Help Document

Manage Agents

  1. Adding an agent
  2. Updating an agent
  3. Uninstalling an agent
  4. Force restart an agent
  5. Associate devices to an agent
  6. Stop an agent

Adding an agent

To add a new agent, follow the steps given below.

  • Download Log360 Cloud agent in the new device.
  • Run the Log360CloudAgent.msi file. An installation wizard will be started.
  • updating-an-agent

  • Follow the steps given in the installation wizard to start the installation.
  • On starting the installation, you will be prompted for an Access Key.
  • updating-an-agent

    To obtain the access key, follow the steps given below.

  • Open Log360 Cloud and select the Settings tab.
  • Then navigate to Admin > Management > Manage Agents.
  • Click on Access Key on the top right corner of the page.
  • updating-an-agent

  • You can copy the access key now.
  • updating-an-agent

  • Enter the access key and click OK.
  • Now the installation will be completed.

    On completing installation, data synchronization will begin and Log360 Cloud Agent will start pushing logs to the cloud.

    You can add more agents by clicking on Install Agent on the top right corner of the page.


    Follow the steps displayed in the pop-up window that appears.


  • The access key will be available in Step 3 of the pop-up window that appears.
  • In case you regenerate the access key, please update the new access key in the agent by navigating to C:/Program Files/Log360Cloud_Agent/bin (32-bit) or C:/Program Files(x86)/Log360Cloud_Agent/bin (64-bit) and running UpdateAccessKey.exe as Administrator. In the installation wizard that opens, enter the new access key and click OK. Now the new access key will be updated in the agent.
  • Log sync data will be compressed up to 18 times and stored in the specified temporary location.
  • When the cloud storage limit is exceeded, log sync will be stopped. Log data collected after that point will be stored in the temporary location specified. Once space is made available, logs will be indexed from that location and moved to the cloud storage space.
  • The following outbound ports should be open in the firewall of the server where the Log360 Cloud Agent is installed.
  • HTTPS - 443 and HTTP - 80

  • For operating systems without a graphical interface, like Windows Server Core, you can perform a silent installation of the agent following these steps.

Updating an agent

To update an existing agent, follow the steps given below.

  • Open Log360 Cloud and select the Settings tab. Then navigate to
  • Then navigate to Admin > Management > Manage Agents.
  • updating-an-agent

  • Click the edit icon icon corresponding to the desired agent to be updated. The icon will appear when you hover over the name of the agent.
  • updating-an-agent

  • In the window that pops-up, make the necessary changes.
  • updating-an-agent

  • After making the desired changes, click Update.

Uninstalling an agent

To uninstall an existing agent, follow the steps given below.

  • Open Log360 Cloud and select the Settings tab. Then navigate to
  • Then navigate to Admin > Management > Manage Agents.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Tick the box corresponding to the desired agent and click the x Uninstall button.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Click Yes to confirm the action.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Now, the agent is uninstalled successfully.

Force restart an agent

To force restart an existing agent, follow the steps given below.

  • Open Log360 Cloud and select the Settings tab.
  • Then navigate to Admin > Management > Manage Agents.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Select the required agents by ticking the box corresponding to the agent name.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Click the Manage button and select Force Restart from the drop down list.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Click Yes to confirm the action.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

Now the selected agents will be force restarted.

Associate devices to an agent

To associate devices to an agent, follow the steps given below.

  • Open Log360 Cloud and select the Settings tab.
  • Then navigate to Admin > Management > Manage Agents.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Click on the Associated Device(s) column of the desired agent.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • Now a window pops-up displaying all the devices associated to the agent.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • To delete a device, click on the icon-delete icon that will be displayed when you hover over a device. Then, click Yes to confirm the action.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • To add a device, click on the + Associate Device(s) button on the top of the pop-up window. In the window that appears, select the desired devices by ticking the corresponding boxes. Then click Add.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

Stop an agent

To stop an agent from running, follow the steps given below.

  • Open Log360 Cloud and select the Settings tab.
  • Then navigate to Admin > Management > Manage Agents.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

  • To stop an agent, click on the Stop button that will be displayed when you hover over an agent's status column.
  • uninstalling-an-agent

Now, the agent has stopped successfully.