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Account Modification
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Reactive Active Directory User Account Modification

With ADManager Plus you can modify multiple attributes of user accounts, including General Attributes, Account Attributes, Organization Attributes, Exchange Attributes, Terminal Services Attributes, etc. in just one-step. Further, you can also auto-fill specific attributes, based on the other attributes that are being modified during the modification process. Trying to do the same with the native AD tools or PowerShell can get quite tricky and cumbersome.

Through this web-based Active Directory management tool's Reactive User Modification Templates with Modification Rules, the process of modifying user accounts, be it an individual user account or or bulk user modification, becomes amazingly quick and simple yet accurate and secure.

Active Directory User Modification Templates

ADManager Plus' User Modification Templates empower administrators to standardize the process of modifying user accounts, across their organizations. Through these templates, administrators can save and reuse the values of the attributes with standard or common values, instead of modifying them manually for each user account.

Also, as and when needed, administrators can even customize these templates to meet the specific demands of their organizations. In other words, user modification templates are molds that administrators can use for modifying their AD user accounts in a uniform, easy way.

User modification templates have two important components that provide administrators complete control over the user modification process viz.,

Modification Rules

User Modification Rules

Through 'modification rules', administrators can define their own conditions to:

  • Automatically update specific user attributes whenever a user account is modified.
  • Automatically modify certain user attributes based on the changes being made to other attributes.

To illustrate the advantages of modification rules, let us consider a scenario, as depicted in the image below, in which an employee is being transferred from an organization's sales team to the marketing team. As the 'Department' and 'Title' attributes of this employee are updated with new values corresponding to the 'marketing team', administrators can define a modification rule to:

Use Case 1:

  • Automatically update this employee's 'Manager' attribute as per the new values in the 'Department' and 'Title' attributes.
  • Auto-fill the 'proxy' or 'additional email addresses' attribute with that of a marketing team email address like '', since the user is the Assistant Manager of the marketing department.

Use Case 2:

User Modification Rules

For instance, if your company is based in Austin and has opened a new office in Michigan and your existing developer team needs to be split into two and one moves to the new office.

In this case, a new OU has to be created for developers in Michigan office, members from the Austin OU have to be removed, manager attribute needs to updated for all employees and so on. Manually updating the AD user accounts of 80-100 employees is a daunting task.

With ADManager Plus, we can create a new user modification with modification rules to reflect this, IF "department" is "Information and Technology" AND "office" IS NOT "Austin", THEN set "MemberOf" to "Michigan_IT"

The user accounts will be filtered and the selected attribute values will be modified as required.

Highlights of modification rules:

  • These rules will be executed in the background every single time a user account is being modified.
  • All the user attributes specified in these rules will be updated with the specified values automatically, when the conditions are satisfied.
  • These rules, set by the administrator, will not even be visible to the helpdesk technicians during the modification process.

The modification rules offer administrators not just the flexibility and accuracy for modifying user accounts but more importantly, they also help them in protecting the user accounts being modified, from any unwanted or potentially harmful changes.

'Drag-n-Drop' Customization of Modification Templates

User modification templates can be modified by administrators to serve the demands and requirements of their organizations. With the customization feature administrators can set up:

Role-based Access to Information and Resources:

In every organization, every department will have a specific set of roles like manager, assistant manager, etc., each of which will have a specific set of rights and permissions associated with them. For each role, administrators can create templates with the necessary privileges and permissions. When a user's role changes, all that an administrator has do it is just apply the appropriate template to this user account and the user will automatically be assigned the privileges corresponding to the new role which in turn will allow the user to access the resources and information appropriate for that role.

Technician-specific Modification Templates:

These drag-n-drop customizable templates provide administrators the ultimate freedom in specifying what user properties can be modified by which technician. This way, administrators can secure critical user attributes from unwanted changes and still stay in control of the delegated re-provisioning task even after assigning it to a non-administrative user.

Using these modification templates, administrators can:

Drag-n-Drop Customization of Templates
  • Display only a specific set of attributes, as per their requirement, during the modification process, by customizing the templates.
  • Make any user attribute visible, editable, read-only or even hide the attributes, if required, during the modification process.
  • As per requirement, place the necessary user attributes in the templates or remove them, by simply 'dragging-n-dropping' them into or out of the templates.
  • Save and reuse the standard or repetitive values that have to be applied for user attributes, instead of updating them manually, every time.

This Active Directory management software helps administrators in modifying user accounts, one at a time as well as bulk user modification, with equal ease and simplicity.

Modify AD accounts in bulk in just a few clicks with customizable, reactive templates.

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Active Directory Automation

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