Unused assets can be IT's biggest cost drains, silently depleting funds that can instead be used to further vital initiatives. Identify the most unused software and their associated license fees, then rework purchase plans to reduce wastage.
Click to viewIs your workforce expansion driving IT spending? This analysis uncovers if new joinees' asset procurement increases IT expenses significantly, or if expenditures are due to possible break-fixes.
Click to viewAre inefficient purchases draining your IT budget? Higher repair costs for older assets indicate natural wear and tear, however, similar expenses for newer assets point to underlying issues with the chosen vendor or manufacturer.
Click to viewThis analysis helps IT admins determine the cost-efficiency of asset purchases. While a decreasing trend in break-fix costs denotes good ROI, consistently increasing costs indicates the organization can try alternate vendors that are less expensive.
Click to viewAvoid application downtime, and the subsequent loss in productivity and revenue, by identifying asset categories that involve longer repair times. Simply increasing the frequency of preventive maintenance for these categories can overcome asset failure.
Click to viewTrack the time between asset failures to streamline maintenance strategies. Lower values point to the need for better preventive maintenance or asset procurement, while higher values indicate efficient maintenance practices.
Click to viewTimely asset disposals go a long way in optimizing IT expenses. Understand asset repair costs across different age tiers to determine if your organization would benefit from commissioning earlier replacements.
Click to viewWould your organization benefit from replacements or repairs? Track incident volume across older age tiers, and their corresponding costs from the previous analysis, to determine the most cost-effective way forward.
Click to viewAre your assets at the end of their useful life? Increasing repair costs can be a good indicator. Understanding repair costs by their impact also allows managers to prioritize asset replacements and ensure assets that impede daily operations are addressed on priority.
Click to viewAre older assets truly impacting your end users? Should you commission replacements sooner, or hold off? Discover data-backed answers by visualizing satisfaction scores across different asset age tiers.
Click to viewUnderstand and improve budget allocation accuracy to streamline IT project costs. Consistently underestimating expenses depletes the funds set aside for unforeseen, critical IT expenses, while continually overestimating costs indicates that project managers are requesting more funds than necessary.
Click to viewUnderstand the financial impact of project delays through this analysis. By assigning a dollar value to each day of delay, project managers can easily visualize the budget wastage accumulated due to project delays.
Click to viewVisualize the reduction in work hours when tailored solutions are utilized during incident resolutions, and promote a culture of knowledge sharing to reduce resolution times and costs.
Click to viewThis analysis sheds vital insights on a technician's efficiency in resolving issues with assets. IT managers can work towards reducing expenses, improving efficiency, and quantifying their efforts through reductions in repair times.
Click to viewHone in on your top performers visually. Monitor improvements over time and understand performance variations with this interactive visual analysis.
Click to viewRank your team across multiple facets of a service desk's incident resolution process. This proves handy in tracking the best performer in each incident resolution stage.
Click to viewRecognize technicians' varied expertise by identifying categories where they deliver shorter resolution times. Wield this insight to fine-tune the ticket assignment and resolution process in a mature service desk.
Click to viewDiscover the experts across every ticket category. Dig deeper to understand the nuances of a technician's service expertise levels across different sub categories.
Click to viewLooking for the jack of all trades? This visualization helps you identify the technicians who are well-versed in handling tickets across multiple categories.
Click to viewIdentify the silent powerhouses in your team. This analysis showcases technicians that demonstrate ownership by picking up reassigned tickets to ensure prompt resolutions and reduce crippling backlogs.
Click to viewDiscover the workhorses in your team with this powerful visualization. The technicians that resolve the highest number of assigned tickets assigned to them showcase their subject expertise and dedication.
Click to viewDetermine your team's dedication to continual improvement. This analysis tracks technicians who continually improve their quality of work across various parameters.
Click to viewIdentify the technicians who consistently go above and beyond to ensure an end user's satisfaction by delivering prompt and accurate resolutions.
Click to viewUncover the technicians who keep end users informed of the resolution progress through prompt responses, promoting transparency, and focusing on end-user satisfaction.
Click to viewDeliver speedy resolutions. Recognize the technicians who pick up and resolve tickets without resorting to frequent pauses and extensions.
Click to viewQuantify the quality of your technicians' work with this intuitive analysis that identifies the delivery of high quality resolutions by gauging the service desk's reopen rates.
Click to viewDiscover the technicians who consistently meet incident SLAs regardless of time constraints, showcasing their flair for managing workloads under pressure.
Click to viewRank technicians by their ability to resolve a high velocity of incidents across multiple incident categories, which is a crucial weapon for handling onslaughts of large ticket volumes.
Click to viewRecognize technicians who retain ownership of their assigned tickets and resolve them without resorting to reassignments or delays.
Click to viewIdentify technicians who consistently work long hours and monitor those who appear overworked. These insights prove vital in streamlining workload management.
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Note: To use report bundles, ensure Analytics Plus on-premise users are on build 5240 or above,
and ServiceDesk Plus on-premise users are on build 14000 or above.