Client/Server settings
With Network Configuration Manager, you can make alterations in the basic settings like backup, discovery, syslog, report etc. By using Client/Server settings to make changes, you can do it all at once from a single platform. Let us look at the commands you can edit under the Client/Server settings tab.
Basic Settings
- Maximum diff limit - Here you can specify the limit for the number of changes that can appear in the GUI while comparing two configurations using the Diff View. If number of line changes between two different configurations exceeds the maximum diff limit, you cannot view the changes in GUI.
- Once the maximum diff limit is specified, you can check the "Enable auto SSH/Telnet" box to enable auto SSH and Telnet in the device summary page.
- You can also check the "Disable Resolve DNS" box. When this is checked updation of host name for that particular IP address via DNS will be disabled.
- Network Configuration Manager allows you to specify the number of retries that can be allowed during a schedule failure. You can choose an optimal number from the drop down.
- Under "Scheduled backup timeout", you can provide the timeout value for the scheduled backup between 5-240 in minutes.
- In the next tab, you can provide a value between 0-150 seconds to specify the delay in backup operation after detecting changes through syslog and for changes done from Network Configuration Manager.
- Show configlets to all users: When this option is checked, all Configlets will be shown to all users.
- Restrict Execute Configlets for operators: When this is checked, operator users will be barred from using "Execute Configlet" option.
- Auto approval for Execute Configlets: When checked, all the operator users can automatically execute configlets
- Enable auto loop detection in Advanced Script Execution mode configlet: When this is checked, auto loop detection will be enabled in the "Advanced Script Execution" mode Configlets. However, you will not be allowed to execute the same loop more than 3 times.
Compliance and Changes
- Mark as violation if no blocks are found in the Advanced Custom Criteria rule: While specifying Advanced Custom Criteria rule, if blocks are specified but none are found in the configuration, then it will be considered a violation.
- Configuration changes authorized users list (comma separated): Here you can provide a list of users and if these users make changes in the configuration, it will be considered as an authorized change.
- Automatically execute remediation configlets during compliance check: When this option is given, remediation configlets, if associated with a particular compliance rule will be automatically executed in case of rule violation during compliance check.
- NCM Operation failure alarm severity: You can specify the severity of alarm such as "Critical", "Trouble" etc, for the alarms which are triggered in case an operation fails in Network Configuration Manager.
- NCM Configuration Change alarm severity: You can specify the severity of alarm such as "Critical", "Trouble" etc, for the alarms which are triggered in case a configuration change happens in Network Configuration Manager.
- Configuration change alarm user exclusion list (comma separated): You can provide the list of users you wish to exclude and alarms will not be raised when these users make a change.
- Max. Scheduled Backup Report size (in MB): This value limits the size of the scheduled backup report. If the size of this report, exceeds this limit, a link will be sent in the mail and the report can be viewed by clicking the link given in the mail.
- Enable DNS name for server URL in Schedule Reports mail: You can check this option, if you want to enable DNS name for server URL in Schedule Reports mail.
- Enable rebranded image in reports: You can check this option if you want to enable rebranded image in reports.
- Nipper installation folder path: Here you can specify the Nipper installation folder path
- Save Report after sending mail: If enabled, after sending mail, the report will be saved under OpManagerHome/schedule_results/report folder.
- Enable syslog host blocking: If enabled, the system will temporarily block the particular hosts that are flooding the server with syslog messages.
- Add devices after discovery without user intervention: If this option is disabled, users will have to select the discovered devices manually to add them to Inventory.
Firmware Vulnerability
- Select Firmware Vulnerability States to be hidden on the GUI: Here you can select states of Firmware Vulnerabilities to be hidden from the Inventory, Reports and Snapshot page. Firmware Vulnerabilities of selected states will still appear on the Dashboard.