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Microsoft 365 SharePoint Configuration Errors

Error Message: AADSTS700016: Application with identifier 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx' was not found in the directory.

Microsoft 365 SharePoint Configuration Errors

Possible reason: This error occurs when the product is unable to create an application using Graph API or the created application details have not been synchronized in the native yet.


  • Refresh (Ctrl+R) the screen multiple times.
  • If the issue still persists, try configuring using Microsoft 365 Login.
  • If you still face the issue, configure manually using the steps mentioned here.

Error Message: Please login using a global admin account.

Possible reason: The account used to login is not a Global Administrator. Global Administrator role is needed to create the application and service account.


  • Assign global admin role to the account or use any other account that has global admin role assigned.

Error Message: This Microsoft 365 account has been blocked.

Possible Reasons:

  1. This account has been blocked by the administrator.

    If the issue continues to persist, contact your administrator to unblock the account and try to configure again.

Error Message: Account not found in Microsoft portal.

Possible reason: Incorrect environment has been chosen.


  • Click on Choose the appropriate Azure Environment link in the configuration page.
  • Choose the appropriate environment from the dropdown.
  • Click Save.

Microsoft 365 SharePoint Configuration Errors

Error Message: Untrusted certificate provider.

Possible reason: This error occurs when the certificate used to authenticate a firewall or a proxy is not trusted by the product's JRE.


  • Navigate to <product_installation_directory>/jre/bin.
  • Open command prompt as an administrator.
  • Run the following command:

    keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias "certAlias" -file "certPath" -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

    • certAlias - A name of your choice.
    • certPath - Path of the certificate.
  • You will be prompted for a password. The default password is changeit. Provide the password and click Enter.
  • Restart the product.

Error Message:

  1. Service account is not configured.
  2. Error in creating service account.

Possible reason: This error occurs when the product is unable to create a service account in Azure portal using Graph API.


  • This maybe due to redundant data in the native. Try again in a while.
  • If the issue still persists, configure manually using the steps mentioned here.

Error Message:

  1. Azure AD application not configured.
  2. Error in creating application.

Possible reason: This error occurs when the product is unable to create an Azure application in the Azure portal using Graph API.


  • This maybe due to redundant data in the native, retry after a couple of minutes.
  • If the issue still persists, configure manually using the steps mentioned here.

Error Message: Error in creating self-signed certificate.

Possible reason: This error occurs when the product is unable to create a self-signed certificate that needs to be imported in the created Azure application using Graph API


  • Restart Sharepoint Manager Plus as service and retry configuration.
  • If the issue still persists, configure manually using the steps mentioned here.