Schedule ReportSlice-and-dice reporting is an ideal way to track spending effectively. Reports customized to your needs will be delivered to your inbox as often as you choose. Use reports to analyze the cost per user, team, project, and resource type based on consumption. The Schedule Report section provides a summary of all the reports that have been scheduled until now or those that can be scheduled. You can schedule reports for the following entities in CloudSpend: DashboardAccounts, Business Units, and Reports are the three different dashboards for which you can schedule a report. To schedule a Dashboard report:
Spend AnalysisThe reporting from the Spend Analysis tab can be scheduled to deliver on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis for Accounts, Business Units, and Reports. To schedule a Spend Analysis report:
Resource ExplorerA unique aspect of scheduling reports from the Resource Explorer section is that you get to choose the grouping criteria based on which the reports will be generated. The various grouping criteria are Region, Service, and Accounts. Reports can be delivered on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. To schedule a Resource Explorer report:
ChecksBudget ChecksTo schedule a Budget Checks report:
Anomaly ChecksTo schedule an Anomaly Checks report:
Report ViewTo schedule a Report View report:
Summary ViewTo schedule a Summary View report:
Zia AnomalyTo schedule a Zia Anomaly report:
InventoryTo schedule an Inventory report:
Savings ReportTo schedule a Savings Report:
Custom ReportTo schedule a Custom Report:
Recommendations ReportTo schedule a Recommendations Report:
Creating a Report ProfileYou can create a Report Profile while scheduling a report. To create a Report Profile:
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