Comprehensive Log Analysis and Reporting For Fortigate Firewalls

FortiGate firewalls, one of the prominent solutions in the networking hardware market, provide protection against a wide range of cyber threats. They encompass an array of features, including firewall, VPN, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, and web filtering capabilities.

A robust Fortigate firewall log reporting and analysis, such as Firewall Analyzer, helps unleash the full potential of your FortiGate firewalls. It can significantly aid in monitoring and reporting FortiGate firewall logs in real-time, swiftly identifying and mitigating potential threats, extracting actionable insights, detecting anomalies, and generating detailed Fortinet firewall reports.

Firewall Analyzer fetches logs from Fortigate Firewall, analyzes policies, monitors security events and provides extensive Fortigate log reports (it also supports other firewalls). Firewall Analyzer supports logs received from Fortinet devices like FortiOS, and FortiGate.

Firewall Analyzer (Fortigate log analyzer) has an inbuilt syslog server which can receive the Fortigate logs, either in WELF or in syslog format and provides in-depth Fortigate log analysis. You need to configure Fortigate firewalls to send the logs to the Firewall Analyzer syslog server in either of these formats only.

Firewall (Fortigate) syslogs reveal a lot of information on the nature of traffic coming in and going out of the firewall, allows you to plan your bandwidth requirement based on the bandwidth usage across the firewalls Analyzing these firewall traffic logs is vital to understanding network and bandwidth usage and plays an important role in business risk assessment. Firewall Analyzer acts as a Fortigate log viewer and offers many features that help in collecting, analyzing and reporting on firewall logs.

To know more on how to perform security & traffic analysis on your Fortigate logs
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Firewall Analyzer supports the following reports for Fortinet devices:

Fortigate supported versions

Company Firewall Version WELF Certified Other Log
Fortinet FortiOS - v2.5, 2.8, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 6.2 later Available Available
  Fortigate - 50,100, 200, 300, 400, 800 Available Available
  Fortigate 1000, 5000 series Available Available

If you are looking for more than just log management, Firewall Analyzer also provides comprehensive firewall rule and configuration management for Fortigate devices: Click here to know how.

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