4 ways to measure IT's contribution to business and how to improve it using analytics

4 ways to measure IT's contribution to business and how to improve it using analytics

Each department must demonstrate its ROI to the business, particularly when requesting a higher budget or more personnel. IT is no exception. However, unlike other departments, IT cannot balance costs incurred against ROI. This is because IT delivers intrinsic benefits that aren't easy to quantify. Analytics is the key that can connect IT to business and help demonstrate IT's value in terms of dollars.

In this e-book, we'll tap into analytics to demonstrate the contribution of IT to the business.

In this e-book, you'll learn how to:

  • Visualize the ROI of each department within IT

    Measure the individual contribution of each IT sub-department such as IT operations, IT projects, IT service management, etc.

  • Make smart infrastructure investment decisions

    Leverage infrastructure to serve employees and customers better, and make IT processes smoother.

  • Optimize IT budget spending and increase your ROI

    Distribute IT budgets to areas where they're most needed and use technology to enhance user experiences.

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