User ManagementYou can provide users with various access permissions based on the roles that they perform with the CloudSpend account. Following are the CloudSpend user roles that can be assigned to a particular user:
Interpreting the User Management dashboardTo view the User Management dashboard,
You can view the list of available users and user groups from this dashboard. The User Management section displays the following details:
If you are assigned the User role, you will have read-only access to the User Management dashboard. To add a new User or User Group, click Add User or Add User Group in the respective sections. You can also filter the users based on the assigned user role, using the filter field next to the Add User button. ![]()
UsersTo add a new user:
After an email verification, the user will become a part of the confirmed users. Note that an user email address can't assume multiple roles within Site24x7. To edit user details:
To delete a user:
User GroupsTo add a new user group:
You can use these Cloudspend user groups in the Add Budget Notification Settings page during budget configuration for your cost account. To edit user group details:
To delete a user group:
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