Backup steps for Network Configuration Manager
- Open command prompt with administrative privileges and go to < Network Configuration Manager Home>/bin/backup directory.
- Execute BackupDB.bat (use for Linux) from the command prompt as shown:< Network Configuration Manager Home>/bin/backup>BackupDB.bat
- Enter the password as per the given instructions (backup passwords will not be stored anywhere, so users must ensure they remember the passwords).
- Provide the password hint (optional).
- The backup process will begin.
- The backup file created will be stored in < Network Configuration Manager Home>\backup directory.
- To store in a different destination use the command given here: BackupDB.bat -destination "" (Eg : BackupDB.bat -destination "C:\Backup").
- Please ensure to store the backup file in a different directory and not in Network Configuration Manager's home or sub directories. However, you can use /backup directory to store the backup file.
Note: This utility does a backup of the complete database.
Restoration steps for Network Configuration Manager:
Please note that starting from version 12.8.510, the supported backup file extension has been changed from .zip to .7z.
- Open command prompt with administrative privileges and go to < Network Configuration Manager Home>/bin/backup directory.
- Execute RestoreDB.bat (use for Linux) with the backup file name as argument from the command prompt as shown: < Network Configuration Manager Home>/bin/backup>RestoreDB.bat "" (Eg: RestoreDB.bat "C:\backup\Backup_Pgsql_Mar8_125128_123313.7z" ).
- Enter the password for the backup 7z file.
- The restoration process will begin.
Steps to restore data for MSSQL database,
- In Windows: Find the files bcp.exe and bcp.rll in MSSQL server and ensure to copy it to NetworkConfigurationManagerHome\bin folder. If the MSSQL server is installed on a 64-bit OS, and Network Configuration Manager is installed on 32-bit server, the bcp.exe and bcp.rll copied from the MSSQL server will not work on the Network Configuration Manager machine. You'll need a 32-bit bcp.exe and bcp.rll
- In Linux: Copy the 'bcp' and 'bcp.rll' files from the subfolders of /opt/mssql-tools/ directory. If the files are missing in the mssql-tools folder, or the folder itself is missing, please refer this link for more details.
2. The backup files taken during the upgrade process cannot be restored.