ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager - Programmble Configlers


Set up Office 365 as mail server in Network Configuration Manager

Network Configuration Manager allows you to configure Office 365 as the SMTP server to send alert notifications, scheduled reports and more.

Important Note: Prior to mail server configuration, go through this mandatory check list to avoid connection issues.

To set it up as your mail server, follow the simple steps below.

Step 1: Go to Settings tab.
Step 2: Under General Settings, click on Mail server settings.
Step 3: It is recommended to use the Office 365 SMTP server settings and not use IMAP or POP configurations
Step 4: Enter as the Server Name and the Port number as 587. Enter Timeout in the range of 1-300 (sec).
Step 5: In the From Email ID field, enter the Office 365 address from which the mail should be sent.
Step 6: In the To Email ID field, enter the receiver's email address. If you want to enter multiple email addresses, separate them using comma.
Step 7: In Authentication Details, provide the Office 365 credentials, i.e. the User Name and Password for the Office 365 account, mentioned in the From Email ID field.
Step 8: Select TLS in Secure Connection Details.
Step 9: Send Test Mail to check the configuration.
Step 10: Click Save.

Note: The Office 365 account you are configuring must have a mailbox.  

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