Third Party Software

Java Libraries

Package Name Version License Type Category
activation.jar mail Sun Microsystems, Inc Binary Code License Agreement Free
adal4j-1.6.2.jar 1.6.2 MIT Open Source
adapter-rxjava-2.4.0.jar 2.4.0 Apache 2.0 NA
antisamy-1.6.4.jar 1.6.4 BSD & APACHE Open Source
asn-one-0.4.0.jar 0.4.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
azure-client-authentication-1.6.4.jar 1.6.4 MIT Open Source
azure-client-runtime-1.6.4.jar 1.6.4 MIT Open Source
bcpkix-jdk15on-1.70.jar 1.70 Bouncy Castle Licence Free
bcprov-jdk18on-1.73.jar 1.73 Bouncy Castle Licence NA
bcutil-jdk15on-1.70.jar 1.70 Bouncy Castle Licence NA
chronicle-queue-5.21ea5-all.jar 5.21 Apache & LGPL Open Source
client-runtime-1.6.4.jar 1.6.4 MIT NA
commons-beanutils-1.9.4.jar 1.9.4 Apache License version 2.0 Open Source
commons-chain-1.2.jar 1.2 Apache Version 2.0 Open Source
commons-codec-1.7.jar 1.7 Apache Version 2.0 Open Source
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 3.2.2 Apache License Version 2.0 Open Source
commons-collections4-4.4.jar 4.4 Apache License Version 2.0 Open Source
commons-compress-1.23.0.jar 1.23.0 Apache Open Source
commons-csv-1.9.0.jar 1.9.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
commons-digester.jar 1.8 Apache License version 2.0 Open Source
commons-fileupload-1.5.jar 1.5 Apache License Version 2.0 Open Source
commons-httpclient-3.0-rc1.jar 3.0 Apache License Version 2.0 Open Source
commons-imaging-1.0-alpha1.jar 1.0 Apache-2.0 and X11 Open Source
commons-io-2.11.0.jar 2.11.0 Apache License Version 2.0 Open Source
commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar 3.12.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
commons-logging-1.1.3.jar 1.1.3 Apache License version 2.0 Open Source
commons-logging-api.jar 1.1 Apache License version 2.0 Open Source
commons-logging.jar 1.1 Apache License version 2.0 Open Source
commons-math3-3.6.1.jar 3.6.1 Apache License version 2.0 Open Source
commons-text-1.10.0.jar 1.10.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
commons-transaction-1.2.jar 1.2 Apache Open Source
commons-validator-1.7.jar 1.7 Apache 2.0 Open Source
compiler-0.9.3.jar 0.9.3 Apache Version 2.0 NA
concurrent-trees-2.6.1.jar 2.6.1 Apache License 2.0 Open Source
cssparser-0.9.27.jar 0.9.27 Apache2.0 Open Source
cupv10k-runtime.jar 2.12.1 Apache 2.0 and W3C, EPL, MIT and BSD Open Source
dcerpc-0.10.0.jar 0.10.0 BSD 3-clause Open Source
delete-by-query-2.2.0.jar 2.2.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
dnsjava-2.0.6.jar 2.0.6 BSD License Open Source
duo-universal-sdk-1.1.3.jar 1.1.3 BSD Open Source
duoweb.jar duoweb BSD NA
elasticsearch-rest-client-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache Licensev 2 Open Source
esapi- BSD Open Source
Filters.jar 2.0.235 Apache License Open Source
flying-saucer-core-9.1.5.jar 9.1.5 LGPL NA
flying-saucer-pdf-9.1.5.jar 9.1.5 LGPL Open Source
groovy-all-2.4.16.jar 2.4.16 Apache License v 2 Open Source
gson-2.10.jar 2.10 Apache 2.0 Open Source
guava-20.0.jar 20.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
htmlparser.jar htmlparcer_2_0_snapshot LGPL Open Source
httpasyncclient-4.1.2.jar 4.1.2 Apache 2.0 Open Source
httpclient-4.5.2.jar 4.5.2 Apache 2.0 Open Source
httpcore-4.4.4.jar 4.4.4 Apache 2.0 Open Source
httpcore-nio-4.4.5.jar 4.4.5 Apache 2.0 Open Source
jackson-annotations-2.14.1.jar 2.14.1 Apache 2.0 Open Source
jackson-core-2.14.1.jar 2.14.1 Apache 2.0 Open Source
jackson-databind-2.14.1.jar 2.14.1 Apache 2.0 Open Source
jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.6.6.jar 2.6.6 Apache 2.0 Open Source
jackson-datatype-joda-2.9.4.jar 2.9.4 Apache 2.0 Open Source
jasperreports-6.6.0.jar 6.6.0 LGPL Open Source
javassist.jar 3.29.0-GA LGPL Open Source
javax.mail-1.6.1.jar 1.6.1 Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) v1.1 and GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 with Classpath Exception Open Source
jbcrypt-0.4.jar 0.4 MIT Style Open Source
jcaptcha-2.0-alpha-1-jdk5.jar 2.0 LGPL License Open Source
jcifs-1.3.17.jar 1.3.17 LGPL version 2.1 Open Source
jcommon.jar jfreechart LGPL version 2.1 Open Source
jedis-3.2.0.jar 3.2.0 MIT With Apache 2.0 Open Source
jfreechart.jar jfreechart LGPL version 2.1 Open Source
jjwt-0.9.0.jar 0.9.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
