Traffic Reports - Firewall Reports

The Traffic Reports section includes reports that show bandwidth usage based on the amount of traffic sent and received through the device.

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The Top Hosts - Sent and Top Hosts - Received graphs show the top hosts sending and receiving data across the device respectively. The Top Hosts - Sent + Received graph shows the top hosts grouped by summing the number of bytes sent and received by each host. The table below each graph shows the host name or IP address, number of hits, and the number of bytes sent or received as applicable.

Drill down from each of the above graphs to see the following graphs:

Graph Description
Top Protocol Groups The top protocol groups used by these hosts. Number of hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top Destinations The top destination hosts or IP addresses accessed by these hosts. The protocol used, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top URLs Allowed The traffic report for allowed URLs. URL, hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top URLs Blocked The blocked URLs. The URLs and hits.
Rules Triggered Firewall rules that were triggered by these hosts and the hits.

The Top Protocol Groups - Sent and Top Protocol Groups - Received graphs show the top protocol groups sending and receiving data across the device respectively. The Top Protocol Groups - Sent + Received graph shows the top protocol groups grouped by summing the number of bytes sent and received by each protocol group. The table below each graph shows the protocol group name, number of hits, and the number of bytes sent or received as applicable.

Drill down from each of the above graphs to see the following graphs:

Graph Description
Top Protocols The top protocols in this protocol group. Number of hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top Hosts The top hosts generating traffic using protocols in this protocol group. The hosts, hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top Users The top users generating traffic using protocols in this protocol group. The user, hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top Destinations The top destinations accessed by protocols in this protocol group. The destination, hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top Conversations The overall top conversations through this protocol group. The hosts, destination, protocol, hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Traffic Distribution -
Working Hours 
The amount of traffic that was generated by the host during working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.
Traffic Distribution -
Non-working Hours
The amount of traffic that was generated by the host after working hours, which is the daily average value since the time the server was started.

The Top Users - Sent and Top Users - Received graphs show the top users sending and receiving data across the device respectively. The Top Users (Sent + Received) graph shows the top users grouped by summing the number of bytes sent and received by each. The table below each graph shows the user name, number of hits, and the number of bytes sent or received or both as applicable.

Drill down from each of the above graphs to see the following graphs: 

Graph Description
Top Protocol Groups The top Protocol Groups through which higher volume of data transferred. Number of hits, and bytes sent/received/total (MB).
Top Destinations The top destinations accessed by user to transfer data. The destination, protocol, hits, bytes sent/received/total (MB), and percentage bytes sent/received/total.
Top Hosts The top hosts used by user, that transferred higher volume of data. Number of hits, and bytes sent/received/total (MB).
Rules Triggered The Rules (policy violation, etc ) that were triggered by the user whle transferring data and the number of times (hits).

The Events Generated pie-chart shows the number of events generated, grouped by event severity. The table below the graph shows the event severity, number of events generated with that event severity, percentage of event count and the number of bytes (MB) of traffic generated.

Drill down from the pie-chart to see the following details:

Graph Description
Hosts The top hosts that generated events of this severity
#Events Number of events generated from the hosts


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