ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager - PAM360 Integration





The information on the entire network configuration management process in your enterprise is presented in the form of comprehensive reports vin Network Configuration Manager. The status and summaries of the different activities such as device configuration details, changes in configuration, network inventory, conflict between startup and running configuration, device audit details, policy compliance details etc are provided in the form of tables and graphs, which assist the network administrators to make a well-informed decisions on device configuration.

Types of Reports

Network Reports

All details pertaining to the device properties, hardware properties, firmware details, audit details pertaining to the devices etc have been presented under Network Reports.

To access the Network Reports, just go to the "Reports" tab.

Report Name  

What does it Convey

Additional Information

Hardware Inventory Report

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the hardware specifications for the devices within your network, including component specifics and their current status.

This report encompasses various particulars, encompassing IP addresses, device types, series and models, operating system versions, serial numbers, End of Life (EOL) and End of Support (EOS) information, as well as chassis specifications like CPU, DRAM size, flash size, and more. Also, you have the option to export this report in PDF, Excel, and CSV formats, as well as to send it via email if necessary.

Firmware Inventory Report

The OS details of devices such as OS type, version (of each device of all available device groups) are presented in this report. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Firmware Inventory Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Device Inventory Report

Details such as the model number, series, type etc of each device of all available device groups are presented in this report. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Device Inventory Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Network Health Status Report

Details such as the status of configuration backup, information if the startup and running configurations differ, information on policy compliance etc of each device of all available device groups are presented in this report. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Network Health Status Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Device Management Status Report


Status of basic device management details - if credentials have been supplied, the protocol used (for communication between the device and Network Configuration Manager), the status of real-time change detection etc of each device of all available device groups are presented in this report. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Device Management Status Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Device Audit Report

Details on who invoked, what operation and when on each device of all available device groups are presented in this report. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Device Audit Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Network Backup Status Report

The results of the configuration backup done on devices (of each device group) are presented in this report. Number of devices that are backed up, number of devices whose backup failed, and number of devices that are not backed up are presented in this report. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Network Backup Status Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Firmware Upgrade History Report

This report presents information regarding the history of firmware upgrades for devices, including the timestamp of each upgrade. Click "Firmware Upgrade History Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

This report includes the hostname, IP address, series, model, OS type, and the most recent OS version of each device. Additionally, you can delve deeper to view the firmware upgrade history for any specific device. Also, This report can be exported as PDF, CSV, Excel, and mail.

Device Credential Profiles Report

This report provides details of the credential profiles created in Network Configuration Manager. Click "Device Credential Profiles Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

The report includes devices' hostname, IP address, profile name, protocol type, series, model, OS type, and OS version. Also, This report can be exported as PDF, CSV, Excel, and mail.

CLI Device Credentials Report

This report provided details of CLI devices' credentials. Click "CLI Device Credentials Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

The report includes devices' hostname, IP address, protocol, login name, authentication mode, enable prompt, enable username, enable password type, and enable prompt. Also, This report can be exported as PDF, CSV, Excel, and mail.


Configuration Reports

Report Name  

What does it Convey

Additional Information

Startup-Running Conflict Report

Devices (of each device group) whose startup and running configurations differ  are presented in this report. In addition, there is provision to view the difference between the startup and running configurations. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Startup-Running Conflict Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Configuration Changes Report

Devices (of each device group) that have undergone changes in configuration are presented in this report. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Configuration Changes  Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Configuration Change Trend Report

Details on the number of configuration changes done on the configuration of devices (of all device groups) during a particular time period are captured along with the mode of configuration change - whether the changes were done through Network Configuration Manager or directly from outside the application are captured. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Configuration Change Trend Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Configuration Change Annotation

This report furnishes information regarding devices that have experienced configuration alterations, sorted by their corresponding annotations.

This report includes the date and time when changes were recorded, the host name, version, the individual responsible for the change, configuration type, type of alteration, and the associated annotation for each device. Also, you have the option to export this report in both PDF and CSV formats, as well as to send it via email if necessary.

Configuration Analysis Report

This report offers comprehensive information regarding device configuration settings, encompassing both startup and running configurations.

This report encompasses the host name, device type, model, the most recent backup timestamp, and a report containing detailed information about the device's configuration settings.

Security Audit Report

This report presents findings from a security audit, along with an assessment of their impact and recommendations for remediation.

This report compiles the host name, device type, model, the most recent backup timestamp, and a report containing the security audit data for the device.


