  • Add Log Sources
  • Configuring Syslog Service
  • On Symantec DLP devices
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Configuring the Syslog Service on Symantec DLP devices

  1. Locate and open the config\Manager.properties file. The file path is as follows
  2. Windows - \SymantecDLP\Protect\config directory
  3. Linux - /opt/SymantecDLP/Protect/config directory
  4. Uncomment the systemevent.syslog.host= line and specify the EventLog Analyzer server IP address as follows:
  5. Uncomment the systemevent.syslog.port= line and specify 514 as the port to accept connections from the Symantec Enforce Server as follows:
  6. After making the above mentioned changes, save and close the properties file.

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