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User Logon reports
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Active Directory User Logon Reports

User Logon Reports provide an Active Directory user account’s logon information i.e. the date and time when a user logged on to the Windows network in a hassle-free manner. This information is crucial for network administrators to track AD users' activity in the Active Directory environment and find out who all have not logged in for a specific period, list all remote user logons, monitor users' true last logon time including logon date, logon / login time to perform tasks like removing or cleaning up the inactive or disabled users, change the allowed logon times, etc. in bulk. The native tools of Microsoft Windows Active Directory, PowerShell, etc. do not provide the real last logon information from multiple domains, as any one of the domain controllers might have authenticated the user login and the replication of 'logon data' would not have happened between them.

ADManager Plus is a software that removes the complexity in reporting by allowing Active Directory administrators to monitor users' logon and logoff activity through its Active Directory User Logon Reports. The logon information extracted is a synchronized data and is obtained by contacting different domain controllers and servers simultaneously. User Logon reports contain details related to Users' login/logout details like Users not logged in during past 'n' days, last logged on domain controller, true last logon times, etc. ADManager Plus offers the following User Logon Reports that provide up-to-date login details of users in the network:

These Windows 2000/2003 last logon reports, the generation and exporting of which can also be automated, can enhance enterprise management by fetching accurate login information of users from the Active Directory set up of your organization. Since ADManager Plus is web-based, it enables you to perform remote Active Directory management and reporting. Make use of this software's free download of the 30-day trial to explore in detail about how these reports can help you manage the user accounts better.

Inactive User Reports

Inactive Users Report

Active Directory Users who have been inactive for a specified time frame need to be identified on a regular basis. The AD inactive user list is determined based on users' last logon time. All the configured domain controllers are scanned for the last logon time so as to ensure data accuracy. Learn how to Delete, disable, move and enable inactive users.

Recently Logged On Users Report

Recently Logged on Users Report (Login time of users )

The Recently Logged On Users Report provides details of all Active Directory users who logged on during the past 'n' days. AD users who logged in recently are determined based on their last logon / login time. All the configured domain controllers are scanned for the last logon time of users to ensure accuracy.

User Never Logged On Reports

Users Never Logged On Report

The Users Never Logged On Report provides the list of users who have not logged on to the domain even a single time. The user's last login time cannot be updated in the domain until the user logs in at least once. The Users Never Logged On Report works on this fact of the Active Directory.

Logon Hour Based Report

Logon Hour Based Report

Logon Hour Based Report gives complete information about the Active Directory User's permissible Login hours. The ADManager Plus application enables you to generate reports for logon permitted hours and denied hours for the selected days and specified time.

Real Hour Based Reports

Real Last Logon Time Report

The Real Last Logon Time Report lists the true last logged on time of users. In other words, it displays the actual date and time when the users last logged on to the network. The detail is extracted by querying all the configured Domain Controllers so as to ensure data accuracy.

Enabled Users Report

Enabled Users Report

Logon Enabled Users Report generates a list of all the Active Directory Users who are active i.e. details of all the AD Users who are logging on to the network regularly are displayed in this report. The Enabled Users Report is complimentary to the Inactive Users Report.

This tool also provides simplified Active Directory management through its 'management from report' capability that allows you perform user management tasks like enable, disable, unlock, delete user accounts right from the reports. ADManager Plus also serves as an effective automatic Active Directory management and reporting tool. And the highlight: you can achieve all these with just GUI based actions without even a single line of script.

Logon reports for AD users with options to restrict logon hours, disable users, and more, right from within the report.

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Featured reports

Other features

Active Directory Password Management

Reset password and set password propertied from a single web-based console, without compromising on the security of your AD! Delegate your password-reset powers to the helpdesk technicians too!

Active Directory User Reports

Exhaustive reporting on Active Directory Users and user-attributes. Generate reports in user-activity in your Active Directory. Perform user-management actions right from the report interface!

Office 365 Reports

Pre-defined O365 user-specific reports: all users & inactive users, license based reports: licensed / unlicensed users, license details, and group-based reports: distribution lists, security groups, etc.

Active Directory Workflow

A mini Active Directory ticket-management and compliance toolkit right within ADManager Plus! Define a rigid yet flexible constitution for every task in your AD. Tighten the reins of your AD Security.

Active Directory Cleanup

Get rid of the inactive, obsolete and unwanted objects in your Active Directory to make it more secure and efficient...assisted by ADManager Plus's AD Cleanup capabilities.

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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