Real-time Bandwidth Monitoring

Firewall Analyzer provides network administrators and MSSPs (Managed Security Service Providers) an unique way to monitor the internet traffic of the network in near real-time. Firewall traffic data is collected and analyzed to get granular details about the traffic across each firewall. There is no requirement for any probes or collection agents to get these details on the traffic.

Live Reports

The Live Reports on traffic through a firewall is displayed in the graph and table format. The Live Reports of a firewall are automatically updated to show details of incoming and outgoing traffic for each monitored firewall. The graph is available for the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, and 1 year. The graph can be drilled down to find the amount of data transacted. The table displays the minimum, maximum, and average speed during the period.

Cisco Live Traffic 

Fortigate Live Traffic 


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