Change & problem management

ServiceDesk Plus>Support>FAQ> Change & problem management

See for On-Premises

Change & problem Module

  • All my tickets associated to the problems should get automatically closed when the problem is closed. Is this possible in ServiceDesk Plus ?

    Enable the Close all associated incidents option under Setup>>Automation>>Closure Rules>>Problems.

  • I have 10 incidents associated to a problem and it gets very monotonous to update all the incidents with workarounds/solutions while closing the problem. Is there a better way to handle this ?

    You can configure this under Setup -> Automation -> Closure Rules -> Problems -> Copy problem solution and workaround to all associated incidents.

  • When I submit a change, request approval, get approval, manually change the status of the change to "Approved" the change still appears on my "unapproved changes" widget on my home page in the helpdesk tool. Am I missing something here ?

    Only the changes that are approved by the Change Manager will be listed under Approved Changes. According to ITIL, the Change Manager decides whether to approve or reject a change.

  • The status of all the changes I create are Approved automatically, what is the reason ?

    The change type you've selected is standard changes, which are pre-approved.

  • Can a change be implemented if the CAB rejects the change and the Change Manager approves it ?

    Yes, the change can still be implemented as long as the change manager approves it.

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