File Integrity Monitoring is a feature that helps you monitor all changes (addition/deletion/modification) made to files and folders in Windows and Linux systems.
Important Note:
It is recommended that FIM be implemented for strictly necessary files and folders so as to avoid disk space issues that may rise due to the high volume of generated logs.
In Windows FIM module,
If a Windows file server is configured for FIM, both Windows Server and file server licenses are required.
If a Windows server is configured for FIM, only a Windows Server license is required.
If a Windows workstation is configured for FIM, only a Windows workstation license is required.
When you enable File Integrity Monitoring for Windows, certain access policies will be automatically enabled on the file server. If there are overriding GPOs for audit policy in your domain, follow the below procedure to manually enable them
In administrator command prompt enter the command, auditpol/get/category:"Object Access"
Then proceed to enable the following access policies
Audit file share
Audit file system
Audit handle manipulation
Audit detailed file share
Audit other object access events.
SACLs should be enabled for the monitored file/folders. These are automatically enabled by the product. If not, manually update SACLs with the following permissions (see how)
Execute files/ traverse folder
Write data/create files
Append data/create folders
Write attributes
Write extended attributes
Delete subfolders and files
Delete read permissions
Change permissions
Take ownership
The following packages should be installed on the agent machine
openssh-server [For UI related operations]
Ensure that,
SSH Port (default port 22) is reachable from the server.
ELA Server Port (default port 8400) is reachable from the agent machine.
To verify if a port is reachable, you can use the below commands:
Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Manage File Integrity Monitoring.
Depending on which device the files and folders that you wish to monitor are located in, click on either the Windows or Linux tab.
Click Add FIM.
Pick the device in which the files/folders are located, enter correct credentials, browse and select the files and folders you wish to monitor. Alternatively, you can enter the location of the files/folders.
Note: For Linux devices, in addition to entering the details mentioned above, you will also be prompted to enter the SSH port number.
The Exclude Filter gives you an option to exclude
Certain file types.
Certain sub-locations within the main location.
All sub-locations within the main location.
If you want to know who has made the change to the file or folder, check the Audit Username checkbox.
Note: For Linux devices, username is audited by default.
Click Configure.
Configuring Bulk File Integrity Monitoring
If the same files and folders located in multiple devices need to be added for monitoring, then the Bulk File Integrity Monitoring feature can be used.
Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Manage File Integrity Monitoring.
Depending on which device the files and folders that you wish to monitor are located in, click on either the Windows or Linux tab.
Click Add FIM. Select Configure multiple devices on the top right corner.
Pick the device in which the files/folders are located, enter correct credentials, and select the file template(s).
Note: For Linux devices, in addition to entering the details mentioned above, you will also be prompted to enter the SSH port number.
Click Configure.
If an agent is already installed in the device whose files you want to monitor, file monitoring will automatically be enabled in the agent.
If no agent is installed in the device for which you want to monitor the files, then an agent will be installed and file monitoring will be enabled in the agent.
Please note that the volume of logs generated for each change occurring on the folders can affect the performance of the file server. It is a recommended practice to limit file/folder monitoring to the required files/folders.
Manage File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) Templates
If the same file or folder needs to be monitored in a number of devices, then a template can be created and assigned to these devices. To create a FIM template follow the steps below:
Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Manage File Integrity Monitoring > FIM Templates.
Depending on which device the files and folders that you wish to monitor are located in, click on either the Windows or Linux tab.
Click Add FIM.
Enter a name for the template and select the locations of the files and folders.
Alternatively, you can enter the location of the files/folders.
The Exclude Filter gives you an option to exclude
Certain file types.
Certain sub-locations within the main location.
All sub-locations within the main location.
If you want to know who has made the change to the file or folder, check the Audit Username checkbox.
Click Configure.
All the created templates are listed in a tabular column with an option to edit / delete them.