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With POS devices and single-purpose devices finding an exponential level of usage in organizations, ensuring devices are locked to specific apps and/or settings becomes a cumbersome task for system administrators. With Kiosk for Chromebooks, this can be easily and efficiently solved as it lets you lock the devices to specific and/or settings as well as ensure the user cannot move away from the app or modify the settings.

Policy Description

Kiosk Mode Specify the mode based on whether the device is to be locked to a single app or multiple apps. In multi-app Kiosk mode, the device can still access Phone and Settings
Allowed App(s) Select the app(s) to be provisioned under Kiosk in the device. Usage of the device is singled down to access/using only the Kiosk app(s). Any app in the enrolled device and apps in the app repository can be specified. If the app is not available in the device, it is recommended to push the app first and then the Kiosk profile.
SETTINGS (Applicable only if Kiosk Mode is configured as 'Single App')
Bailout Allow/Restrict users from preventing auto-provisioning of Kiosk by using the key combination(Ctrl+Alt+S) within 3 seconds. Users can utilize the device normally and the profile will be applied after a restart.
Prompt Network Allow/Restrict users from selecting/configuring device network connectivity.
Health Monitor Allow/Restrict the device health monitory, which information such as battery health etc.
Log Upload Allow/Restrict uploading of device logs on the Google portal. This is usually done by the device user, on request from the Admin.
OS Update Allow/Restrict OS update on the devices, provisioned as Kiosk.
Notify, if device is offline Specify the means by which the Admin is to be notified, if the device is offline.
E-mail address(es) Specify the E-mail address(es), to which the notification mails are to be sent.
Contact Number(s) Specify the contact number(s), to which the notifications are to be sent.

Best Practices

  • It is recommended to associate only one Kiosk profile to the managed devices.
  • You can provsion only those app(s) which are already present in App Repository or Inventory alone, for Kiosk. If the App(s) is/are not present, first add the app(s) to the App Repository and distribute and install the app(s) in the devices. Click here to know more about adding and distributing apps
  • If Kiosk has been applied but the app(s) are/is not present in the device, you can distribute and install the app(s) on the device. On successful installation of the app(s), the Kiosk Profile automatically gets re-associated to the device. If you've configured multi-app Kiosk but some of the apps are not present in the device, then Kiosk will be configured for the apps present in the device.
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