Request Module

ServiceDesk Plus>Support>FAQ> Request management

See for On-Premises

Request management

Request Creation

  • How to convert an email to a request.
    1. Create an email account, say "ServiceDesk" in your mail server. Configure a password for this account.
    2. Configure the settings in ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand software using Setup-> Mail Server Settings -> Incoming Mail Server Settings. Specify the email address as "" and the username as "ServiceDesk". Select the protocol through which you prefer to fetch the messages, say POP(s) or IMAP(s). Mails once fetched will be deleted from the mailbox.
    3. Tell your requesters to send their requests to "".
    4. ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand will fetch emails at regular intervals and automatically convert them into tickets. Know more.
  • Can I disable the Quick creating option of creating request?

    Yes, you can configure it under Admin -> Self Service Portal Settings.

  • How to populate technician names in the Request form to enable requesters to select the technicians.

    This is configurable under Setup >> General Settings >> Self Service Portal Settings.

  • Another department in my organization uses a different help desk solution, and I want all the tickets created in that application to be created in ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand. Is this possible?

    Yes, you can configure the other department as a site or group and manage their requests within the same instance. Additionally, with the help of Enterprise Service Management, you can create a separate instance for other departments. They can configure the application to their preference and import the data as a .CSV file.

    Click here for details on ESM

Request Handling

  • How to find the request details of My tasks.

    In the Requests List view, click Open Tasks. Under the Link column, the Request ID will be prominently displayed.

  • How to merge requests.

    You can merge requests in the Request List View page and the Request Details page.

    When you merge requests, you will be able to select parent requests. When merged, child requests will lose notes, resolution & worklog and only the description & conversations gets copied to the parent.

  • If a request is split from the parent request, will the child request contain all the notes, resolution, and worklog of the parent request?

    No. The child request will not contain all the notes, resolution, and worklog of the parent request.

  • How do I change the overdue time of a request?

    This is a Service Level Agreement configuration, which can be done under Setup >> Automation >> Service Level Agreement. You can also manually change the Dueby time for a request in the application.

  • How to track the time of technicians who are constantly on the move.

    The technician use the Add Work Log feature to note the exact amount of time spent in resolving an incident. How to customize request approval messages.

    Go to Setup >> Automation >> Notification Rules. On this page, you can customize any template and add your content.

  • How does the round robin auto-assign feature work?

    This one of the methods under the Tech Auto-Assign feature.

    In the Round Robin method, the application assigns requests equally to all technicians, and follows a circular order.

    Let's say, you have 3 techs (Tech 1, 2, and 3), and 10 requests are in queue. In the Round Robin method, Tech 1 will be assigned 4 requests while Techs 2 and 3 will have 3 requests each. Now if 2 more requests come in, Techs 2 and 3 will each be assigned 1 request. Requests will be assigned, regardless of whether the techs are still working on open requests. The Tech Auto-Assign feature also takes into consideration the Groups and Sites associated with the techs. Let's say tech 1 is associated to HR and Admin while tech 2 is associated only with Admin. If there are 7 requests created, of which 4 are under HR and 3 under Admin, tech 1 will be assigned all of the HR requests, whereas the Admin requests will be assigned equally and in the circular method. That is, tech 1 will be have 2 Admin requests and tech 2 will have 1 Admin request assigned.

  • How to notify technician groups,when a request is added or updated.

    Enable notifications in 2 locations.

    1. Go to Setup>>Users&Permissions>>Users>Technician Groups. Specify the technicians to be notified.
    2. Setup->Automation->Notification Rules and enable the options

Request Customization

  • I want all requests in my application to start from Request ID 19001 instead of the default request IDs assigned by ServiceDesk Plus OnDemand. How do I change the Request ID number?

    Please write to us at We will make the required changes in the backend.

  • How to create views/filters in ServiceDesk Plus On-Demand.

    Use the custom filter icon on the Request List view page to create filters. You can also make those filters private.

  • Can certain fields, such as Adding Work Log, be made mandatory before closing a request?

    Yes, configure mandatory fields under

  • Can I create a custom view that displays only tickets that require approvals?

    Please click on requests list view on the top left and click on Requests Pending Approval.

  • How to reset Request ID counter?

    Delete all requests, including trashed requests, from your list view and contact support; we'll reset the counter from the backend.

  • How to edit the reply template for requesters.

    In order to edit the requester reply template, please login to the application in IE browser and press F12, which will open up the console window where you can type


Request Configurations

  • How to automate priority assignment for requests.

    Go to Setup >> Customization >> Helpdesk >> Priority Matrix.

    Priority is automatically assigned based on the request's Impact and Urgency. The admin configures the matrix based on your organization's business needs.

  • How to configure default currency in work logs.

    Go to Setup >> GeneralSettings > Self Service Portal Settings and change the default currency.

Request Closure

  • What is Automated Closure?

    This involves configuring the application to send an automated closure message to the requester when a technician changes a request's status to Resolved. If there's no response to the message for more than 2 days, the request is closed.

  • How do I disable the 'Close Request' (yes/no) popup while closing a request in the latest version ?

    Disable the option under Setup -> Automation -> Closure Rules -> Request -> Confirm User Acknowledgment.

  • How can a requester re-open a resolved request if the resolution provided is unsatisfactory ?

    First enable the Email User when a Request is Resolved notification rule under Admin -> Notification Rule'. The closure email will contain a link to that the user can use to re-open the request if the resolution provided is not satisfactory. You can also configure the Self Service portal settings to enable requesters to re-open their requests.

Request Deletion

  • How can I find requests that are missing in the application?

    All requests older than 3 months are archived by default. So, the missing requests might be present in the archived folder. Note that archived requests cannot be reopened or moved back to the active state.

    If they aren't in the archived folder, look through the Trash Requests folder. Also check the System Log to see of the requests were deleted or merged.

    For more infor on data archiving, go to

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