jna-4.0.0.jar 4.0.0 Apache Licensev 2 Open Source
jna-platform-3.4.0.jar 3.4.0 Apache License v 2 Open Source
joda-time-2.1.jar 2.1 Apache License 2.0 Open Source
json-simple-1.1.1.jar 1.1.1 Apache License 2.0 Open Source
json-smart-1.1.1.jar 1.1.1 Apache License 2.0 Open Source
json.jar 20231013.0.0 Public Domain NA
jsoup-1.15.3.jar 1.15.3 MIT Open Source
jstl-1.2.jar 1.2 Common Development and Distribution License v 1.1 Open Source
jta-1.1.jar 1.1 CDDL Open Source
jtds-1.3.1.jar 1.3.1 GNU LGPL v2.1 NA
jtidy-r938.jar jtidy_r938 MIT Style Open Source
kryo-4.0.1.jar 4.0.1 BSD with Apache 2.0 Open Source
lang-mustache-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache 2.0 NA
lucene-facet-6.6.1.jar 6.6.1 Apache Open Source
mail.jar 1.4.4 CDDL NA
mbassador-1.3.0.jar 1.3.0 MIT Open Source
metadefender-core-client-4.0.2.jar 4.0.2 MIT NA
MimeUtil.jar 2.1.3 Apache License v 2 Open Source
minlog-1.3.0.jar 1.3.0 2-Clause BSD License Open Source
mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar 8.4.1 MIT NA
nekohtml-1.9.22.jar 1.9.22 Apache Open Source
netty-3.10.6.Final.jar 3.10.6 Apache 2.0 NA
netty-buffer-4.1.13.Final.jar 4.1.13 Apache 2.0 Open Source
netty-codec-4.1.13.Final.jar 4.1.13 Apache 2.0 Open Source
netty-codec-http-4.1.13.Final.jar 4.1.13 Apache 2.0 Open Source
netty-common-4.1.13.Final.jar 4.1.13 Apache 2.0 Open Source
netty-handler-4.1.13.Final.jar 4.1.13 Apache 2.0 Open Source
netty-icap-1.0.1.GA.jar 1.0.1 Apache 2.0 Open Source
netty-resolver-4.1.13.Final.jar 4.1.13 Apache 2.0 Open Source
netty-transport-4.1.13.Final.jar 4.1.13 Apache 2.0 Open Source
nimbus-jose-jwt-7.9.jar 7.9 Apache Open Source
oauth2-oidc-sdk-5.64.4.jar 5.64.4 Apache 2.0 Open Source
objenesis-2.1.jar 2.1 Apache 2.0 Open Source
okhttp-3.3.1.jar 3.3.1 Apache 2.0 NA
okio-1.14.0.jar 1.14.0 Apache 2.0 NA
openpdf-1.3.30.jar 1.3.30 MPL, APACHE , BSD NA
org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor_1.2.0.jar 1.2.0 Apache 2.0 and W3C, EPL, MIT and BSD Open Source
parent-join-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache 2.0 NA
percolator-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache 2.0 NA
poi-5.2.3.jar 5.2.3 Apache Version 2.0 NA
poi-ooxml-5.2.3.jar 5.2.3 Apache Version 2.0 NA
poi-ooxml-lite-5.2.3.jar 5.2.3 Apache Version 2.0 NA
postgresql-42.5.1.jar 42.5.1 BSD-2-Clause Open Source
radclient3.jar 3.0 (purchased by AdventNet)AXL Purchase license for radclient3.jar NA
ransport-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache 2.0 with MIT Open Source
reindex-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache 2.0 NA
retrofit-2.4.0.jar 2.4.0 Apache NA
RoaringBitmap-0.9.25.jar 0.9.25 Apache 2.0 Open Source
rxjava-1.3.4.jar 1.3.4 Apache 2.0 NA
slf4j-api-1.7.31.jar 1.7.31 MIT With Apache 2.0 Open Source
slf4j-jdk14-1.7.31.jar 1.7.31 MIT With Apache 2.0 Open Source
smbj-0.7.0.jar 0.7.0 Apache 2.0 Open Source
smslib-3.5.2.jar 3.5.2 Apache License v 2 Open Source
SparseBitSet-1.2.jar 1.2 Apache 2.0 NA
spotbugs-annotations-3.1.12.jar 3.1.12 Apache 2.0 with EPL and BSD Open Source
struts-core-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Apache version 2.0 NA
struts-el-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Apache version 2.0 NA
struts-extras-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Apache version 2.0 NA
struts-taglib-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Apache version 2.0 NA
struts-tiles-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Apache version 2.0 NA
tika-core.jar 2.4.1 Apache version 2.0 NA
tools.jar Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX NA
transport-netty3-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache version 2.0 NA
transport-netty4-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4 Apache version 2.0 NA
trayicon.jar trayicon Non Standard License NA
ua-parser.jar 1.3.0 Apache 2.0 NA
unboundid-ldapsdk-6.0.2.jar 6.0.2 LGPL & APACHE Open Source
wrapper.jar 3.5.35 Purchased by ZohoCorp. NA
xercesImpl.jar xerces-2_5_0 Apache Software License Version 1.1 Open Source
xml-apis-ext.jar 1.4.01 Apache 2.0 Open Source
xml-apis.jar 1.3 Apache 2.0 NA
xmlbeans-5.1.1.jar 5.1.1 Apache 2.0 NA
xmlsec-2.2.3.jar 2.2.3 APACHE Open Source
xz-1.9.jar 1.9 Public Domain Free
zip4j-2.11.5.jar 2.11.5 Apache 2.0 Open Source
zxing.jar 1.4 Apache License 2 Open Source

