ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager - Programmble Configlers


Set up Gmail as mail server in Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager allows you to configure Gmail as the SMTP server to send alert notifications, schedule reports, and more.

Important Note: Prior to mail server configuration, go through this mandatory check list to avoid connection issues.

To set it up as your mail server, follow the simple steps below.

Step 1: Go to Settings tab.
Step 2: Under General Settings, click on Mail server settings.
Step 3: It is recommended to use Gmail SMTP server settings and not use IMAP or POP configurations.
Step 4: Enter as the Server Name and the Port number as 465 [SSL] or 587 [TLS]. Enter Timeout in the range of 60-300 (sec).
Step 5: In the From Email ID field, enter the Gmail address from which the mail should be sent.
Step 6: In the To Email ID field, enter the receiver's email address. If you want to enter multiple email addresses, separate them using comma.
Step 7: In Authentication Details, provide the Gmail credentials of the email that was entered in the From Email ID field. 

  • User Name: Enter your Gmail user name.
  • Password: Enter Gmail's App-Specific Password

Step 8: Select SSL/TLS in Secure Connection Details.
Step 9: Send Test Mail to check the configuration.
Step 10: Click Save.

Note: If 2-step authentication has been enabled in your Gmail account, you will require an app-specific password to receive email alerts from Network Configuration Manager.

App-Specifc Password:

An App-Specific Password provides a 16-digit passcode, which allows a device or an application to access your Google Account. To obtain the 16 digit code, follow the steps mentioned below.

  1. Sign-in to your Gmail account from your web browser.
  2. TURN OFF Less secure apps access from this link.
    • TURN ON 2-Step Verification by clicking on this link.
    • Create an App-Password:
      • Go to your Google account
      • Select Security. Under "Signing in to Google" select App Passwords.
      • At the bottom, choose Select app -> Other (Custom name) and enter any name of your choice.
      • Click the Generate button. 
      • A 16 digit app password unique to your device is generated. (This code can be regenerated)

      Configure Gmail

      Configure Gmail

    • Copy this 16 digit code and paste it in the Password field of Network Configuration Manager Mail Server Settings.


Allow less secure apps

If you are unable to perform the two-step verification, follow this alternate option.

    • After signing into your Gmail, go to this link and make sure Less Secure Apps is TURNED ON.
    • You can now enter your Gmail password in Network Configuration Manager Mail Server Settings instead of the 16 digit code. Click Save.



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