Getting started with and accessing Identity360

How to set up your Identity360 account

You can set up your Identity360 account in two ways:

  1. Your administrator will directly onboard you to Identity360 using your user account in any of the following directories or applications:
    • Azure Active Directory
    • Salesforce
    • Google Workspace
    • Velpic
  2. If you are an external user and don't belong to your organization's primary directory, you will receive an invite via email to join Identity360.

How to log in to Identity360

Follow these steps to log in to the Identity360 portal:

  1. Open Identity360.
  2. Enter your email address and click Click to Login.
  3. On the next page, select your preferred authentication directory from the list displayed.
  4. You will now be redirected to the directory’s login page.
  5. Complete the authentication process.
  6. Once successfully authenticated, you'll be redirected to the Identity360 portal. Here, you might be prompted to perform MFA, based on your organizational policy.
  7. You may also be directed to enroll in MFA if enforced by your administrator. Learn more about enrollment here.

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