JS Libraries

JS File Name Version License Type
jquery-ui.min.js 1.11.4 MIT License
mCustomScrollbar.js 3.1.5 MIT license
bootstrap.js 3.3.2 MIT license
jquery.navgoco.js 0.2.1 BSD LIcense
icheck.js 1.0.2 MIT License
bootstrap-select.js 1.6.4 MIT license
moment.min.js 2.9.0 MIT License
moment-with-locales.min.js 2.9.0 MIT License
jquery.mousewheel.min.js 3.1.12 MIT license
jstree.min.js 3.1.1 MIT License
bootstrap-hover-dropdown.js 2.1.3 MIT license
bootstrap-toggle.min.js 2.2.0 MIT License
jquery.fileupload.js 5.42.3 MIT License
jquery.iframe-transport.js 1.8.3 MIT License
highcharts.js 4.1.5 HighCharts License
jquery.bxslider.min.js 4.1.2 MIT license
jquery.min.js 1.11.3 MIT license
bootstrap-select.js 1.6.4 MIT License

Native Libraries

Native Package Version License Type
ExchangeOnlineManagement Apache 2.0
DocumentFormat.OpenXml Apache 2.0
HtmlAgilityPack Microsoft Public License
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory MIT
Microsoft.IdentityModel Microsoft Public License
Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Client.Tenant Microsoft SharePoint Client Components
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client Microsoft SharePoint Client Components
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime Microsoft SharePoint Client Components
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles Microsoft SharePoint Client Components
Newtonsoft.Json MIT
OfficeDevPnP.Core 3.5.1901.0 MIT
SharePointPnP.IdentityModel.Extensions MIT
System.Json MIT
System.Management.Automation.dll MIT
ntlmauth 1.3.1 LGPL 2.1
TrayIcon12 TrayIcon12 Non Standard License

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