Vulnerability & User Reports

Report Name  

What does it Convey

Additional Information

CVE ID Report

The results of the vulnerability scanning report are presented in this report. The report also contains the number of vulnerabilities present in the network and severity wise grouped data.

In-depth information of each CVE including base score, summary, and reference URL along with published and updated time will be present.

Exposed Devices Report

The results of the vulnerability scanning report are presented in this report. The report also contains information about a number of vulnerabilities present in the network and severity wise grouped data. Report is based on the exposed devices in Network Configuration Manager

Vulnerabilities of each devices will be shown. Also, by expanding, you get the devices' complete information with CVE ID. The top most vulnerability level of the device is taken as its severity level. For example, if critical is the latest severity of the device, then that will be taken as that device's severity.

Firmware versions with vulnerabilities

The results of the vulnerability scanning report are presented in this report. The report also contains information about a number of vulnerabilities present in the network and severity wise grouped data. Report is grouped by firmware versions of vulnerable devices available in Network Configuration Manager network.

Vulnerabilities of each devices will be shown. Also, by expanding, you get the devices' complete information with CVE ID. The top most vulnerability level of the firmware version is taken as its severity level. For example, if moderate is the latest severity of the firwmware version, that that will be taken as that firmware version's severity.

Vulnerability Fix Trend Report

This report provides a trend graph on total vulnerabilities in a day and how many are fixed in that day. It also lists a tabular column which contains the date, the CVE ID, total number of devices with vulnerability, and number of devices vulnerability has been fixed. This report can be exported as PDF, CSV, Excel, or as email.

This report provides the graph of total vulnerabilities and how many vulnerabilities have been fixed. It lists how many number of devices were fixed and on which date it has been fixed.

Device Vulnerability History Report

This report lists the history of the devices that had a vulnerability of any kind. The tabular column consists of host name, series, model, OS type, latest OS version, and the count of live vulnerabilities present in a device. This report can be exported as PDF, CSV, Excel, or as email.

This report lists the devices' host name, series, model, OS type, latest OS version, and how many live vulnerabilities are present.

User Access Report

Device access authorization details for all users are presented in this report. The list of devices assigned for each user are shown by this report. Click "User Access Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.



Configuration Upload Request Report

The status of configuration upload requests made by the operators and information as to whether the requests are pending or were approved or rejected, are presented in this report. Click "Configuration Upload Request Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.


User Audit

This report offers information about the operations executed by different users within the application.

This report compiles the user name, details of the operations performed, the date and time of execution, and the IP address from where it was executed. Additionally, you have the option to export this report in both PDF and CSV formats, as well as to send it via email if necessary.


Other Reports

Report Name  

What does it Convey

Additional Information

EOL/EOS Report

This report furnishes information regarding the end-of-life and end-of-sale status of the devices within your network.

This report presents the host name, device type, series, model, End of Sale date, and End of Support (EOS) date for each device. Furthermore, you have the choice to request an update for the End of Life (EOL) and End of Support (EOS) database. Additionally, you can export this report in both PDF and CSV formats, or send it via email if needed.

Compliance Report

The result of the compliance policy check done on devices (of each device group) are presented in this compliance report. Number of devices that are compliant, number of devices whose configuration is in violation of the policy, number of compliance policies, rules, the time at which the last compliance check was done etc., are presented in this report.. The report is displayed on 'device group' basis. Click "Compliance Report" in the "Reports" tab to generate the report.

In the report display page, you can view the report for the each group by selecting the respective group name in the 'Device Group' drop-down on the top of the page.

Configuration Review Report

The status of Configuration Review made by the specified administartor/ operator as to whether the reviews are pending or completed, are presented in this report. --

Custom Report

This report provides the capability to create customized Hardware Inventory Report or Compliance Report from the ground up. This includes the option to handpick specific devices or device groups and select the necessary columns or compliance option for the report. This report displays the created report's Report Name, Report Description, and Report Type. You have the option to add or delete reports by selecting the corresponding button located in the top-right corner.

Advanced Report

Users can create advanced reports pertaining to specific devices and tasks such as Fortigate Firewall Inventory Report containing the inventory data of all Fortogate firewall devices in your network. Users can also choose to create advanced reports from scratch. They can choose the required coloumns and then select either individual devices, device groups, or dynamic criteria where they can create multiple critieria separated by and /or.




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