A Firewall is an important perimeter defense tool that protects your network from attacks. Security tools like Firewalls, Vpn, and Proxy Servers generate a huge quantity of traffic logs, which can be mined to generate a wealth of security information reports.

ManageEngine ® Firewall Analyzer is a web-based, cross-platform, log analysis tool that helps network administrators and managed security service providers (MSSP) to understand how bandwidth is being used in their network. Firewall Analyzer analyzes logs from different firewalls and generates useful reports and graphs. Trend analysis, capacity planning, policy enforcement, and security compromises are some of the critical decisions that are made simpler using Firewall Analyzer.

Web Usage Reports with multiple level drill downs show you the top hosts, top protocols, and websites that have been accessed

Features and Benefits

Multiple Device Support - support for most leading enterprise firewalls, vpn, ids, and proxy servers.

MSSP support - user-based firewall views, anomaly detection filters for network behavioral analysis aid Managed Security Service Providers to manage multiple client networks.

Real-time Alerting - set threshold-based alerts and instant e-mail notifications when alerts are triggered.

Flexible Log Archiving - archive all log data, or modify archiving intervals depending on disk space.

Trending - view traffic trends and determine usage patterns and peak hours.

Instant Reports - generate over 100 pre-defined reports on bandwidth usage, protocol usage, and more.

Powerful Multi-level Drill-down - drill down from traffic reports to see top hosts, top protocols, top websites, and more.

Security Analysis - analyze denied requests, top denied URLs, and more.

VPN / Squid Proxy Reports - view VPN statistics, VPN usage details, squid usage, top talkers, website details, and more.

Custom Reports - define reporting criteria, set graph parameters, and save reports.

Scheduled Reporting - set up schedules for reports to be generated and emailed automatically.

Anytime, Anywhere Access & Management - webbased user interface lets you view event details in realtime from any system on the network.

Built-in Database - comes with an integrated PostgreSQL database that is already configured to store all log data. No external database configurations are needed.

Host OS Support - Can be installed and run on Windows and Linux systems making it suitable for deployment in a wide range of enterprises.

Product Brochure

Key Features

  • Enterprise-wide View of Network Activity
  • On-Demand and Real-time Reports
  • Scheduled Log Archiving
  • Advanced Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Support for most Leading Firewalls
  • Historical trending
  • Real-time, Threshold-based Alerting
  • Virus, Attack and Security Analysis

The Dashboard shows you all the information you need to see at one place

How can Firewall Analyzer help you?

  1. Analyze incoming and outgoing traffic/bandwidth patterns
  2. Identify top Web users, and top websites accessed
  3. Project trends in user activity and network activity
  4. Identify potential virus attacks and hack attempts
  5. Determine bandwidth utilization by host, protocol, and destination
  6. Alert on firewalls generating specific log events
  7. Analyze efficiency of firewall rules and modify them if needed
  8. Determine the complete security posture of the enterprise

Firewall Compatibility

  • Sophos
  • Aventail
  • BlueCoat
  • Check Point
  • Cimcor
  • Cisco PIX
  • CyberGuard
  • FreeBSD
  • Fortinet and Fortigate
  • GTA (GNAT)
  • Ingate
  • Identiforce
  • Lucent
  • Microsoft ISA
  • Netopia
  • NetASQ
  • NetScreen
  • Network-1
  • Recourse Technologies
  • St.Bernard
  • Snort
  • SonicWALL
  • Squid Proxy
  • SunScreen
  • WatchGuard
  • Zywall

* Visit our website for the latest compatibility list

Trend reports on traffic, protocol usage, and events help you identify usage patterns and peak hours

For more information
Website: www.fwanalyzer.com
Email : fwanalyzer-support@manageengine.com
Phone : +1 888 720 9500

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