is re-imported after deletion, a new user account is created with a new user ID mapped and added as a new entry into the database.
    5. User Import from Different Domain: When the same user is imported from a different domain, even if all criteria matches, a new user account will only be created.

      Scheduled Reports: All the reports, including the private reports, scheduled by the technician are visible to the SDAdmin.

    6. Projects:

      The technician will be disassociated from open projects.

    7. Changes and Approvals:

      The associations will still be shown in the Change across that user under all roles. If the corresponding role is edited, the deleted technician will not be shown anymore.

      Since the login is completely removed, the approvals cannot be viewed.

    8. Problems:

      Closed problems will only be associated to the technician and others will move to Unassigned Status.

    9. Asset Relationships:

      The Asset will be switched back to In Store status.

    10. Purchase Orders:

      The owners will still be retained for all the Purchases irrespective of the status.

Technician Auto Assign

  • How do I automatically assign tickets to technicians?

    Use Technician Auto Assign. This featurefollows the Round Robin Method or Load Balancing Technique to assign automatically tickets to available technicians. The techncian availability must be marked in the scheduler.If the technician is not available on the due by datet, the request is not assigned to the person.

    Technician Auto Assign is executed after the SLA is applied to the request. If the site is specified for a request, the only the technicians associated to that site are considered. Similarly, if group is specified in a request, the technicians associated only to that group is considered.

    Round Robin Method: In this method, the tickets are assigned to all the technicians in a circular order . This helps ensure equal distribution of all incoming tickets .

    Load Balancing Technique: Technicians with the least number of requests will be assigned the request. If more than one technician has the least load, any one of the technicians will be assigned the request.

  • How does Technician Auto Assign work for Service Requests?

    If the Do not assign technician before service request is approved is enabled, Technician Auto Assign is applied only after the service request is approved.

    When Technician Auto Assign is applied to the approved service request, the operation is considered as Edit, so the technician is applied only to unassigned service request.

    Unassigned service requests denote the requests that are not assigned to technicians even after the application of Business rules, category or default technician from the UI.

Technician Groups

  • Is it possible to have a single ServiceDesk Plus installation for two different departments? Assume both the departments are not related to IT but require a help desk with unique support e-mail address.

    Yes, it is possible. Configure Technicians Groups to differentiate the two departments, as shown in the following steps. Let's say the two departments are HR and Admin.

    Step 1: Create a dedicated mail box for both departments configured to their e-mail addresses (hrhelpdesk@abc.com and adminsupport@abc.com ).
    Step 2: Configure your primary help desk e-mail address (helpdesk@abc.com) under Admin -> Mail Server Settings.
    Step 3: Set up email forwarding such that any email sent to hrhelpdesk@abc.com or adminsupport@abc.com is forwarded to your primary help desk e-mail address.

    Add the two departments as Groups under
    Setup -> Users & Permissions -> Technician Groups.
    Step 5: Add technicians to each group.
    Step 6: Configure the Technician Group E-mail Address for the HR group as hrhelpdesk@abc.com and adminsupport@abc.com for theAdmin group.
    Step 7: Similarly configure the Sender's e-mail address for both groups.
    Step 8: Configure Roles (Setups Users & Permissionss Roles) for these technicians such that they can view only their group requests.
    Note: Administrators (technician with SDAdmin role) will be able to view requests in all the groups.
    You can also create a separate enterprise service management (ESM) portal and configure separate configurations, technicians, and licenses. But in this case, the support email address will be different.

Business Rules

  • What is the purpose of organizing business rules ?

    Organizing business rules defines the order in which they must be apploed on the requests and also ensures that there's no collision between the rules.


    Let's consider the following business rules.

    1. If the incoming request's Category is Hardware, the request must be assigned to technician C and the General Group.
    2. If its Category is Hardware and Subcategory is Workstation, the request must be assigned to technician B and the Desktop Group.
    3. If its Category is Hardware and Subcategory is Server, the request must be assigned to technician A and the Servers Group.
      For the business rules to working correctly, they must be sequenced as
      3, 2, 1.
  • What happens when a Site for a request is set as Copy default settings and a Business rule is edited under the default settings.

    The changes in the business rule will not be automatically updated in the copy site. You'll need to manual update the changes under Setup -> Organization Settings -> Sites.

Mail Server Settings

  • I do not want some mails to be fetched into SeviceDesk Plus such as, Out of office emails. Can this be enabled ?

    Configure your spam filter under Setup -> Mail server settings -> Spam Filter to stop mails that match a certain criteria from reaching your mailbox.

  • If for some reason the mail fetching stops, how do I get to know about the problem immediately ?

    Go to Setup -> Automation -> Notification Rules -> Other Notifications and enable an alert for mail fetching.

    The error details will be available under Setup -> Data Administration -> System Log.

  • If you are facing issues with fetching emails into the application.

    Under Setup -> Mail Server Settings -> Mail Settings:

      If the Problem connect to mail box, connection timed out message is displayed, make sure your firewall is configured to allow our IP addresses. Please refer to the below link for the list of IP addresses,


  • If you are facing issues with sending emails from the application.

    Go to Setup -> Data administration -> System Log and check if there is a

    Mail Sending issues: Invalid Address: Failed Email address issue. , refer the following links.



    Also ensure that your firewall is configured to allow our IP addresses. You can refer to the below link for the list IP's,


    Here are some possible reasons and solutions to this issue:
    1. The SMTP server does not allow relaying unless you are sending email from a trusted IP or use proper authentication. Make sure that your email server is set up to allow SMTP relaying from trusted local internal IP addresses.
    2. The Microsoft Exchange server is probably set up to block SMTP relaying. Make sure that your exchange server is configured to allow SMTP relaying both for trusted addresses and for authenticated users.
    3. Some servers allow you to send email internally but not to external email addresses.
    4. Some SMTP servers require the Email User to login and check their POP3 email at least once on the given IP before they let that user send SMTP mail from that IP. Once the POP3 email is checked using a valid user/password, the computers IP is then automatically added to a safe list on the server. This is another way to prevent spam.
    5. Relaying denied is a common safety measure used by SMTP servers when a certain email address and its mail server are put on a blacklist for email relay spam violations. Many honest mail servers get put on this list because someone broke through and used their server to relay spam. There are various blacklists available and SMTP servers may subscribe to none, a few or many of these lists. Hence you may be able to send email to a blacklisted address through one SMTP server but not through another.
      Here are some solutions which could help in sorting this problem,
      1. TMake sure that your computers IP address is on the list of trusted clients on the email server.
      2. Some email servers may allow relaying only if you log in and check email at least once from a given IP address. In this case, you can check your POP3 email first before sending SMTP email from a new computer.
      3. Some email servers allow SMTP relaying only if you log in and check email within the last 1 hour per day and so on. In this case, you should use the pop3 authentication method to send email.
      4. Some servers require you to authenticate before sending email. In this case, use the SMTP or java authentication method.
      5. If you are getting the following error message '530 5.71 Client was not authenticated'' from the mailserver. In order to check on this issue, please check whether Anonymous user option is enabled in the mail box as shown in the below document: http://smtp25.blogspot.in/2009/04/530-571-client-was-not-authenticated.html

  • Settings to fetch & send emails via office 365

    Under Incoming Mail Settings
    Server Name / IP Address -- outlook.office365.com
    Email Type -- POPS 995 or IMAPS 993

    Under Outgoing Mail Settings
    Server Name / IP Address -- smtp.office365.com
    Email Type SMTP with TLS 587

  • Settings to fetch & send emails via gmail

    Under Incoming Mail Settings
    Server Name / IP Address pop.gmail.com/imap.gmail.com
    Email Type -- POPS 995 or IMAPS 993

    Under Outgoing Mail Settings
    Server Name / IP Address -- smtp.gmail.com
    Email Type SMTP with TLS 587 or SMTPS 465

  • What is E-mail Command? How do I configure it in ServiceDesk Plus?

    E-mail Command is used to parse incoming e-mails and set various request field values such as Category, Subcategory, Status, Priority, Level, Mode, Urgency, Impact, ImpactDetails, Item, Group, Technician, TechnicianEmail, Requester, RequesterEmail, RequestID, RequestTemplate, RequestType, Site, Asset, Resolution, and AdditionalField labels. from the e-mail.
    Select the Enable E-mail Command check box to activate this feature.
    Any special character (@@, ##, $$, %%, &&, so on) can be provided as the Command Delimiter. The field values assigned between these special characters is assigned to the corresponding fields in the request form.

  • What are the operations that can be performed with E-mail Command?

    With the Email Command, you can create, update, close, and assign requests. The operating string for these operations are "Operation = AddRequest", "Operation = EditRequest", "Operation = CloseRequest"

  • We are getting the error Dynamic user addition disabled in System log

    Check if you have disabled the Accept emails from Unkown users option under Setup -> Mail Server Settings.

Notification Rules

  • How do I avoid sending notification to some users or users belonging to a specific domain ? (i.e) I do not want a notification to be sent for Out of Office replies.

    Configure notifications per your requirement under Setup >> Automation >> Notification Rules >> Junk Notification.

  • Is it possible to browse solutions without logging into ServiceDesk Plus ?

    No, users must log in to view solutions.

  • Technicians do not receive notification when they pickup a request. Is this by-design?

    Yes, technicians do not receive pickup notifications.

  • How to include last conversation while replying to a request in the application.

    Edit the default reply template under
    Setup >> Templates & Forms >> Reply template.

  • How to notify technicians when an application error like mail fetching issue occurs.

    Enable the Send email when an application error option under Setup >> Automation >> Notification rules >> Other Notifications and specify the technicians who must be notified.


  • Where do I enable Survey in ServiceDesk Plus?

    Enable survey under Setup -> User Survey. You can configure the default messages and also define how often the survey must be sent.

  • Is it possible to browse solutions without logging into ServiceDesk Plus ?

    No, users must log in to view solutions.

  • Is it possible to manually send survey for a request?

    Yes, you can by clicking the Send Survey for this Request option under Actions.

  • How does multi-language survey work?

    If you have purchased a multi-language license, first configure the various languages under Setup>>User Survey>>Define Survey>> Survey Translation.

    The end user can choose from the Display Language drop down and take the survey.

  • How long is a survey link valid for?

    7 days from the date on which the survey is triggered.

Helpdesk Customizer

  • I have deleted a category and it is grayed out now. How do I reactivate this category ?

    Click Edit. Deselect the Category name not for further usage check box.

  • Where can I view all the Categories, Sub-categories and Items configured in ServiceDesk Plus in a single page ?

    Go to Setup -> Customization -> Helpdesk -> Category. Click the Tree View in the right corner to view all categories, subcategories, and items in a single location.

  • I have deleted a category and it is grayed out now, how do I remove it.

    Ensure that there are no requests assigned to the category. Either re-associate all the requests to a different category or delete the requests completely. The category will now be removed.

Data Archiving

  • What is Data Archiving? How do I configure it in ServiceDesk Plus?

    Data Archiving is a process of moving old and unused requests from an active database to a separate storage state in a regular basis.

    Go to Setup >> Data Administration

    1. Set the parameters of the requests that must be archived.
      • The request status.
      • If there are any specific requests that must be retained in the active requests list, select the Allow Exception check box. Set the rules by choosing the parameters (Column Name, Criteria and Value) from the available drop-down boxes. All requests that satisfy the rules will be held within the active list.
      • Save the settings.
  • Where can I view the list of archived requests?

    You can view them on the Request tab. Click Archived Requests button from the drop down list on the left corner.

  • How do I conduct a search for the Archive Requests? Also, is it possible to generate reports on the archived requests?

    You can conduct a search for the archived requests by using the Search option within the Archived Request module.

    You can create custom reports on the archived requests. To do so, click Reports tab -> New Custom Reports, select the module as Archived Requests.

Self- Service Portal

  • How do I hide the the Default Request Template from the Requesters?

    Go to Setup-> Self-Service Portal Settings and set the "Disable default request template for requesters" to 'Yes', and save the settings.

  • I have configured the Custom Domain but when I use it to access my helpdesk, I get a certificate warning. What should I do?

    The HTTPS mode will not be available for custom domains by default due to certificate issues. If you would like to access your custom domain in the HTTPS mode, we will be able to apply a SSL certificate for your domain free of cost. After the certificate is installed you can access your domain through the HTTPS mode without any certificate error.

  • Can requesters add task?

    No, only Technicians and Administrators can add tasks and delegate work accordingly.

Active Directory Login Issues

ESM Directory

  • How many Free and Trial instances can I have under the ESM directory.

    In ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand, you can have only 1 free instance. If you already have a free instance, you can create another trial instance, but you will need to purchase licenses for either of these portals. Otherwise, the second trial portal will become inactive after the trial expires.

  • How to set Time Zone for all org users through ESM

    Please log in to the application as an Organization Admin, click on ESM directory on top of the page, click on users tab. Select the users for whom you want to change the time zone and click the Edit button.

  • How to set Language for all org users through ESM

    Please log in to the application as an Organization Admin, click on ESM directory on top of the page, click on users tab. Select the users for whom you want to change the language and click on the Edit button.

  • How can users set default portal under the ESM home page.

    Once users log into the portal, they can click on the Star icon next to the portal which they want to make as default. Now during the next login, users will automatically log in to the default portal.

  • How to update company logo.

    Please login to the application as an Organization Admin, click on ESM directory on top of the page, click on Organization Details tab. Here you can update the company logo.

Was your question answered here?

Check the other FAQ modules or you can contact our support team at sdp-ondemand-support@manageengine.com

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IT Project Management
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IT Project Management

A stand alone Project management tool to deploy an IT task is like having an override switch to bypass what is working now. End of the day the purpose of Project management is to make large projects streamlined and to make your tasks easier to handle. Project Management module in ServiceDesk Plus is a perfectly integrated solution which combines IT Help Desk with Project Management.

Help Desk Software
IT Project Management
Help Desk Software

A stand alone Project management tool to deploy an IT task is like having an override switch to bypass what is working now. End of the day the purpose of Project management is to make large projects streamlined and to make your tasks easier to handle. Project Management module in ServiceDesk Plus is a perfectly integrated solution which combines IT Help Desk with Project Management.

IT Project Management
Help Desk Software

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